Walmart is Killing our Country, on pu

in #walmart6 years ago

Walmart is often hailed as a great blessing bringing jobs, lower prices, and tax revenue to often struggling communities.
But is that the reality, or a myth? The truth is not so optimistic.

It seems so much, if not most of society has no idea about the consequences of their action, or choices.
Slowly we are giving mega corparations everything, our money, our time, out attention, our data, every personal moment of our entire lives.

Today Monopolies seem to be the rule instead of the exception. With Google having an obviously illegal 92% market share on web searches, and 82% of the cell phone market, not to mention the phones being stuffed with often apps that can not be removed. Its painfully obvious they are in control of more of our personal data than any other company, something they hold onto with an iron grip.

Walmart has discovered how to skip the collection of data to sell, instead farming-or mining us directly.
Funded by the very same people, with the very same goals, a one world government, a dictator who rules over us all with an iron fist. What Walmart is having us destroy our own communities, and country on their behalf-and paying them to let us do it.

If your a small business owner, a mom and pop store, the thought of a Walmart coming to your neck of the woods has to be a terrible though. I cant imagine many Small business owners haven't thought about the impact it would have on them. No matter what type of bushiness, a pet shop, shoe store, groceries, clothing, garden supplies, there really are few bushiness that would not feel the effects of a super-center opening nearby, with their immense buying power, no one can compete. It would likely never be noticed by stockholders if they operated some stores at a loss across the board for a year, for the purpose of putting the competition out of bushiness once and for all. Few small bushiness could handle such a price war, and in fact few survive. Statistics show that 39% of small bushiness fail after a Walmart moves in, in Chicago 25% of bushiness in a 4 mile radius closed after a Walmart moved in. But crushing the competition is only 1 way Walmart profits.

While much of this information is difficult to compile due to varying laws, varying methods of reporting, different program names, managed by multiple agencies, Walmart has a clear pattern.

Whenever possible they do not allow workers more than 32hrs a week. Many states consider more than 32 hours per week full time, and mandate benefits. This prevents Walmart from paying medical insurance, 401ks’, offering stock option, vacation time, and even medical and sick leave. This saves the company huge amounts of money, but the employees pay dearly.
But they aren’t done ringing every cent from their employees possible, not even close.
In a majority of US states, and #1 in the nation, Walmart has more employees on Food Stamps, Medicaid, Housing assistance, and General assistance (water/gas/electric) than any other company in the nation. (all though Amazon is catching up fast). This public assistance costs the taxpayers more than $1000.00 per employee, whether you shop at Walmart or not, you support their employees.
According to this costs the taxpayers 6.2 billion in 2014 alone.

But it seems Walmart has mastered gaming the system. Buisnesses receive huge tax breaks for employing people on gov assistance. According to MSNBC 7.8 billion per year.
The same story also says Walmart received about 70 million dollars from governments trying to lure Walmart into their communities.

One benefit they do offer is 10% discount to all employees, when your struggling to make ends meet, that seems like a gift from god, its not as this article from says.

“Walmart Could Lose $12.7 Billion in Sales Over Next Decade if Food Stamps Are Slashed”

Thats right, stores are paid to accept food stamps.

Now lets get their famous purchasing power. Walmart has time and time again been busted, intentionally using slave labor, from child slaves, adult slaves mainly in Asia, But also right here at home, in our own legal slave trade, prisons, private and public. With the highest earners (although there are precious few) making $100 per month for 40hrs a week, and in some states work in mandatory, and doesn't pay 1 cent. Most make less than $2.80usd a day for 8hrs of work.
They are the lucky ones, many in Asian don't earn a dime, work 18+ hour days 7 days a week, are underfed, beaten, or forced to work In dangeous conditions, or with toxic materials.
China alone has more than 5million political prisoners forced to work daily for some of the best known names on Wall Street.

But like in prison, Walmart never shows its weakness, instead apologizing for their slave factories, saying they “should have been on top of it”.

Some will say but Walmart is increasing wages, and giving bonuses after the Trump tax cut. Well the same day they received the tax cut, they closed 63 Sams Club stores, after they started receiving flack about that, then they decided to “give raises, and bonuses”.

They have used the billions in profits they make to become one of the nations largest purchasers of Washington lobbyists, a move that seems to have payed off as they gained huge secret FEMA contracts.
Had those lobbyist failed, not to worry, Walmart also has a history of bribery throughout the world, even here.

They even joined Homeland Security’s “see something, say something” campaign, because the country is experiencing terrorism that could be stopped if we only had more information, or is that law enforcement agencies doing their job with information they already had?

The Washington Post article “Stop telling rich folks to give more to charity”, which I might add is owned by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, now the worlds richest man, and a very close 2nd place to Walmart on many of these issues says……..

“According to the report, based on analysis of 23 years of tax returns, the heirs have donated to the family foundation a mere .04 percent of their present net worth of some $140 billion. As the nation's richest family, the report says, the Walton's “have enough wealth and power to literally change the world.”

on a side note, Jeff Bezos is a fucking asshole!

But the 0.04% they are using to literally decimate education, cause the dumber we are they more they can use us.

I wish I could say it ends there, but there is simply too much ground to cover, drug mone y, drug busts, poison food, Hillary Clinton on the board of directors. Friends with George HW Bush, Connections to Mena, AK, known for Bush, CIA, Clinton Drug running, at best.
Then we have “charities” Like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation investing 1 billion dollars into Walmart, I guess things arent moving fast enough for them. I am also working on a article about Gates.

There is no doubt Walmart is evil, and needs to be stopped at any. cost, it seems they have a knack for destroying everything they touch.

Like the heroin imported by HW Bush during Vietnam, or cocaine he imported during Iran/contra in the 80s, or the take over and rebuilding of Afghanistan opium industry during W Bush, and the Oxycotin pill mills allowed to florish in Jeb Bushs Florida there is no doubt it will be much harder to get them out of or lives than it was to let them in. There will be withdrawals, it will suck, it might suck for many months, but years later, we will all know we did the right thing, and our lives will be better because of it.

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