Moon Face
We are in another week and it is Wednesday already. This is a photo of water drops and their million little ones. I found it so interesting and fascinating to see. In sepia tone, it looks like the moon with its tiny holes.
Text and Photo @IcyBC All Rights Reserved!
That is amazing, it actually looks like liquid silver with this effect . What surface were the water droplets on when you photographed them?
#thealliance #witness
It was on a glass cover pot! I should say they are the steam-condensation rather than bubbles. Thank you for visiting!
Fun photo and interesting effect. Looks like air bubbles in some soft surface like maybe gelatin blocks
Thanks @steven-patrick!
Very cool effect, Icy! The sepia tones really do interesting things to the image. I can imagine so many different things, but, once you said the moon, that is all I can see now.
Very cool and I hope you have a wonderful week!
Lol..I couldn't think of a better title since that was what I saw too :-) Moon. Thank you Denise and you too have a wonderful week!