Arizona Trips - Havasupai
I headed out to northern Arizona with the LosAngelesswimmin' crew for the most incredible cliff jumping trip ever! We met up with the CliffLife crew from the east coast, the LocalIdiots crew from Oregon, we had the NorCal guys and guys from Colorado, Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona and more. Over 150 Cliff jumpers from all over the country showed up to the beautiful blue waterfalls of Havasupai in the Grand Canyon. The energy levels were off the charts. Insane cliff jumping, hiking, cave exploring, crazy parties into the night, and so many new friends!! It was truly an amazing experience that I will never forget! Be sure to watch my video to see a little bit of all of the crazy cliff jumping that went on. Some of these guys were truly spectacular! LosAngelesswimmin' and CliffLife also put out much better quality videos of the cliff jumping on Youtube that I highly recommend looking up.
Hiking down into the Grand Canyon
Hiking through the canyon
Getting deeper into the canyon
The Supai indian village
Cooling off at Navajo Falls
Havasupai falls
Havasupai campground
Mooney falls
Hiking through fields of wild grape vines
Beaver falls
Cliff jumping at Beaver falls
Hidden falls
In the mist of Supai falls
Havasupai campground
Mooney falls
Lower Havasupai canyon
Lower Havasupai canyon
Where Havasupai canyon meets the Colorado river
Where Havasupai canyon meets the Colorado river
Lower Havasupai canyon
Lower Havasupai canyon
Back at Havasupai falls
Youtube video -
Amazing photos, Derek. You truly capture the beauty and majesty of Havasupai.
Love the pictures! The Havasupai and Beaver falls are my fave though! They look like lots of fun and the water is just so pretty!
Thanks! The whole place is incredibly beautiful, but Beaver falls is probably my favorite. The big waterfalls, Havasupai and Mooney, are more spectacular but Beaver is just so incredibly scenic, and it has great swimming holes, and its less touristy than the big falls.
Yeah, it looks amazing! Thanks for letting us know. It's hard to find beautiful places that aren't touristy lol We really want to visit one day!
I highly recommend visiting Havasupai. Its a lifetime experience. Early spring is the best time to go, it can get super hot in the summer. Spend a few days camping down there and make the hike down to Beaver falls, you'll never forget it. And if you wanted to you could review the fry bread hut that the Supai indians setup by the campground. I didn't try any of their food because I had brought my own food, but I know a lot of the other people on this trip were loving that stuff!
Wow! that's awesome! Thank you so much!!! I would totally eat at the Frybread Hut. We've never been to Arizona, but I can imagine it'd be extremely hot in the Summer lol. Btw I screenshot your comment so I don't forget, hope you don't mind! lol I wouldn't be able to go anytime soon because of other trips I already have planned, but definitely putting this place on it! Thanks again :)
I just did Havasupai recently too! It's such a beauty isn't it!!
Hell ya. It is absolutely incredible.
what a beauty! the water colour look so tempting for a swim.
It was really hot when we were out there so we were swimming every chance we got! The water was just amazing.