~ 85 ~ Walk With Me in Tantallon, Canada (Operation Human Angels)

in #walkwithme7 years ago

I've been safe all winter from the colds the kids keep bringing home...

Until today. The cold finally won, the bastard. Thankfully Brendan ( @hendrix22 ) was home so I could mostly lay in my bed with a bunch of blankets on, pounding vitamin C and reading.

Later in the day, @marionbowes took the little guys skating, so my husband and I got to go on a lovely date. To get tea. And sinus medication. So romantic hey? I decided to make the most of being outside of the woods and write up some #OpHumanAngels notes to stick around town on our "date".


Here's our little town, Tantallon. I know you guys are super excited to see some buildings, businesses and street lights ;)



I mean, just look at the sheer joy on Brendan's face, being out to town with his lovely wife...You can tell by his face that I'm very good company ;)


Drop #1 at Timmies


You are so beautiful.

Drop #2 at Beer Store Parking Lot


No one is irredeemable.

Stole that saying from @phoenixwren. Now that @hendrix22 is back from the beer store, I notice his mood become even better. I think what he purchased will help him get through my cold immensely.

Drop #4 Random Parked Car Near McDonalds


You are Loved by us.

Drop #5 on Shopping Carts at the Grocery Store


This one took a lot of courage, I mean, Brendan is in the grocery store and I'm standing in the parking lot where they keep the carts, sticking sticky notes on handles and trying to take ninja photos with my huge-assed-full-grown-man camera, it was so awkward! I am not a ninja. I am an elephant in a china shop. There were so many people out there...I did it though!


May you have Infinite blessings!

A few photos from the drive to town...





And lastly, a few photos from the drive home.




Thank you for coming on another #WalkWithMe, I hope you enjoyed today's shots! I'd like to go on a walk where you live too, so if you get out there for one, take a few pics, and post about your walk using the tag "walkwithme". I'll check the tag regularly to upvote and give encouragement. Let's earn Steem by getting fresh air and fitness together!

There were 90 #walkwithme posts just in the last 24 hours! A lot were genuine, a few were mistagged. I never upvote the tag-abusy kind needless to say. Excellent work everyone who is participating. You have made us trending! Here are a few of today's walks by Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them!

See life through their eyes.

#WalkWithMe in Daley Canyon By @creationofcare


Walk With Me - Or Should I Say - Ski With Me In Quebec By @stephen.king989

Walk with me. Water aren (palm)processed typical Aceh By @said-nuruzzaman

Walk with Me - Down our Road By @hethur240

Story of My Life By @overkil

Walk With Me at the Weekend By @war-tp

Walk With Me >>> Journey To The Waterfall, From The Angel's Tears >> #1 By @youngky

Walk with me to explore the beauty of Sunset 28-01-2018 By @ailsamoon

Walk with me: Ilam, Derbyshire, UK By @sallylloyd

~ 3 ~ Walk With Me Go to "Langkahan" Irrigation By @ridhasteem

#walkwithme- second half of yesterdays walk along canal By @seareader1

Walk WIth Me as I introduce STEEMIT to people in a village in the mountains where my aunt lives By @lidiasteem



Until today. The cold finally won, the bastard. 😂

We all know that feeling, when everyone around you goes down and you keep avoiding it only to finally succumbs to to 'the bastard."
It's weird seeing 'normal' stuff like gas stations and supermarkets in your post babe as we never normally do.
Kudos for dropping the OpHuAn notes while feeling shit.
Keep pounding the Vit C babe and get well soon ❤️

Thanks so much TP, and I'm glad that you're all better now, well from the flu, I'm not sure of the status of your hangover...how you feeling today anyways?

I don't think it was a hangover, Mrs Percy and I picked up a stomach bug.
It's desperate, I can't be more than 20ft from the bathroom right now. 😞

Oooh no :'( You can't catch a break for very long this winter hey?! :'( :'( Oooh stomach bugs are the worst! The Worst!!!!! :'(

I had to laugh at your 'at Timmies' as I have realtives that live in MI and thus around the canadian border and they are all about Tim Hortons. We have none in our area of New England, just Dunkin Donuts, where I almost never go. Their coffee used to be good but I won't touch their microwaved food. But, I digress...

I like the stoic face in the car. This would be @winstonalden if he was trying to concentrate and I was rabbiting on about who knows what, sometimes I just like to regale the driver with titbits and useless facts whilst they are driving. I'm a font of knowledge, why not share it ;)

Your #ophumanangels notes are so adoarable and such a good idea. I keep thinking of what ways I could do this. I'll have to have a think on it. I still might leave quail eggs and a note for someone.

I do hope you feel better. I imagine with kids you must just pass it all around to one another. Being a bit of a hermit I am not as exposed, but my niece gave it me over Christmas and I had the flu for two weeks. I just did very little, drank tons of tea and felt sorry for myself, as you do.

I hope your next #walkwithme is a #sitinbedwithme as you post about being waiting upon hand and foot and drinking hot coffee and eating buns enjoying Steem and overpriced, but fun, magazines!

I giggled out loud over the hubby’s mood improving after the beer store trip, because that would totally be my husband too...

Right on, I'm so glad you can relate, and have a chuckle too :) That makes my day!

So these are stick-it notes posted by you guys at cars and shopping carts (real ones) of random strangers?

How cool is that 😎😎🤘🤘

I just imagined if I received one of these how would I feel :) That'll make me happy, even if briefly and make my day a happy memory forever.

What if you post #ophumanangels on some of these notes and see how many of the folks trace you back to steemit :)

Thanks for enjoying the stick-it notes, yes they went to all random people.

I don't advertise when I do #ophumanangels, but others do, and I believe their messages bring them to Steemit. I've been doing this for 5 years now, and I like to have the messages only contain the words because people are so used to everything having a 'catch'. Like being sold something. Here everyone is selling something, and if someone is being kind to you, you know that they want something from you, whether it is to join their church, or sign up for a credit card, or donate to a charity. So, my way is just to leave the message. With no "catch". I don't want anything from the person. Only to let them know someone out there cares... <3

5 years. That's Inspiring :)

so used to everything having a 'catch'. Like being sold something.

I didn't mean it that way. And I fully respect what you've been doing. I was just thinking out loud that what if they find it that there's an amazing platform like this and social media is much more than FB and Insta :)

Ooh no worries at all, I know what you meant, and there are a lot of people of the #ophumanangels who are sharing the site with others <3 <3 It's Win~Win!

I think it’s such a great thing! Love it😍

It seems that you and your husband have a romantic life
by the way, special greeting to your husband @hendrix22, he is also a special one in my following list and I knew you because of him when you shared together a song of you was called " A perfect world " about 6 months ago
I loved that song a lot and still keeping it on my laptop and listen to it daily

That's so sweet that you listen to the song! If you would like to download it, it's free, the link for download is: https://steemit.com/dsound/@davidfar/the-key-of-h-perfect-world-original-music

I already downloaded it since the first day I listened to it
it's about 6 months ago

Enough is enough cold, go back to your home we have to work

I was laughing out laud while reading all this awkward situation :D

This one took a lot of courage, I mean, Brendan is in the grocery store and I'm standing in the parking lot where they keep the carts, sticking sticky notes on handles and trying to take ninja photos with my huge-assed-full-grown-man camera, it was so awkward! I am not a ninja. I am an elephant in a china shop. There were so many people out there...I did it though!

I appreciate your efforts that you managed and conveyed it beautifully <3 <3

Massive respect for your @lyndsaybowes :)

Nothing makes me happier than if I can make you laugh, this world needs more laughter and silliness in my opinion. <3 <3 Love and Respect I have for you too @salmanbukhari54 xo

This shows how lively and beautiful soul you are inside, this thing has increased your worth in my heart @lyndsaybowes

Oh noooooo! It got you finally!! I had a feeling it would be your turn soon:( Sorry to hear.
I hope the beer store purchase is helping Bren feel better about your cold haha!
Feel better soon sista <3 sending love xo

I'm glad you 'got' the humour haha, B's face was absolutely priceless :) :) :) Such a happy man lolol!!

Thanks for the healing vibes, love you too Karen! xoxo

Cool post and nice inspirational ninja notes, good job!!!

I was very intrigued by this image. I stared and stared at it, but my brain just couldn't wrap itself around the illusion of those reflections:


Thank you so much my friend! I couldn't believe I captured that from a moving vehicle!!! I'm so glad you like it <3 <3 <3

Nice @lyndsaybowes
I'm having a cold right now while reading your #walkwithme
I had to sneak into my office today when everyone left and make some copies...weird. Anyway..nice walk and good #fuck of statement in your latest video. ✌
See you around..on a #walkwithme

Hey @lelump, it's nice to meet you, welcome to the Steem Blockchain, I'm glad you enjoyed the video and you weren't 'offended' haha! I will surely see you around some more. Thanks for writing me!

Such a wonderful and interesting "walkwithme" post by @lyndsaybowes mam...
Actualy smart post....step by step...full detailed...
Wel done and execellent work mam...
Specialy followed U now....I'm become ur fan....I'm try followed ur blog everyday...

Thank you, I'm glad you like the walkwithme idea. I hope to see you in the tag one day @dini1!

Surely....I'm realy like this tag...
I hope very soon "walkwithme" post...
And I hope your kindly help me...

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