Read, Listen To, or Watch - Exercising Free Will is a Rare Freedom - Interesting Articles for Interested People
#Read, #Listen To, or #Watch - "Exercising Free is a Rare Freedom" - The #power we can all have when we Fully exercise our free will is unimaginable. However, Today we are being robbed of freedoms at an unprecedented rate. Simply losing the ability to work and travel has left many feeling less and less free. #Freedom is something that is becoming more an #idea versus a #virtue that we as American's stand for. I hope that I can inspire others to realize the power using free will, while also respecting all people's free will. #freewill
In my attempts to help others, I've realized that many of us are making a massive #mistake. Too, often I have witnessed people who #fail to respect the free will of others. It is difficult to allow people to continue to make mistakes, but it is far worse to step on free will when we are attempting to help. Respecting where people are in their lives takes practice and skill to #cultivate, but it is one of the most #exceptional skills we can #develop to help others. May these insights #empower people to fully utilize their free will, while also respecting the free will of all life.
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