Are the powers that be getting ready to bring their War of the Worlds' Scenario to End Game? Is there evidence this has been in play since the 1940's? The phenomena going on to cause deception and confusion. Who does that help? You know!
There are three phenomena going on.
- EBENs Extraterrestrial Biological Entities from other star systems that have craft.
Not shown to be hostile, peaceful. More advanced. - Man Made Phenomena
Man made UFO's and Man Made Electronic Systems that simulate ET and things from other dimensions.
Could this be what is seen in Stranger Things. . .Montauk? You decide!
Government Experiments on humans the US Gov has apologized and admitted to. Stranger Things?
- Actual intelligences and beings that are from another dimension that are not extraterrestrial.
Due to a lack of knowledge, education and discernment all of these entities are being mixed together by people in society to cause vast confusion,
which is very useful for the intelligence community, who thrive on confusion and chaos.
It helps perpetuate the diabolical in the intelligence community who foster deception and confusion.
This confusion also helps them justify their War Machine and the money society as an enslaved whole is expected to support with their hard working tax payer dollars.
Justifies the weapons in space, but what is Really being done with the Military Industrial Complex or has been done for decades? Deep down you know what!
The confusion is deliberate and has been fostered by counterintelligence operatives in society.
Is Space Force under Command dedicated to the side of good Key in getting to the truth? You decide!
The biggest part of the secrecy has nothing to do with ET's. Rather they want to set up a false flag event where it looks like War of the Worlds.
They say yes the UFO's are real.
Then they lie and say they are not ours because we don't know how they work.
Next up they say, they are a threat to our National Security, which is also a lie.
Just think about it, if they are this powerful and have advanced technology could they not just take us out in an instant if they wanted to? Would they even wait for humanity to use their tin toys and primitive style weapons on them and their advanced technology?
Doesn't add up does it?
The senators who speak about it are using talking points generated by this criminal cabal, in which they don't even acknowledge these Special Access Programs.
They continue to parrot whatever they are being told.
This enables the controllers as it preserves the element of surprise.
In other words, if the National Military Command Structure, the White House and most of the Senate as well as most of the Pentagon and most of the CIA do not know and have not been read into on it.
The existence of these sorts of technologies which can be stage crafted [as they call it] and staged events that look alien, then anything that happens will be thought to be extraterrestrial when it is not.
This is the heart of the secrecy.
Not only are the technologies extraordinary and would save the earth's biosphere
and would give us an entirely new civilization without pollution and poverty, but
by keeping it secret it preserves their 70 year strategic plan, which was concocted in the 1940's and 50's.
One of the most important photographs ever taken? You decide!
A dissection of an unknown humanoid from sometime in the 1920's.
There is no history or documented evidence that it came out of an interstellar craft, so it would appear it is not an extraterrestrial.
There are no genetics on it.
The group of doctors who are doing the dissection and their suits look like government officials, who are in the perimeter watching.
A woman contacted Dr. Greer, her mother was a seamstress and she had made the covering for the Atomic Bomb project that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
So she knew about the A-Bomb Project.
She was then moved to the only Atomic Bomb Squadron in the world at Walker Field.
Do you find it interesting where they claim the crash took place?
Watch. . .
Enlisted men of Base Photo drawing cameras to go up in a Beechraft AT-11 on bomb-spotting missions at Roswell Army Flying School, Roswell, N.M.
What became Roswell Army Air Field was acquired by the United States Army Air Force in 1941 from rancher David Chesser for the purpose of establishing a Military Flying Training Center and Bombardier School. From the beginning, it was designed as a large, expansive facility, given the excellent flying weather in New Mexico. The airfield consisted of seven concrete runways, two parallel North/South 7329x200 and 7000x200; two parallel NE/SW 7200x200 and 5655x200; two parallel NW/SE, 6964x200 and 5900x200 and one E/W runway 6884x200(E/W).
In addition, no less than nine auxiliary landing fields for overflow and touch/go landing/takeoffs were established in the area. Enough construction was completed for the base and airfield to be activated and assigned to the United States Army Air Corps Training Command on 20 September 1941.
As that photographs with the scientists and suits was shown to demonstrate clothing and a time period from the 20's, they would have been experimenting on debris and beings that were from 20-25 years prior to the alleged crash in Roswell from the 40's.
How about Classified Projects seen in the archives from Tesla's work?
How about Uncle John Trump?
When you get into the classified files there were phenomena seen from the late 1800's!
So everyone thinks everything happened at Roswell, but that is not the case!
So at least 100 years of UFO secrecy! Are you good with that?
In 2001 Dr. Greer brought together 20 senior military intelligence and Aerospace whistleblowers at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. for a press conference that would change change the world forever.
There was proof that we are not alone.
This marked the public debut of the Disclosure Project.
And the launch of the Global Disclosure movement.
To end UFO secrecy and disclose technologies that would end poverty, climate change and the use of fossil fuels overnight and transform every aspect of human life on earth.
One of the biggest bombshells of that conference was the testimony of Carol Rosin, an Aerospace Executive, who worked beside Werner Von Braun.
Von Braun was a Nazi Rocket Scientist that came to America after World War II under Project Paper Clip.
Carol received his death bed confession.
He told her he had been told he only had a few weeks to live, but he was going to stay alive long enough to tell her what the real game was that was going on.
When she was in the industry people were led to believe the Russians were the threat.
So the military industrial complex justified building Space Based Weapons against the Russians.
Then 3rd world countries called "Nations of Concern" at the time like North Korea.
There was also according to those trying to establish a need for all the money spent and weapons produced for space, the asteroid threat.
Claims were made they could put weapons up there to destroy or shoot down an asteroid.
Then Von Braun would repeat over and over, "the last card, the last card. . .would be the extraterrestrial threat."
He explained that there was a moment when we were going to be told that the extraterrestrial beings and their craft were a threat. Von Braun claimed they were not!
He said these craft were not UFO's, but rather Identified Flying Objects and we know that they have beings in them.
And we have witnesses here that have told you that they can shut down our missile silos, they can stop a rocket going into space that's a test.
We have witnesses here who have worked in the Classified Departments, who have the courage to come forward to support what Von Braun told Carol in 1974-1977.
At the end of her talk Carol said, "and it's all a lie!"
She says it's all Still a lie.
A Constitutional Attorney, Daniel Sheehan states, "the ultimate dream of the dialectical war machine [the Military Industrial Complex] is to have this war with a potential extraterrestrial civilization.
- You can roll into place all the strictures of a National Security State
- You can spend literal 10 Trillion dollars a year on massive military equipment and super high tech
Some in higher places didn't even understand why we were going to war with Iraq.
Doesn't the corporate owned media tend to help justify war? You decide!
Why do you suppose they do that? Who owns them? Are they not owned by just 6 corporations according to business insider and as professed by their own mouths?
Remember the Patriot Act which was anything but Patriotic?
Wasn't it a way that the "powers that be" actually gained even more control which people willingly gave up in the wake of the narrative they were told concerning 9/11?
Even democrats, many of which claim they were not for George Bush still defend the 9/11 narrative. Why is that? Is it because they put their faith in corporate owned mainstream media news rather than their own research and analytical skills?
Now who or what could get them to trust the word of the elites over their very own judgement?
They called it an Anti-Terrorism bill as they blamed the destruction on terrorists.
Were the terrorists actually within our own overbearing government, who actually orchestrated such destruction and used others to blame it on or perpetuate as Agent Provocateurs?" You decide!
Have a look at how often they have been found doing this with verification!
See first hand with evidence how they pit muslim against christian, people against one another so that it creates a distraction and keeps the focus off of the orchestrators!
Who does that benefit? The people of planet Terra or the controllers? You decide!
Who had foreknowledge of the 1/6 Capitol Riots. What is an Agent Provocateur? Disturbing info on FBI Agents,Informants who have taken advantage of the poor & mentally challenged. Evidence of how the FBI infiltrated Oath Keepers & the Muslim community.
Were you aware this is still going on?
From December 2021 so guess who hasn't given up on getting the truth of 9/11 and supporting our Muslim brothers and sisters, who have been preyed upon?
Interesting isn't it?
Guess whose hides, careers and agenda they strive to protect above all?
Note the Universal Locater Code [URL] and notice the in the address
If you read through the above document, ask yourself, just who do you suppose threatens their enterprise?
Is it really the people in all of the countries around the world or is it those who ask questions concerning their narrative? You decide!
Do you start to see who the real enemy is?
Not Christian or Muslim
Not black, white, red, yellow, cream, pink, blue, rainbow
Not gender
Not political party affiliation
See FB post on this with verifiable links here,
Paola Harris, an international investigative journalist, has worked in the field since 1979 in the area of UFO's.
While living in Italy, Paola was reading in a journal that called two little boys, Indian boys, who had been present at a crash near Socorro, New Mexico.
She wondered why none of her Colleagues had never followed up on the story.
When she came to the United States, she was able to locate one of the men, Reme Baca, who told her in detail they had witnessed this crash, as two little boys in 1945.
Reme said,
Some feel, "The Truman administration set up a body that was outside of the normal constitutional framework of our United States Government. It was made up of major elite people that they view as the real power elite."
Do the people who make a lot of money from wars and fear not want the general population to know what is really going on? You decide!
Who ultimately owns it all?
- The pharmaceutical industry
- The Railroads
- The Shipping Lines
- The Natural Gas corporation
- The Oil Corporations
When you trace their roots what do you find?
All they all fascists?
Did they lay claim to our American Economy and never relinquish it?
Did those same controllers and families become the foundation of the post WWII industry and intelligence? You decide!
Check out some controlling families here traced from Yale's Skull and Bones.
Did you know who all were involved?
Saul Alinsky interview 1966 CBS. Are you surprised at what you agree on? 501c3 churches? Bush- Gog!
Remember when General Wesley Clark in an interview in 2007 said he heard from someone who got a memo from the Secretary of Defense office that describes how he would take out 7 countries in 5 years.
Starting with
Iraq, then
and finishing of Iran.
Did we see it happen?
What is all the destruction that has been caused to these countries and who profited off of the so called rebuilding?
Now what ties into this is when Carol Rosin was told about the "Alien Invasion" they were going to trick people with, she saw on a board countries against which they were going to build Space Based weapons.
She called Wesley Clark and he answered the phone.
No one they asked what this board or the memo was about knew.
They simply said, "I don't know." When the question was asked.
Why were we going to war with Iraq and no one knew why?
To see further information check out,
Rebuilding Americas Defenses
by Project for the New American Century/Foreign Policy Initiative/
In this document it was made clear what they would like to bring into existence.
Does it appear that these traumatizing events are always planned or hijacked? You decide!
Is this in order to manipulate perception and manufacture consent for military action and the theft of our wealth and liberty?
Lawrence Wilkerson, who was Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff stated, "When Bush, Dick Chaney and others decided to go to war with Iraq, Wilkerson decided long before Colin Powell gave that presentation, Wilkerson felt that it was the lowest point in his professional and personal life that he had a hand in managing it.
Will the "men behind the curtain" play their final card as a "Cosmic 9/11?"
Do you remember when Ronald Reagan mentioned perhaps needing some "outside universal threat, to make us recognize this common bond."
He continued, "I occasionally think how differently our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
Dr. Greer was not surprised hearing about Carol Rosin's information and what she had witnessed as he had already heard from people in the Defense Industry that such a plan of a War of the Worlds Scenario did indeed exist!
Including. . .
- That was just one of the long term agendas
- Keep the technologies away so the controllers could maintain their industrial base of fossil fuel.
- When the controllers are ready to pull the trigger on all of this information, they spin it in the direction that benefits "the foxes guarding the hen house," [the people holding these secrets].
Who does that benefit?
You know who!
It is interesting that all the way back to the early 70's Von Braun had been warning Carol about this and here we know for a fact those systems were developed in the late 40's and 50's.
Those who explore the ET phenomena and are truth seekers walk a very dangerous path. With all of the aforementioned purposeful confusion, it can be daunting if one doesn't stay clear on who the ultimate deceiver is and those who demonstrate and show by their actions they are sold out to him.
It is like a gravitational pull of disinformation which many do get sucked into.
They will find
- Lies of the UFO cover up
- Lies about ET's themselves
The lies include - ET's are demons [what if demons are only posing as ET's]
- It's all Inter-dimensional and not Extraterrestrial
- We don't have man made UFO's [what in the world has the Military Industrial complex been working on then and what have Lockheed Martin and Skunkworks been up to?]
- Aliens are abducting people [Aliens or something/someone else?]
- Aliens are a threat; therefore we need to build weapons in space.
Does it stand to reason that if aliens were such a threat and were so far advanced than us [other worldly advancements and advanced technologies] why wouldn't they just knock us out.
Are they really going to wait for us with our tin toy weapons in comparison to their advancements to fight them?
Are they toying with us?
Do they just wait to do so for entertainment?
Does any of that add up?
Doesn't their justification to have wars in space give them the added benefit of wars on earth?
Is there a group feeding the public false information through TTSA?
Is there justice out of this group? You decide!
In the following article it states,
Lue Elizondo, Chris Mellon and Steve Justice are no longer with TTSA.
TTSA may not have completed what they set out to do (yet?) or what they said and claimed they would do, but they have certainly completed what they were supposed to do. TTSA facilitated three UAP videos to be released. They changed the public’s perception forever about UFOs, got Washington involved and sparked political interest. They helped a UAP task force to be formed and publicly announced. TTSA forced at least some of the public to seriously ask themselves if the phenomenon exists and they did it without scaring anyone too much. UFOs are no longer a conspiracy. Even major politicians publicly state they exist. Some or even much of that was due to Elizondo and Mellon, but they did it as members of TTSA. The main questions are now what are the UFOs and who or what controls them.
Also from an article from Bryce Zabel in 2021
TTSA was deeply involved in the official release and acknowledgment of UAP footage by government officials as much as the New York Times was, launching words like the Nimitz Incident and “Tic Tac” into the discussion and prodding a somnambulant media into taking the subject more seriously than at any other time in the history of the phenomenon. Their government team, led by Elizondo and Mellon, did brief leadership in some of the highest levels of the U.S. government. Not too shabby.
The (Not Quite) To The Stars Academy
Still, reading the company’s latest report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, filed on February 17, 2021, you’d be forgiven if you thought that the biggest accomplishment was getting two full seasons of the TV reality series Unidentified on the History cable network. While the show had its moments, it often appeared forced into the same old template of plucky UFO enthusiasts tilting at the windmill of truth to an unceasing soundtrack of semi-techno-urgency. Billed as a game-changer, it felt familiar and cookie cutter in form if not content.
The SEC filing is full of the usual self-aggrandizement and excuses these documents are famous for, of course, burying the loss of Elizondo, Justice and Mellon to its last paragraph. Before that, it talks about how TTSA now “enters its natural evolution as a company” as it adapts to “to a new global landscape with new opportunities and priorities.” Covid-19 gets a big salute in the blame game with the filing stating it had “a significant and negative impact on the defense and entertainment industries, and on individual investors’ willingness to invest in companies that are active in those industries, including TTSA.”
So was the only way the government would reveal anything would be to show that at the core of the topic was "some truth?" Isn't some truth just a lie.
So did they expose it as "here is some evidence, but they're a threat to national security?"
Are you as a thinker Also a threat to Their security? You know the answer!
So does the nefarious side brainwash all presidents and heads of state who request a debriefing?
The normal constitutional sectors you would expect to be in control of disclosure are not.
- Presidents aren't briefed in
- Heads of Defense Intelligence agencies are not debriefed
So there is some other structure that is in charge of all information and how much is disclosed.
What happened immediately after Roswell?
When they recovered a craft and bodies immediately from the UFO vehicle, did the Truman administration
- set up a body that was outside of the normal Constitutional Framework of the United States government?
- Was it made up of major elite people that they viewed as the "Real Power Elite," a shadow government if you will?
- With their own Air Force, own Navy
- It's own funding mechanism
- The ability to pursue it's own ideas of the national interest
- Free from all checks and balances
- Free from the law itself.
- Sort of a Shadow government within the government.
Is this possible? You decide!
If they at some point play this card as Werner Von Braun told Carol Rosin [who had worked with him]. . .
as the big threat from space that could unite the world around a militaristic, totalitarian effort.
Is This what is happening right now and unfolding before our eyes?
You decide!
Is the disclosure the government is planning Fake and how much will it be delayed?
Dr. Green and others worked on a documentary called The Cosmic Hoax, an Expose to get this information out to as many as possible.
They got this done in a very short amount of time.
**The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé | Dr. Steven Greer Documentary Trilogy 3/3 **
We are living in times where on the heels of this terrible pandemic they are plans to Falsely disclose an Alien Threat.
An update from Dr. Greer in April of 2021
Government Experiments on humans the US Gov has apologized and admitted to. Stranger Things?
You are Programmed to Receive! WHAT are you receiving? Are you a Receiver? Who is transmitting?
Final Countdown Navy footage showing Unidentified Aerial Vehicles Will Full Disclosure come?
See further connecting information in sources below.
#WarOfTheWorlds, #GovernmentProjects, #GovernmentExperiments, #ProjectBluebeam, #drgreer, #EBENs, #Extraterrestrials, #Disclosure
What is Plasma Energy? Who is Mehran Keshe and what awaits us in the New Energy Industry that will help humanity in health and the environment? Are you ready because the Best is yet to come!
See post here,
Who else finds some interesting coincidences with this Pennsylvania visit and the bridge collapsing? Say AYE!
Check out the various ways it is reported if you just run a simple search. . .
Who has the Eyes to SEE?
#synchronicity much?
Evidence included with links as you click on the photo frames!
Resident Evil matches a logo from a lab in China called Shanghai Ruilan Bao Hu San Biotech? Umbrella? Is this blue against red? Who was Camelot? Who will win in the battle and who is really Fighting The Good Fight? Do you have Faith of the Heart?