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RE: The South African Border War - Meanwhile over in neighboring Mozambique.

in #war7 years ago (edited)

@gavvet - Mozambique has a very potent geographic location with it's borders touching Tanzania, Rhodesia, Zambia and South Africa. The original Marxist leanings of it's first leadership after independence seems to have provided an ideal Perti-dish which was catalyst for growth of many insurgents from neighbouring regions. If I remember what I read correctly, history shows that insurgents always took refuge in Mozambique and South African forces even carried out secret strike operations against them. I was unaware of the nexus formed by Rhodesia and South Africa though. Fascinating forgotten Cold War in Africa. Thanks for highlighting. It is great to relearn this history. Upvoted.



South Africa was happy to support a war that someone else fought ie the Rhodesians. The reason that the Rhodesians ended up at Lancaster house was because the West put pressure on South Africa to stop supporting Rhodesia. With no fuel the fight ended. In my heart i believe that Rhodesia and South Africa were quite different and although there were pass laws etc in Rhodesia there was far less racial animosity. We always hear about the RLI, but the RAR were almost all black and a much bigger force fighting for Rhodesia alongside Rhodesians of all colours. So opinions were not separated on racial grounds but ideological. It is therfore unusual that the West chose to put down Rhodesia of all fights ,effectively siding predominantly with communism.

What do you mean there was less racial animosity in Rhodesia? Have you not heard of the "Rhodesian Bush War"? In 1980, whites owned 40% of the farmland in Zimbabwe. That is unacceptable because whites are foreigners and they are not Africans. I am glad Mugabe gave the land back to black people. Whites have used WMD's against black people in Zimbabwe and they should be expelled from the country along with other non-blacks. Blacks in Zimbabwe and across the globe have been suffering for way too long and we need to take our countries back.

Yes I lived through the Rhodesian Bush War. I was born in Africa, I am as African as any other unless you feel that the color of my skin disqualifies me from being African?

I did say that Rhodesia had the same pass laws etc ie apartheid by a different name. But having lived in both Rhodesia changing to Zimbabwe and then South Africa after that. I can say that the relationship between the people "the feeling" if you like, was different in Zim. But I pointed to a reality that there were probably more Blacks than Whites fighting against terrorism in Rhodesia. Hence my comment that the divide was not strictly racial but more ideological.

Only blacks are truly African. That means my brothers in America and Haiti and Jamaica included. Whites are European point blank period. They only came to Africa to commit genocide. The whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe made all black people accros the globe look like clowns. I am glad Robert Mugabe and Jacob Zuma are taking back those two countries and giving it back to the humble black race. In Zaire, Leopold II, King of the Belgians was responsible for killing 10 million of my fellow Zaireans. Eventually the father of my country Mobutu and another great man from my country, Lubumba chased out the white people and they fled like cowards. Zaire used to be the richest European colony in Africa with a significant white minority. Now they are no more. They got driven out. The same thing is happening right now as we speak in South Africa and Zimbabwe. White people only ever set foot in Sub-Saharan Africa to commit genocide. My people have had enough and are coming together to combat white minority control in Africa. The white minority in South Africa still control the economy which is completely unacceptable. Jacob Zuma is changing that and making history so that the humble black race can have a better future.

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