Psychological Warfare Revealed -- REPORT: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Ousted as Provocateur Obama Supporter from Occupy Movement

in #war7 years ago

For those who might not comprehend the importance of this report, consider that the powers that be have employed divide and conquer tactics for many reasons. They want the people to fight each other, in as many ways as possible, so that they can establish their legitimacy as authorities—because we can't solve our own problems. This is one reason why they have spent so much time destroying critical thinking and free speech—because if people can't sit down and peacefully share ideas, then they stew in resentment and eventually become violent. That's where we are today. Political discourse has become taboo, you can't talk about your views without it turning into an argument and loosing friends and family in the process. Then daddy government swoops in and says, "since you can't live peacefully together, we're going to create more draconian laws that force peace through tyranny."

The fact that one of the organizers of the Unite the Right protest is a professional provocateur (translation: he's a professional psychological warfare agent) is essentially an admission of social engineering and mass manipulation of the masses. For all intense and purposes, the event this past week in Charlottesville was "staged" in the sense that groups, known for their triggering and aggressive behavior, were pitted against each other. This is no accident.

Also consider that, when radical counter-protestors descended onto the scene, the police withdrew and allowed the situation to escalate. Then we have two cars plowing into the counter-protestors, under what I would deem suspicious circumstances—one driver seemed to come out of nowhere and plow into a crowd.

All this suggests that people are being radicalized, baited into showing up to protests where they can vent their artificially induced rage, and then in the aftermath, the media and state blame the out-group that factors into their agenda. In this case, that out-group is the growing "alt right," which has only recently been infused with racist groups, like the National Socialist party (American Nazis). This radicalization of the right has been gathering steam due to the more overt radicalization of the left in previous years—a well-known effect of energy systems is polarization as one side grows stronger the other follows suit.

What makes all this possible is emotional baiting and brain imbalances, particularly a lack of critical thought. Polarization doesn't work so well when people logically assess the premises of politically charged rhetoric, which is often devoid of a rational basis. They want people to pound their fists and cry out for "justice" (revenge). Then when a political rally or event comes near, they take the opportunity to "make their voices heard"—when in reality it isn't their voice at all, they're just parroting the carefully engineered rhetoric of social engineers.

What we're discussing here is the foundations of what makes artificial political change a reality, mainly groupthink and emotionally charged movements where the masses effectively become mindless and unthinking pawns. Of course, if you said any of this to a BLM, ANTIFA, or Alt Right supporter, they'd likely say that these are their views—they're not parroting anyone. But a careful examination of history and the ideological basis of these beliefs reveals a statistically significant correlation that suggests otherwise (RE: Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith). Simply put, the powers that be have been spending decades seeding these ideas into the minds of the masses, which means the average supporter of these politically charged movements really do think these are their own beliefs.

Now, this is important to consider because false flag operations and artificially induced regime change requires that the local population of a region or nation be divided against itself. Briefly, the group that is working with the hidden powers is the one painted as a victim, while the opposing group is painted as the bad guy. This same social stratification has occurred in nearly every major political uprising, war, and revolution in history. Once a fermentation period has elapsed, a false flag event of some kind triggers the radical polarized groups against themselves, and a purge of "undesirables"—who are usually not buying into the divide and conquer tactics—takes place. In this case, the purge has begun with alternative media persons who are revealing the greater truths of what's taking place.

Related YouTube Decides to Censor ANYTHING it Likes -- A Call for Unity | Grand Jury Started, Truth on Trump Calls Leak, Youtube Purge Oncoming

Make no mistake, this situation is only beginning to cause the division the powers that should not be are aiming for. But the more of us who can see the fraud, the more we can disarm radical rhetoric around us. We need to be brave and share this truth with others, else the highly triggering nature of these events will sweep even the most logical and sound minded people into an altered and violent state.

For myself, I'll share that many of my friends and family (including people who call themselves "awake"), who are arguably quite good at spotting manipulation, are almost completely swept up with the political baiting. Ironically, I've shared some fairly wild information with them, such as depopulation agendas and mass mind control, which was easier to convince them of than the fact political aggression is being artificially induced.

I hope that you, who are reading these words, can see the forest for the trees, and take the time to do what you can to help spread the truth: that our friends, family, and neighbors are being manipulated into a war of race, sexual identity and orientation, and economic class.

  • Justin

Psychological Warfare Revealed -- REPORT: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Ousted as Provocateur Obama Supporter from Occupy Movement


There were there for a peaceful rally. They were attacked by a Soros rent-a-mob and their criminal thugs while the Demoncrat governor made the police stand down.

follow me plzzzzzzz

Awsome post ... Wish my vote was worth more on this ...

you could follow me ;-)

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