Walmart Hikes Age Requirement For Firearm Purchases To 21
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Following in the footsteps of Dick's Sporting Goods, Wal-Mart announced that it is banning the sale of guns and ammunition to anyone under the age of 21.
Dick's took a stand by selling also banning the sale of assault rifles, something that Wal-Mart did in 2015. Unlike the move by Dicks, Wal-Mart's decision was based upon sluggish sales for the guns.
"It was done purely based on customer demand," Kory Lundberg, a Walmart spokesman, told The New York Times in August 2015. The rifles, he said, were not "something customers were looking for and buying when they came into our stores."
Wal-Mart is also removing items from their website that resemble automatic weapons including non-lethal airsoft guns and toys.
This move does not deter Wal-Mart's commitment to sportsmen and hunters.
In light of recent events, we’ve taken an opportunity to review our policy on firearm sales. Going forward, we are raising the age restriction for purchase of firearms and ammunition to 21 years of age. We will update our processes as quickly as possible to implement this change.
In 2015, Walmart ended sales of modern sporting rifles, including the AR-15. We also do not sell handguns, except in Alaska where we feel we should continue to offer them to our customers. Additionally, we do not sell bump stocks, high-capacity magazines and similar accessories. We have a process to monitor our eCommerce marketplace and ensure our policies are applied.
We take seriously our obligation to be a responsible seller of firearms and go beyond Federal law by requiring customers to pass a background check before purchasing any firearm. The law would allow the sale of a firearm if no response to a background check request has been received within three business days, but our policy prohibits the sale until an approval is given.
We are also removing items from our website resembling assault-style rifles, including nonlethal airsoft guns and toys. Our heritage as a company has always been in serving sportsmen and hunters, and we will continue to do so in a responsible way.
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Restricting the age bracket of people that can purchase firearms is a good move that will have a huge impact on reducing it's misuse. Age restriction and background checks will reduce the rate at which people have been accessing firearms. This background check will ensure a person with a clean record can purchase a firearm. This recent school shooting could have been avoided if these policies were already in place. The kid couldn't make the age limit for purchasing the gun he used and he's record too would work against him purchasing it. But again there are lots of guns already in supply. And the move by Walmart might not hinder another shooting from happening. The police should just go ahead and get the guns from the people that don't make the requirements to possess them.
I know that our communities, our schools and public gathering places are not made safer by any person having access to the best killing tool the Army could put our hands, however I’m afraid the these moves by Walmart and other stores will make the gun black market even more favorable for individuals like Florida school killer. The truth is, most gun owners are responsible sportsmen and collectors who enjoy shooting recreationally, like me, or want to protect their home in the way they see fit. We are Americans and we like to be the best; we should never lose this trait. The AR-15 is an excellent platform for recreational shooters to learn to be outstanding marksmen. Unfortunately, it is also an excellent platform for those who wish to kill the innocent.
only if the innocent are disarmed and massed behind "gun free zone" signs. What's the best killing tool the Army could put in our hands?
I'm curious who comes up with all these age requirements. If one doesn't think 18 or 19 year olds should be able to do or own something then why do they think 21 year olds are going to be different? I do welcome it so I can watch nothing change and these people will be dumbfounded.
I expect other companies will do the same and it'll basically become the common age so pumpkin and the others in government will wait to legally raise it and say they are only doing it because sellers have already raised it. As usual, low IQ clown supporters will buy that bullshit and they won't see any political fallout
bingo, I think both Dicks and Walmart will alienate some good customers and not gain any new customers as a result of these moves.
I think this is something they should've done long ago. I am glad they are doing it now. The issue of gun control needs to be figured out across the board.
This is definitely a good iniciative from Wal-Mart, raising the age restriction for purchase of firearms and ammunition to 21 years of age.
Showing by example what to do to try diminish the number of people with guns in their hands.
This is probably what was missing in the US problem, because everybody speaks about the guns problems but no one does anything about it. And then Trump starts to say some nonsense, like putting a gun on teachers hands.
Good for you, Walmart...looks like
the gunnies will have one less place
to buy their guns if they're kids.
For now, I'm happy that Dícks and Wal-Mart won't sell guns to folks under the age of 21. Amendment may or may not happen, but you can't dictate a private corporation to whom they can or can't sell.
Target openly supports fags and trannies, so it isn't really much of an alternative.
The list of places I won't shop has basically become every single major chain retailer, with a few exceptions like Chick-fil-A, In-n-out, Dunkin Donuts, Hobby Lobby, etc.
So they are going to cut themselves out of the gun market... oh yeah, that'll be a great idea...
Youth is leading the crusade to infringe the natural rights of the young.
'Cause the natural rights of the youth is buying guns at WalMart...
Of course, my friends father took the Boston T to Sears to buy a rifle by himself with he was 10. Background checks are a joke as is Dicks.
It seems like Walmart is one of the first to take the action, following the killings of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Actualy after the Walmart’s announcement Grocery store chain Kroger will no longer sell guns to buyers under 21 at its Fred Meyer stores as a response to the tragic events in Parkland and other, they both have taken a hard look at their policies and procedures for firearm sales. Im not at all surprised they removed sale of items resembling assault style rifles from its website as well. However, I’m not 100% certain it would change anything. If you want to commit a crime such as at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, why would you not commit a crime by getting a weapon not legal way. Anyway, It’s also true that the Florida congressman who represents the town where 17 people who were shot and killed in a high school is pushing the Congress to act on passing gun legislation. As a matter of fact Walmart already stopped selling bump stocks, the accessory for a semiautomatic gun as well as large capacity magazines some time ago. The Florida House and Senate both have proposals that would raise the minimum age to buy any firearm from 18 to 21, create a waiting period to buy rifles, once again I’m not certain this would change anything. I definately advocate that thay want to allow school districts to arm teachers, which would make the attacker reconsider his plans. They want a ban on large capacity ammunition magazines and assault rifles ideas, which Republican leadership hasn't been willing to consider so far.
Except for the fact that we banned "assault weapons" in the federal level for a decade and all that happened was that little black rifles became way more popular. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is insane. All types of rifles with 18 year olds allowed to buy them are used in half as many homicides as hands and feet. Only a few hundred a year. And of those we don't know how many were legally owned.
In addition to instituting the age limit for buying guns, Walmart is removing items from its website that resemble assault-style rifles, including non-lethal airsoft guns and toys.
Stack said in his letter that Dick's respects the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners but was obliged to address a national gun epidemic that is killing too many children.
by doing something that will have little effect but to alienate their core customers.
Illegal for 18 year old adult to have a beer, but legal for 18 year old to own a civilian version of an assault weapon was a joke . I am glad that walmart took this decision .It will really reduce the mass shooting .Out of all the Western country murders with hand guns and semi automatic guns , US commits 45% of annual murders for the entire Western world. After Australia made tougher gun laws, murders fell in half. Only hand guns with only six bullets should be sold to the public. Shot guns and or hunting rifles should be limited to four per household. Remember how many guns that nut job owned who killed all the tourists in Vegas. Change the laws in a more stricter manner.