How I got my watch

in #watches9 years ago

Recently due to boredom I had began browsing ebay, amazon and so forth and due to I guess my search history they both decided I needed a watch.
At first I ignored it, and then I decided I kind of want one for special occasions and seeing the last watch I owned was a goosebumps watch when I was a kid I felt it was time.

Spending several days I searched through varying watches to find a type I would like, after searching through my uncles watch collection I discovered I like heavier watches because well I'm a bigger guy and having a rubber band on my wrist doesn't feel right. Next I learned I like the durability and practicality of a metal watch, also I already have dry skin so leather and rubber were out, and lastly I learned that I like that rectangular watches are smaller but appear larger on my wrist.

So with these goals in mind I began my search and after several hours of debating and a sale on ebay I made a purchase When I received it I was quite ecstatic, however quickly came to realize the band was not a good fit and well it wasn't heavy enough.

So damn, square one again so I begin my search and stumble across another watch frustrated and tired of trying to find a watch I quickly jump on it
Now when this one arrived I was like oh circular watches aren't that bad I like it but at the same time the medusa head doesn't look that great and I have to manually adjust the date which I guess would occur with any datejust watch.

I vent to my uncle and ask how he chooses his watches and he told me "I don't think any one watch is good for an all the time use, they each have their moments in the sun. Some more than others" at this point he took his watch off and said, "This one for example I wear because it works the way it should and I'm happy to wear it but if it gets dirty or scratched or even broken it has a lifetime warranty, unlike a majority of my collection". He told me stories behind his watches, anniversaries, gifts etc. which to me was quite impressive that he can remember the watch he wore when life events happened. I learned in this moment that a watch isn't simply something just to record time, but it can be used to record time of a first kiss, a child being born, when a child takes their first steps, so on and so forth.

We then discussed how my cousin had left home due to drugs, hasn't contacted my uncle nor my aunt in years, how he worries that when they go my cousin will pawn everything to do further harm to himself and how my uncle doesn't want that. He gave me one of his watches that he doesn't wear much, but had intended to give to my cousin if he ever returned home and got treatment. I am now the proud owner of
And this is the story of how I received it, and I believe in the future recalling how I received it. I will undoubtedly remember the mix of emotions I felt receiving this watch, sadness towards my cousin because it was meant for him, joy at getting what many would consider a prized possession, shock because well it is a rolex. But mostly in the end I realized I shouldn't feel any of those emotions, I should feel proud and wear it with pride just as my uncle would have and if my cousin ever does come back. I will gladly give it to him.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading and sorry it started to feel like a shopping spree in the beginning but I think it gives a full perspective of things.

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