The emerging risk of nuclear war.

in #war5 years ago

Should a nuclear war occur between the worlds superpowers Pine Gap will be attacked immediately but the rest of our nation may not be targeted. If that is the case those of us fortunate enough to survive the fallout will be gifted with the opportunity to continue civilization. In this situation there will be many obstacles to surmount, for example global financial networks will dissolve leaving Australia economically isolated. Vladimir Putin's plan to shut down his countries internet is intended to simulate such a scenario. This is a significant strategic drill to undertake and signals that Moscow is genuinely preparing for a confrontation.
Another factor to be considered if these horrors eventuate is that millions of people will travel here and resettle. These refugees will flee affected regions by plane and boat arriving within months of the conflict and amplifying the chaos on our continent. In addition to this, invasion by multiple foreign military forces is probable. The ADF will not have sufficient personnel to combat these threats and units will likely begin disbanding as their leadership structure disintegrates. Despite these difficulties if our land mass is left largely unscathed its infrastructure will remain intact putting us in a strong position to rebuild.
Given the current tensions between the Russian Federation and the United States it is worth pondering these possibilities. The collapse of the INF Treaty leaves humanity with few regulations in place to limit the development of missile technology. This plunges our species into a new Cold War era with Russia and America again competing in an arms race that could end all life on the planet. Pay close attention to news regarding these matters as those who are aware are prepared and therefore better equipped to survive.

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