8 reasons why I am mountain-addicted #2

in #wanderlust7 years ago (edited)

Do you have a special passion? I love the mountains. 🏔 Have a look on my reasons why! I hope to inspire you!

The idea to this post

You’ll find the idea to this post here together with reason #1

Die Idee zu diesem Post findest du hier zusammen mit Grund #1 warum ich die Berge liebe


#2 quietness as far your ears can hear

In daily life everything around you is just noisy. The traffic, chatting people, ringing phones and so on…Somethings I have even the feeling that I cannot hear my own thoughts in this noise.

In the mountains there is no noise except the voice of the nature itself.

Of course you have to choose the right route to get these amazing quietness:
don’t go to touristic spots like Trolltunga together with 1000 other people (read more about here). These people are not really the hikers like I wrote about here. These peoples are in this case tourists like you!
if you wanna do mountain-hiking in an more urban area (it don’t have to be always the highest mountain), then pay attention that there is no highway near to your route. For me it’s very annoying to hear all the cars while I’m hiking also if they are far away.

In den Bergen findest du weit und breit atemberaubende Ruhe.

Im normalen Tagesgeschehen ist einfach alles um dich herum laut. Verkehrslärm, Menschen um dich rum, Telefonklingeln und vieles mehr… Manchmal habe ich sogar das Gefühl meine eigenen Gedanken in diesem ganzen Lärm nicht mehr hören zu können.

In den Bergen ist kein Lärm, außer die Stimme der Natur selbst.

Ein paar Sachen gibt es zu beachten bei der Wahl der Route, um diese völlige Stille erleben zu können:

  • gehe am besten nicht zu den mega touristischen Gebieten wie Trolltunga (hier ein bisschen mehr darüber). Du wirst 1000 anderen Leuten auf dem Weg begegnen. Und das sind tatsächlich nicht immer die typischen Bergwanderer, wie hier beschrieben. Das sind Touristen wie du in diesem Fall!
  • wenn du auf einer Bergtour in etwas urbanerem Gebiet unterwegs bist (es muss ja nicht immer der höchste Gipfel sein), dann schaue bei der Routenplanung gleich darauf, dass keine Autobahn in Hörweite ist. Ich finde es gibt bei einer Bergtour kaum was schlimmeres als ständig dieses Geräusch im Kopf zu haben.

Why do you love the mountains? I'm curious to hear your favorite reason!!!

Warum liebst du die Berge? Ich bin sehr gespannt darauf, was dein Lieblingsgrund ist!

Stay tuned for the other 6 reasons! Maybe one of it is exactly the right to inspire YOU

Sei gespannt auf die folgenden 6 Gründe! Vielleicht ist einer davon genau der Grund, der DICH inspiriert!


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My reasons are many, but one of the biggest reasons why is so basic as we don't have mountain ourselves in Denmark, which makes them so much more interesting.
Besides that they are obviously beautiful with their rugged and rough appearance, majestically raising up high with their snow-covered peaks.

mostly we wanna have the things most - we don't have!
You probably know I'm exploring Europe at the moment on my way.. I'm really surprises how many mountains are everywhere.. Germany is flat, too in comparison!

Mountains feel like natural temples to me. Climbing them is an exhilarating experience.

absolutely agree ✌️🤗

I love the mountains because they scare me, it is the mountain that decides to allow you up or not! I love to overcome the fear of looking at a huge mountain in front of me and then conquering it!

wow... you are so absolutely right.. it's not only your decision...

I love them because to me they are a connection and no barrier.

a connection to whom? To other hikers?

That as well, but what I initially meant was that to walk from A to B it is often much easier to go up and follow or cross a mountain range than to just stay in the valleys and forests. So yes, mountains always used to connect people :)

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