Dear american super bankers (boa and co + the squids (jaleous) ex jpm)
anyway... the point is that, I was quickly watching lci, a pedo channel supporting, and they believe they will force vaxx me and or make me a prisonner... they are convinced it is a political / philisophical issue, they don't get it...
and they don't understand, all those bimbo talking head the pleasure I will have to see their cities burn after the front line passages... I have no problem to melt in hell nuke fire the eiffel tower... to blast the versailles shit and see even the stones of the cathedrals to become light it self :D.
no no no... my little point, was I hope everyone (not involved in pedogate, who has the TXs, waiting for a FBI reform of course) is well and going strong and profitable, while I have a little problem, or worry with dimon...
what the fuck, did he took the shot? I felt him, empty... voided... a mutant now?
who know who knows...
and it was just saying if you liked but I have no interests as I plan to leave, france worker righters modifications :
if making more than 2 times smic, it should be fireable at will, insta go ! bye bye...
otherwise, like parasites they start to believe they have rights, and salaries are their "dues" to even kidnapp bosses...
good luck and have fun !
q: is jpm the front of the global terristic pedostate globalist state? who knows, you the story better than I do...