As the end draws nigh, Satan will use economic difficulties to test the saints. Things are going to harden up so much that if care is not taken, some believers may sell their birthright (compromise their faith) like Esau did.
Various trade groups and associations will be use by Satan to achieve this. For instance , the landlords association, road transport workers, various market-men and women associations and so on are already being used in our countries to effect unjustifiably escalating high cost of living.
When the anti-Christ government is finally here, the various economic associations and union will be more powerful in that the anti-Christ will use them to punish those who will refuse the mark of the Beast, for they shall neither buy nor sell. (Revelation 13:17)
Industrial union and trade groupings will be very effective means of detecting and punishing those who refuse the “Marks”. They would be treated like outcasts and no union or group would welcome them. Christians would be outlawed, especially economically!
The present increases in house rents, transport fares, hospital bills, oil and petroleum bills, School fees and so on are, therefore, aimed at the saints waiting for the rapture. Satan wants us to be busy trying to balance the household budget, trying to make ends meet, so that we may lose sight of the approaching rapture, and so the day comes suddenly upon us! That is the plan of the evil one in the present worldwide hardship. To this Jesus has warned us in advance saying:
Take heed to yourselves,lest your hearts be overcharged with….cares of this life-and so that day come upon you unawares (Luke 21:34).
Economic difficulties will arise and will continue up to the day of the rapture! Things may not be any better, economically, socially and politically and even environmentally, until rapture date!
Thereafter, things may revert to normal for the anti-Christ will be given the power to do counterfeit miracles, including economic “magic”.
Deuteronomy 31:6-8: (NKJV)
6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Peace be unto them that fear the name of the JEHOVAH. AMEN!
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