Sedap Nian! Spicy Acid Head Fish Keu-ung from Rencong Land
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The head of the fish is a popular ingredient to be served among the people of Aceh. However, almost always fish head is cooked as thick coconut curry. Indeed, fish head curry has become a very popular Aceh culinary icon.
For those who are less fond of cuisine bersantan, traditional culinary Aceh has a reliable prescription deposits. His name: keu-ung acid. The sauce is clear, with an enchanting spicy-acid citrasa. Protein is often used for cuisine keu-ung acid is the head of sea fish. But, actually, the meat of sea fish and eggs can also be cooked in this keu-ung sour dish.
Spicy acid itself is one type of cuisine that is popular throughout the archipelago. Almost all provinces of Indonesia have traditional cuisine with a "basic tone" of spicy acids. In Padang there is a dish called padeh acid.
In Riau is called spicy acids. Palembang cuisine called pindang also has spicy tone. In Eastern Indonesia, this dish is commonly called sour sauce. In Java we also know the cuisine of fish cooked in acidic water, with spices - chili, onion, garlic, pecan - first banned (baked), and then boiled with fish.
In Aceh and North Sumatra, the community recognizes various types of acids to bring sour taste to the cuisine, namely: lime, lime kasturi (lemon cui, lime china), acid gelugur (tamarind acid), tamarind, belimbing wuluh, and sunti acid (belimbing wuluh is dried). Each of these spices creates a distinctive sour taste in the dish.
For ke ke-ung acid cuisine, which is used is sunti acid and fresh wuluh starfruit. Therefore, the keu-ung sour fish always have a distinctive flavor that is essentially the same. Once replaced with other acidic sources, people question the authenticity or authenticity of ke ke-ung acids. The acidity and pungency of these keu-ung food dishes can be adjusted to their individual preferences.
Of all the spicy nuanced cuisine in Indonesia, perhaps the keu-ung sour fish is most similar to Javanese cuisine called pindang serani, mainly because of the nuance of onion and turmeric. Also somewhat similar to sour sauce from North Sulawesi. The difference is, the sour sauce of Minahasa more aromatic because it uses various types of leaves that make it fragrant, such as: turmeric leaves, basil leaves, lemongrass, and pandan leaves.
I personally really like the head of fish cooked keu-ung acid because this dish gives a fresh taste. Especially after a few days in the Land of Aceh and always eat thick coconut dishes, keu-ung cuisine becomes a special break. When talking about yin-yang, perhaps keich-uran acid should always be presented as a counterweight in the dish of the Aceh menu is very fat.
Unfortunately, until now I have not managed to meet with Aceh people who can explain what really means keu ung. Perhaps any of you can explain it? This culinary culinary beauty of keu-ung needs to be fully understood - including in terms of its nomenclature.