Coincidence? Every Time the US Threatens to Pull Out of Syria, Assad Uses Chemical Weapons

in #war6 years ago

 Late Saturday night, the mainstream media began spreading the news of  an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria. It was reported  that the tragic attack has claimed the lives of some 70 innocent  civilians. Immediately after the unconfirmed reports, President Donald  Trump began threatening Russia, Iran and “Animal Assad,” and blamed them  for the attack. 

The report of the alleged attack is unconfirmed and reported only by the known ISIS sympathizers, the White Helmets. There has been no independent verification of the chemical attack and it is only being reported by a group who was caught multiple times staging fake attacks. “Seventy people suffocated to death and hundreds are still  suffocating,” said Raed al-Saleh, head of the White Helmets. 

This was  their second tweet as the first one—now deleted—which claimed 150 people were killed, was apparently too big of an exaggeration to be believable. In spite of the fact that Syria and Russia are decrying the  allegations as false, referring to them as a “fabrication,” the US has  begun the pretext to provoking more war in Syria and potentially Russia  and Iran. The US state department said Russia – with its “unwavering support” for Syria’s government – “ultimately bears responsibility” for the alleged attacks. 

There has been zero investigation, and the US government is already pointing fingers and implicating a world power in a massive war crime. Irresponsible indeed. However, it was entirely predictable as these alleged gas attacks all follow a similar scheme. 

For those who don’t remember, below is a timeline showing how  conveniently timed this gas attacks are for the military-industrial  complex. On March 30, 2017, Reuters reported  that Syria was no longer a US priority and that the government is no  longer focused on “getting Assad out.” 

Conveniently, only 5 days after  trying to de-escalate the situation, an alleged gas attack takes place  to which Trump responds with 59 Tomahawk missiles.  Three days after the missile attack, the US ambassador to the United  Nations, Nikki Haley, issued a statement that regime change in Syria is  inevitable. 

As TFTP reported at the time, a leading weapons academic, and one of  the foremost experts in the field, came forward in a series of reports  noting his opposition to the official story in regards to the Khan  Sheikhoun nerve agent attack in Syria.

 According to the expert, that Syrian gas attack was staged. Fast forward to March 29, 2018 and Trump put many people to ease when  he said that the US would “be coming out of Syria like very soon,” just  hours after the Pentagon highlighted the need for US troops to remain  in the country for the immediate future. 

“We’re knocking the hell out of  ISIS. We’ll be coming out of Syria like very soon. Let the other people  take care of it now,” Trump told supporters at an Ohio event on  infrastructure, as CNN reported. 

Days later, on April 7, 2018, the White Helmets report that Assad  gassed his own people — again — and no one, other than the people known  for staging videos, is the source. On April 8, 2018, Trump then blames Russia, Iran, and Syria and issues “Big price to pay” threats to all of them. 

“Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack  in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army,  making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin,  Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price……to  pay. Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another  humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!” wrote Trump. 

No one here is claiming that Assad is some hero, but for him to make  this move—knowing the end result—is entirely preposterous and would not  happen. This alleged chemical attack is in spite of the Syrian regime  successfully defeating ISIS in over 90 percent of the county. Just as  Assad hears that Trump is considering pulling out of the country—which  would have been a massive win for the Syrian regime—he gases his own  people ensuring the exact opposite of this would happen. Sure thing. But, we are supposed to believe this. 

According to the official  narrative, every time Syria is on the verge of a military victory in  their own country, Assad then randomly gases his own people to thwart  this victory and gives the US a reason to invade and turn what’s left of  Syrian infrastructure into rubble. And, the American mainstream is eating it up and ramming it down the  throats of US citizens who couldn’t point to Syria on a map, yet demand  we spend billions bombing brown people in a country that has never done a  single thing to them. 

As Finian Cunningham notes, “this weekend’s alleged chemical-weapon attack on civilians in Syria has all the hallmarks of a false-flag propaganda stunt. Only people who have had their critical senses numbed by saturated Western media distortion could possibly believe otherwise.” 

Indeed, if you are one of these people who believes this most  preposterous story, please consider turning off your television and  opening a book instead. Being uninformed is far better than being  misinformed 

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Live, real-life coincidence detector needed.

sure is convienient.

Haaretz is a mining pit of laughter

What's so devastating is that they don't even bother to come up with a good or at least somehow credible FF. The dumbest, most obvious lies are already good enough for the moronic population. And they know it. It's like they spit in our face and laugh at our stupidity and our inability to do anything about it.

yeah they just recycle the same old BS ...its sad people fall for it

They seem to be using some very blunt implements when staging these false flag attacks. As has been stated by many already, the use of this type of weaponry makes no tactical sense. Much like the current Russian/UK spy murder. Why would Either of these leaders be so foolishly blatant if they were going to try deny it afterwards? Such a shit show in the main-stream and in the UK they are really giving the Russians a going over. All we here is "Russia did this" Russia did that" We even named a fucking storm after them("The Beast from the East")
I know you already know this, but I will say it anyway...
This is one huge mind-fuck and it is leading to us hating/fearing the Russians. One of many stages needed before going to war. I was wondering today about the different styles of attack that must be available to people now? With a fleet of 20 people you could really scare the shit-out of the cattle if they were to start randomly flying drones into town-centers.
If you ask me, Every event that is happening at the mo seems to be looped back to the idea of tighter controls for social media sites/internet. They just want to close the loop before we go digital cash/tax/carbon allowance. They are letting us all have our fun with crypto at the mo but I think we will all have the rug pulled out from under us soon as they have the table set the way they want it.

Interesting theory. I was thinking this was an East vs. West proxy war over resources. My heart breaks for the destruction the US corporation has caused, while 'we the people' have no rule of law in stopping it at this point. Except anarchy and voluntaryism, which seem to be fast growing ideas on the ground here.

very good points both of you!

I have to agree with you and that is tough because I support Magna Carta's clause 61 and it relies on folk knowing what the rule of law means to them. I am coming to the sad conclusion that I am flogging a dead horse with my specific battle. On the plus side it seems many other groups are coming to the same conclusion and I hope this will allow them to work together and be stronger and a revolutionary force. Voluntaryism is a definite answer to this but I always fear it means we are turning our backs on those trapped inside the rat-race. I am currently running a voluntary mechanics operation and posting on steemit and like you said, steemit seems to encourage this. Hey man it ain't one countries fault, it is just a few evil twisted families that we need rid off. Hope the hundred monkey theory is right...

There will never be enough of us warriors that bravely walk away from the current system to make a difference however. There will always be more sheep/cattle than us. That is the 64,000 dollar question and question of my life: How do those of us who refuse to be ruled find a way to coexist with the vast majority who do? I wish I had the answer.

I love the way you have framed the $64,000 Question! That is perfectly put, my friend.

Thank you! We really need to discuss it. I'm not sure what the answer is, but the more I think about it the closer I am to what I believe needs to be done. It's worthy of a separate authored post too, but basically I believe it will take us separating ourselves from the rest. In the past we have examples of the process too.

The people brave enough to cross a sea to a new and dangerous world were warriors. They were doing it to maximize their liberty. Well, that happened many generations ago, and it has happened many times in our human past. It has not happened in a very long time, so what has changed?

All the warriors are now outnumbered badly. It would take another migration to another "new world" to really regain the liberty we seek. Can we do that digitally though and be "citizens" of a new "country" like Liberland without ever actually going to a new frontier? I'm not sure.

I just want to be left alone and be allowed to keep my fairly earned property and to live in peace with other people who have the same core values. It really isn't too much to ask for, right? :)

Yeah the russia thing is very alarming, that is one bear that we do not want to be poking

No and I think that is why Tereason May was sucking everyone off to get them to support her unfounded accusations about the poison being from a Russian Lab. The BBC made out she had there full backing when all she really got was a Tweet and a halfhearted gesture of support. I think it is one of two plans: 1 they are all in on it together and this is all just theatre. 2 There is a east-west divide and Russia have become a super power due to their Deep-well oil drilling technique. If what I have read is true, Russia now supply the majority of oil to the world and it has made them crazy-rich and powerful. The UK's sudden plunge into Fracking at the cost of poisoning us all, tends to go along with this theory as we would obviously be better equipped for war if we had our own fuel reserve.
It's all a guessing game at the end of the day as we only have the info they give us and I get the feeling there is a lot more going on behind closed doors. This paedophile scandal is the core of it imo and Savile almost gave it all away. The UK child abuse trial has been very enlightening and the church are ingrained with systemic corruption. Hope we all come through this mess ok and I will have a beer with you after the dust settles. lol

The pedophile predators is a concern but not the main problem. Thermonuclear war is the primary problem. We are closer to it now than ever before, and most people are sleep walking through their lives without even realizing it. The West is broke. It is a beaten and desperate dog that will do anything to protect it's territory. I do not see a good outcome to this situation. We'll either have a full exchange as a worst case scenario, or we'll have a Greater Depression, where the West mostly starves to death. It isn't going to be pretty either way. I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best as usual though.

When it's boiled down to money then it goes back to Royalty and Maybe a few oil-barons. WWI & II were Germany Vs Britain yet our own Royal family is German... I don't think their is an actual entity that we can say is the west/east/north/south. They shaft anyone who comes along from all directions and sit on all sides simultaneously. I think maybe the Paedo element is a secondary when I put much thought into it but maybe because money has become the new thing. Child abuse seems to be a ritual/tradition and a tool to create soldiers that then go into parliament/business. Very sick set-up we have however you look at it. I like your take on it though. Lots I hadn't considered.

excellent write up. For me what was so telling was watching Chuck Schumer praising Trump for his missile strike a while back, along with all the MSM's sudden effusive praise, shows you who his normal critics really work for.

yeah the left and right always come together on war

that's where the big money is.

nice article shared with us thanks

GOD save Syria so much war

Thanks for this article. It's good to know, I'm not crazy and am not the only one who sees and remembers these things.

Followed & resteemed.

Trump is desperate to stimulate the economy anyway he can and with this trade war with China intensifying the only move he really can do is bomb shoot and invade. The military industrial complex will keep our country alive.. for a short time. It's the collapse of Rome with wifi enjoy the show folks.

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