~ 92 ~ Walk With Me Around the Homestead and to the Little 'Island'
Would you just look at the gorgeous colouration of Peter Parker!
The Punisher
Let's Go to the Little Island
The Elven or Fae Cave
Smart Chickens Putting Themselves to Bed
I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some outstanding walks with other Steemians who got out there in the world today, and took us with them.
See life through their eyes...
#19 ~ Walk With Me - Create a Special Room to promote Steemit By @abelanar11

WALK WITH ME #8 》 SUNNY DAY 🌞 By @joordanzzz

Walk the Lonely Road By @themanwithnoname
Walk With Me at Shell Mound Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge By @mother2chicks
#3. Walk With Me : Beautiful buildings far away / Bangunan indah yang jauh disana
"No #4" WalkWithMe A walk with my lovely girlfriend By @hatemmkh
_Walk with me_holiday to penyuuee beach in Aceh Indonesia with my Friends By @dasir
Trees And Much More By @francisk
Cool Brisk morning walk at the park By @mamabear72
WalkWithMe #2 - A Walk through Shimla By @goel.tarun
~10~walkwithme~Spend the afternoon By @apakapluk

See life through their eyes...
#19 ~ Walk With Me - Create a Special Room to promote Steemit By @abelanar11
WALK WITH ME #8 》 SUNNY DAY 🌞 By @joordanzzz
Walk the Lonely Road By @themanwithnoname
Walk With Me at Shell Mound Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge By @mother2chicks
#3. Walk With Me : Beautiful buildings far away / Bangunan indah yang jauh disana
"No #4" WalkWithMe A walk with my lovely girlfriend By @hatemmkh
_Walk with me_holiday to penyuuee beach in Aceh Indonesia with my Friends By @dasir
Trees And Much More By @francisk
Cool Brisk morning walk at the park By @mamabear72
WalkWithMe #2 - A Walk through Shimla By @goel.tarun
~10~walkwithme~Spend the afternoon By @apakapluk
Great pictures as always Lyndsay.
Interesting that the first picture was of Peter Parker, his alter-ego was at it last night, I caught this shot of him in action on my phone...........
Interesting how many of your flock are heroes or villains!
BWA HAHHAHAAAA!!! There's my morning laugh from TP, I was missing you my dear friend!!! :) BWA HAHAHHAHAAAAAA!!!! Yeah, the hero/villain names, you can blame STeemians and my children for that hahaha. On the naming contests, basically anyone who picked a hero/villain name, won! The kids overruled us every time!! xoxoxoxox PS: Love Darth Layer..... <3 <3 We love them all. We have the best named chickens in the whole world.
How is your vacation going my Tremendos friend? Thinking about you!!
You're chickens are the coolest flock anywhere babe.
I'm at the hotel at the airport getting drunk with my bro, we fly in the morning 👊😎
Your photo quality is just amazing ...you can use #photofeed tag....you have chances to get 100$ upvotes...Thanks for sharing
Scrap my last spring related message .. these pictures look bloody freezing!! Although equally as beautiful as ever. I really have enjoyed these #walkwithme over the last couple of months, you're area is almost like a second home to me .. so beautiful!! Oh and why I remember, do you live anywhere near Oak Island? :D
Oak island is pretty close to us actually! It's in the next big bay beside ours :)
omg, that show. Husband kept making me watch it. It got so darn boring. Hahahha.
Well, I think you win in the ice department again, although this is a contest I am happy to be the loser at ;) We did have our cold snap the other day, but not as much ice as you. I even took you MIL on a virtual walk with me (though a lazy short beach walk) to thank her for her kind and fun virtual run. I think I only dropped virtual pounds from it though. ;)
I can't say enough good things about chickens so whenever any casual bystander or acquaintence has the good manners to ask "Oh, you keep chickens, how fun" expecting, I am sure, to have me only say "yes" soon know never to ask after my chickens again. Because of course I won't shut up about them and go on and on about them. But, as you well know, a chicken keeper always has new stories to tell of their flock. I swear I can watch them for hours.
They used to say that psychologist had proved that watching a fish tank lowered stress levels and calmed a person. I think the same is true for a flock of chickens. Their antics can amuse. Of course I am easily amused, so there might be something in that.
Your rooster, Peter Parker, looks to be part polish and cochin, or Polish and orpington, am I right? Or is he a specific breed I might not know about? I'm curious because I love his smaller 'hat' and his colouration is brillant.
It looks like your last hen pictured has the self blue or lav gene, as she looks like that soft blue grey of my hens. I just love that colour, not sure why.
Thanks for another great #walkwithme.
We have a real heinz 57 thing going on here hahaha!! Easter eggers breeding with Ameraucana and Leghorn....I have no clue what the bleep is going on anymore LOL!!!!! It's a fustercluck ...
Watching the chickens is the most relaxing thing ever, and they make us laugh so much...god I love ChickenTV!! I can relate to your poor neighbour, mine run past as fast as they can if they see me out front hahahhaaa!! Nooooo the crazy chicken lady....run faster!!!
I haven't been to the wwm tag yesterday, I have catching up to do, can't wait to see your walk, you always do such beauties!!!!!
Oh, heavens, I don't expect you to go find my #walkwithme That isn't what I meant. You are a very busy lady, so don't think you have to go hunt down my little post. I was mostly just saying it was such a fun surprise to get the inclusion in your MIL post that I wanted to take a 'virtual walk' with her.
I have one mixed chick now from my purebred Lav Cochins and my Porcelain D'uccle as I they both have the recessive lav gene so I wanted to see what their offsrping would produce. Mine is a more 'controlled' mutt I guess :)
Aww, I can't wait to see what little chicks they create!!
And I know you weren't telling me to go see your walk <3 <3 <3 I want to!! And I will see them all because that's a great part of my day and curating <3 <3 <3 The most fun thing!!
I am going to go stalk your page now, I hope you post about your chickens!! I have chickens too, basically my life revolves around them. Haha.
all #chickenbitches have their very peculiar hairstyle look like hollywood artist :-)
the picture of mini icebergs is phenomenal
lyndsay tell Mr. Pendock that he also sent a great greeting
You have beautiful hairs
your feathers can be made a duster
your typical voice
the voice is always there in the morning
with the melodious you wake up the citizens
You are a good livestock
This poem I dedicate only to your chicken @lyndsaybowes
Great post ma’am @lyndsaybowes upvoted and follow you.
Ooh, that photo of the ice with all the rocks popping out is my favorite!
I live in the city, so instead of losing a sandal to mud, i once lost one to HOT TAR. No shit. It was melty and my shoe stuck to it and when i yanked my foot off, the strap broke! 😨
Oooh my god!! Construction !!!!!! AHHAHAHAAAAA you and your construction I tell ya hahahaaa!! Wow...that would have been just miserable! And sticky and stinky and ewwwwww......
which camera do you use????????when i see your photo,i seems that you are a great photographer.
I'm tellin' ya, construction crews never think about pedestrians. They block off car access and call it good.
Hiii my friend @lyndsaybowes, thanks once again for sharing the beauties of nature in your today #walkwithme-92, all the scenes are really heart touching and the collection of chickens shows your love and craziness for them. I Love your all the Picture. your camera result is outstanding. I am sharing with you a picture of me with chicken with
you .
Thank you soooooo much Rabeel! Each time you share with me photographs from your life, it deepens our connection. I really see the beauty and nobility of your heart and soul. I can see how gentle you are with animals, I can see how much you love nature, and all the beings, plants, animals which are all around you. You are a real blessing!
Beautiful feathers indeed.Last summer when the kids and I visited @earthmother, my son collected the chicken feathers. We had some from her guinea hens as well. We try to make crafts with them, and last year I bought some small skeletons and had my son and @earthmothers daughter hot glue the feathers on the skeletons for halloween decorations. They looked awesome! We also used the hot glue to make bugs and spiderwebs. It was fun.
You know that seaweed... that would be something I would pick up to use for halloween props.
Sigh... I miss halloween.
Oooh my god that is so awesome, what a brilliant idea for halloween decorations, and extra WOW cause I didn't know you knew @earthmother in real life!! That's too cool !!! xoxoxox
Halloween is the my better half LOL, I am sure @earthmother can say a bit about that LOL. Yes, I Have known her for 5yrs now. A friend I hold dearly. She is an amazing woman and has taught me a lot and I still learn from her. And her daughter! I can tell you that she is quite the gifted child. In one of my blogs, I talked about baking and there is a picture of us in there. We celebrated 2 birthdays ^_^
What a splendid color combination of Peter Parker! I'm visiting to your post after several days and it's splendid. I was really excited to walk on the street of Nova Scotia. Smart chickens are very smart. They all are looking so mannerable.
Thank you for visiting me CoolBuddy, it's always a good day when I see you my friend!