We Are 99% Water. ESP is real (sort of) and a Glimpse into the workings of Memory and possibly Conciousness

in #water6 years ago (edited)

Water has been on my mind alot lately. In my meditations I’ve been turning more and more towards the complexity and connectedness of all life.

It’s just simple math that all life (as we know it) is dependent upon water for survival. But do you really know how important water is to you? Beyond sitting in traffic a few hours with nothing but a month old half drunk bottle of water you dug from under your seat? Beyond if you dont drink it you die?

Do you ever talk to your water?

It sounds crazy but I know of one man that did and his work changed my life forever.

I received Emotos first book from a friend ten years ago and was instantly intrigued by what he was doing and finding. If you watched the video above you already know some of what is possible.

But that was only the beginning. Emoto wanted to know more about water. He realized like many of you how essential and important water is. He also realized how little we understand it. This began a lifelong search for knowledge that continues now after his passing.

Dr. Emoto (I don’t think he was a doctor but idgaf either because I like how it sounds) began speaking words, positive or negative to two jars with water from the same source. He then tested the water in various ways. The most astounding to me has always been the rice experiment which has now been repeated a million times.


He then began simply meditating these negative/positive ideas and received similar results. Buddhist monks doing the same? Similar results.

This led me to thinking about my own thoughts (it’s fucking magical to have that ability isn’t it?) and the effects they have on the world around us.

Our thoughts are energy, chemical, electrical, and probably ways we haven’t discovered. These energies have measurable fields, and these fields affect the world around us....stay with me here....

If you count the number of water molecules in our bodies in relation to the total number, we are 99% water!!! THAT IS CRAZY!!


Now think about what just thoughts did to water crystals and rice, then think about what your thoughts must be doing to your body on a molecular level!!

Then when you change thoughts to words, you convert energy into another form and magnify it. Actions are a different energy with amplified effects. Contagious actions like laughter have energy definitions all their own.....do you see how your thoughts have real measurable effects on the world around you?

Just give it a think next time someone cuts you off in traffic and you consider running them off the bridge, your thoughts might be poisoning fish and turtles or something. That lady in front of you in line just making everything difficult for the poor cashier just doing her job and trying to explain how certain coupons can’t be used in conjunction with...then the lady cuts her off shouting about how conjunction sounds like an insult.... try to love her instead of picturing her bloody limbs all over the ground and her attitude might actually change right before your eyes.

I’ll leave yall with just a bit of related crazy shit.


Thoughts become Things

have you done any experiments on your own? ie jars of salt (with words on them) ?

For about a year I went around and wrote "love and gratitude" on all my friends water pitchers hahaha

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