Warp Drive spaceships always been real
light dosent always move at a exact speed thats lies..... lol there just tiny sub atomic particles its like saying every wave in the ocean always all move at the exact same speed buncha sillynesss
or sound for that matter
star trek method
who wants this car i sure the hell do! maybe different body style but who cares its a ftl warp drive fucking car how sexy am i right!?
nasa already said publicy that 10x the speed of light or warp 2 is quote pheasible...
im quite certain its actually 100% possible right now to move at warp 10 or infinte speed using quantum magic tech / your higher awareness abilites also.
aka wormholes /teleporation or whatever u can imagine!
there's other races out there that've been around thousands and in some cases 10,000 of thousands or hundreds of thousands possibly even millions of years longer then us they sure they hell have figured it out by now at least most if not almost all of them by now cause yea lol
nice article tho :O http://www.zamandayolculuk.com/html-3/warpdrive_cizimleri.htm - where i got pics from