~ 119 ~ Walk With Me: #OpHumanAngels with My Boy @kiedisbowes
This Was a Spontaneous Op!
What Gave Kiedis the Idea?
And So it Was On!
Be Happy
Speaking of Stones
A Detour into the Woods
Heading Home
I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some recent walks with Steemians who got out there in the world, and took us with them.
See life through their eyes...
Walk With Me~See what's in my garden By @lidiasteem

In Search of Spring... in Which we Pause to be Grateful for the Beauty Around Us By @denmarkguy
Walk with me Anuradhapura By @madushanka
~Walk With Me~ KITE PLAY By @war-tp
8th walkwithme It's Been Awhile! 💗 By @yogajill
Walk With Me 🏃14🏃 Enjoyment The Night Market By @madamuhammad
A Walk To Remember Along The Regent's Canal, East London By @immarojas
A Springtime #WalkWithMe Complete With Mild Vandalizm! // First State-side Photostory! By @dayleoo
Walk With Me Hiking Edition - Gold Camp Road By @bearsquaared51
#WalkWithMe - Spring Black Rock and Autumn Musala peak By @danielapetk
Disc Golfing with @davedickeyall By @michaelevans
Walk With Me Italia #5: Giovinazzo, Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta [ENG/ITA] By @miti
Walk With Me - Small Pond Fishing By @papacrusher
Walk with me on the old railroad grade By @amberyooper
First views from Montana - Walk with me 😉🌻 By @em3
Walk with Me (and rockchickjen) to Ebb and Flo - Jacks Fork River By @hethur240

See life through their eyes...
Walk With Me~See what's in my garden By @lidiasteem
In Search of Spring... in Which we Pause to be Grateful for the Beauty Around Us By @denmarkguy
Walk with me Anuradhapura By @madushanka
~Walk With Me~ KITE PLAY By @war-tp
8th walkwithme It's Been Awhile! 💗 By @yogajill
Walk With Me 🏃14🏃 Enjoyment The Night Market By @madamuhammad
A Walk To Remember Along The Regent's Canal, East London By @immarojas
A Springtime #WalkWithMe Complete With Mild Vandalizm! // First State-side Photostory! By @dayleoo
Walk With Me Hiking Edition - Gold Camp Road By @bearsquaared51
#WalkWithMe - Spring Black Rock and Autumn Musala peak By @danielapetk
Disc Golfing with @davedickeyall By @michaelevans
Walk With Me Italia #5: Giovinazzo, Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta [ENG/ITA] By @miti
Walk With Me - Small Pond Fishing By @papacrusher
Walk with me on the old railroad grade By @amberyooper
First views from Montana - Walk with me 😉🌻 By @em3
Walk with Me (and rockchickjen) to Ebb and Flo - Jacks Fork River By @hethur240
Y’know what Lyndsay.
Its wonderful people like you who have the bravery and desire to break from societies ‘accepted norms’ and refuse to let their children be turned into little slave/drones who will make a difference in the future.
If all parents were like you the world would be a much more loving, accepting and safe place.
You’re an inspiration babe ❤️
Thank you so much, that makes my day to hear such words!!!
Hey @lyndsaybowes what a beautiful #walkwithme/op you guys seriously make the world a better place and I really mean that! I think the bush you're looking at is heath/heather .. but I could be wrong .. although I shouldn't be as it's my favourite plant .. see here is a picture of some heather from a walk I did last summer :D On the subject of walks I went for a lovely spring flower walk the other day and I'll load the pics soon. A beautifully uplifting post as always my friend . thank you for sharing.
Oh God that is so beautiful!!! It's like a song! oxoxxo I really look forward to seeing the upcoming shots, wow....!
This is so off topic, but you made me remember the days when my boys were young and I'd smile doing their laundry, just to see what I would pull out of their pockets...stones, twist ties, gum wrappers, unidentifiable stuff...so cool. I love little boys. That sounds weird lol, but you know what I mean haha
Loved the impromptu op moment too <3 Way to go to teach 'em young!
Hey Lynn 💜🌸💜
Been thinking of you and Brian 🙏
Are you a mom of boys like Lyndsay? My sister is. Lol, it's a different brood for sure!!
Yep, two boys! They're now 20 and 23 :) I was always such a tomboy that I'm not sure I would have known what to do with girls haha I did a post a week or so ago about what I'm thankful for...you can see their cute lil' faces there. I of course think they are terribly handsome ;) Boys keep you hoppin' that's for sure!!
Brian is having a better day today fyi...hope it continues! Thank you for asking <3
The things we learn from our kids (and grandkids). Sometimes we forget what things look like through their eyes. Nice walk though. I like that Kiedis found a way to leave inspiring messages! Way to go, Kiedis! Those pretty flowers on that bush looks a lot like heather...but I could be wrong. What did they smell like?
I didn't smell it, but two other Steemians said the same as you, so I'm gonna go with heather, good eyes you guys! I'm going to sniff it next time I go by there, what does heather smell like?
Sort of woodsy and earthy. They make perfume out of it and in Scotland, some brides carry it in their bouquets.It was my mother's favourite perfume.
Ooh wow....I cannot wait to grab a sprig and crush it up to smell it! Sounds lovely...
Firstly, I love your messages of hope and love. I am sure that your sticky paper of love on that pylon has been left as the fisherman probably like seeing something happy and positive as opposed to a graffiti tag of someone heralding their own 'coolness' with their bubble-lettered name.(don't get me wrong I love graffiti, but the clever stuff not just a name in bubble letters)
Second, That unknown plant is heather! Good ole Scottish heather and as you live in 'new scotland' it seems only fitting. I love heathers and they, even before the bright yellow of forsythia, herald Spring to me.
We are having a late or rather a longer Spring this season and I am loving it! Last year we had already cut the lawns twice this year have not had to even think about it.
I have been busy over the past three days doing my annual push to get my two rental cottages up and ready for the coming season, so that includes not only interior cleaning and decorating (drudgery mixed with fun) but also yard work. I have to add gravel to paths, trim hedges and mend fences (we get a lot of wind around here as someone who lives by the sea can attest to). And yesterday I was just finishing up my last bit of mulch and saw the hostas poking their little heads out and the forsythia just beginning to open some of their buds. Spring, I lOVE IT!
What a joy it must be to walk with your child and I love that you instill such love and sharing into his world view. It's nice to know there will be some good future adults out there. Sometimes when I am at shops, especially in Summer in our vacation land here, I disparage the future generations and wonder at what sort of world they will make and or live in.
Well, happy to see another walk and to touch base again with a good ole rambling comment.
Awww, been a long time since I got a letter from Dear Donna!! <3 <3 I hope you're not working too hard on those cottages, sounds like a lot of work...
Thanks for letting me know about the heather, aww...a perfect plant for "new scotland" :) :) And I'm also glad that little Kiedis brings you hope for the future generations, he brings me a lot of hope too.
Much Love SiSTAR!!!
You can really see the spring coming out. Isn't it just glorious to move past this unending winter. It looks like you got schooled by your lovely son. That is what makes these walks and messages even more special because we are extending it onto our children and family and hopefully it catches to others. I'm hoping those fisherman saw that note and left it there to help it achieve it's desired and true purpose. Amazing walk as always. <3<3
It is so glorious to be finally leaving old man winter behind for good. Do you have any trees opening up there now?
I hope the fishermen left it there because it makes them feel good, I hope they feel loved, needed and valued. They are the backbone of our province!
I totally agree about winter.
Wouldn't that just be awesome if that were the case. Yes the fisherman play a vital role in your area., and really all over the world. Both in what they do for all of us and by being who they are.
my love @lynncoyle1 told me about your basemant and crows, we have alot in common. LOL. You do a great job here
Thanks Brian, it's nice to meet you!! <3 I love all that you both are doing down in Mexico too, the photo of you at the burger place, feeding a doggy a burger was sooo sweet!!
Well a super duper big hug and an upvote from Oma to my favorite Keidee in the whole world. Please stay as pure and wonderful as you are, forever. The world needs more people like you. Keep on spreading the word of love and patience. I am giving you a kiss on each check right here now on my laptop. I also think those fishermen saw the note and left it on purpose. Much love to you all down there. xx
Sending love right back to you in Seabright....yeah Kiedis is the best, always has been, always will be <3 <3 His smile alone lights up the world <3 <3 <3
All the plants will soon be fully awake along with the animals and insects.
Its a pleasure to see a proud kid enjoying his day with mom..!!! 🙌
Be happy and stay blessed, dear...!
~ Tennis Girl 🎾🎾
Thank you Tennis Girl, you stay blessed too!