14 Hari Di Swedia #2: Pertemuan dengan Komunitas Orang Aceh

in #walkwithme7 years ago


Bisa berkunjung ke negara Eropa adalah suatu hal yang sangat menyenangkan. Kali ini saya berkesempatan menikmati indahnya kota Swedia saat musim salju “winter”. Saat saya mendarat di sana pada Selasa 26 Desember 2017, temperaturnya 4°. Kondisi ini sangat ekstrem untuk saya yang tinggal di daerah tropis yang temperaturnya berkisar 28° – 35°.

Tidak terbayang bisa merasakan temperatur 4°, bahkan -4°. Jika tidak ada ketahanan tubuh, maka bisa dipastikan saya akan sakit. Setidaknya begitulah yang dikatakan orang-orang Aceh di Swedia, karena kebanyakan orang Indonesia yang datang ke Swedia saat musim salju, jika tidak tahan dengan cuaca dinginnya maka akan demam dan influenza. Sehingga mereka menyarankan saya membawa obat yang biasa saya minum di Indonesia, hanya untuk sekedar antisipasi.

Namun karena saya tidak terbiasa minum obat, saya hanya membawa suplemen Bee Propolis HDI (sarang lebah) untuk meningkatkan stamina. Alhamdulillah, selama 14 hari di sana, kondisi tubuh saya sehat.
Ada banyak hal yang menarik di Swedia, di antaranya saya bertemu dengan orang-orang Aceh di sana. Kebetulan hari itu mereka memperingati musibah tsunami yang meluluhlantakkan Aceh tahun 2004 silam.


Saya dijemput di Bandara Stockholms menuju ke rumah saudara saya di Sigeltorp. Setelah istirahat sejenak, siap-siap, langsung menuju ke Meunasah Aceh atau juga sering di sebut “lokal”. Di tempat itu dilakukan banyak aktivitas belajar-mengajar khusus untuk orang Aceh, seperti belajar mengaji untuk anak-anak Aceh dan pengajian ibu-ibu dan bapak-bapak, belajar ketrampilan memasak dan diskusi lainnya, termasuk belajar bahasa Aceh bagi anak-anak Aceh yang lahir di Swedia.

Mereka juga mengadakan acara peringatan maulid Nabi dan hari besar Islam lainnya, serta acara peringatan tsunami Aceh. Kebetulan saya tiba di Swedia bertepatan dengan peringatan tersebut. Mereka menggelar pengajian, makan makanan khas Aceh dan Indonesia seperti “masak sie puteh”, “kuah sie kameng”, “mie caluek”, “lalapan terasi”, “rendang padang”, dan beberapa masakan lainnya. Mereka menyambut kedatangan saya dengan sambutan hangat dan kebahagian yang luar biasa, karena bagi mereka kedatangan orang Aceh, bisa mengobati rasa rindu mereka akan kampung halaman.


Kegiatan di meunasah Aceh, biasanya berlangsung setiap hari Sabtu, dan hari Sabtu saya diundang kembali untuk ikut kegiatan mereka. Nah pada saat pertemuan kedua ini, saya baru memperhatikan, di sudut ruangan ada bendera mantan GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka), padahal beberapa hari sebelumnya saya juga ikut berpose bersama mereka di ruangan yang sama, tapi bendera itu luput dari pandangan saya, mungkin karena saya baru melakukan perjalanan jauh. Jadi belum fokus dengan keadaan sekeliling.


Saya dipersilakan mencicipi hidangan masakan Aceh, setelah melihat-lihat kondisi meunasah Aceh yang tidak begitu luas. Jangan dibayangkan seperti layaknya meunasah di Aceh, meunasah ini seperti ruangan apartemen biasa, yang terdiri dari satu ruang utama kira-kira ukurannya 5x4 meter, ruang kelas ukuran 4x3 meter, ruang kantor ukuran 2x2 meter, dapur ukuran 3x2 meter dan dua kamar mandi.

Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Acara diskusi. Saya diminta untuk bercerita tentang perkembangan Aceh seperti; kondisi politik , ekonomi, dan sosial budaya di Aceh. Mereka juga meminta saya menjelaskan terkait kinerja Baitul Mal Aceh, tempat saya bekerja.

Setelah saya bercerita panjang lebar tentang kondisi Aceh, mereka bergantian bercerita, terkait dengan aktivitas orang Aceh di Swedia, Perjuangan mereka hidup di negara Eropa. Saya juga sangat tertarik dengan cerita mereka. Yang paling menggelitik adalah ketika saya di ruang kelas, saya melihat background layar LCD 45 inc, gambar demonstrasi dengan pakaian serba merah dan mereka rata-rata membawa bendera mantan GAM. Ketika saya tanyakan itu foto siapa dan kegiatan apa? Mereka menjawab, itu demonstrasi masyarakat Aceh yang ada di Swedia yang dilakukan setiap tahun untuk menuntut kemerdekaan Aceh.

Pemerintah Swedia memberikan kebebasan kepada masyarakatnya yang berasal dari berbagai negara untuk menyampaikan aspirasi mereka melalui demonstrasi, selama mereka melakukannya dengan cara damai dan tertib. Setiap tanggal 01 Mei setiap tahunnya, atau disebut juga dengan ”May day”aksi demo dari berbagai negara, termasuk aksi masyarakat Aceh.

Pertemuan singkat saya dengan mereka, membuat saya mengetahui banyak hal tentang orang-orang Aceh di sana. Biarpun di Aceh sendiri sudah menerima penjanjian damai dengan Republik Indonesia, tetapi mereka masih memiliki idealis untuk menuntut kemerdekaan.[]


14 Days in Sweden # 1: Meeting Aceh People Community -

Having a chance travel to Europe was a very pleasant thing. This time I had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful city of Sweden during the winter season. When I landed there on Tuesday December 26, 2017, the temperature was 4°. This condition was very extreme for me who live in the tropics with temperatures ranging from 28° to 35°.

I can not imagine can feel the temperature of 4°, even -4°. If there was no endurance, then I certainly will be sick. At least that's what the Acehnese people said in Sweden, as most Indonesians who come to Sweden in the winter, if they can not survive with cold weather then it will be fever and influenza. So they suggested that I bring my regular medicines in Indonesia, just to anticipate.

But because I’m not used to taking medicines, so I just take Bee Propolis (bee hive) HDI supplement to increase stamina. Alhamdulillah, for 14 days there, my body was fine.

There were many interesting things in Sweden, among which I met the people of Aceh there. Incidentally that day they commemorate the tsunami that devastated Aceh in 2004 ago.

I was picked up at Stockholms Airport to my brother's house in Sigeltorp. After a short break, got ready, went directly to Meunasah Aceh or also often called "local". There were many special teaching activities for Acehnese, such as studying for Acehnese children and recitation of mothers and fathers, learning cooking skills and other discussions, including learning Acehnese for Acehnese children born in Sweden.

They also hold memorials of the Prophet's birthday and other Islamic holidays, as well as the Aceh tsunami memorial event. I happened to arrive in Sweden to coincide with the warning. They held recitals, eating Acehnese and Indonesian specialties such as "masak sie puteh", "kuah sie kameng", "mie caluek", "lalapan terasi", "rendang padang", and several other dishes. They welcomed me with a warm welcome and great happiness, because for them the arrival of the Acehnese could cure their homesickness.

The activities at the meunasah of Aceh, usually take place every Saturday, and on Saturday I was invited back to join their activities. Well at this second meeting, I just noticed, in the corner of the room there is the flag of the former GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka), whereas a few days earlier I also posed with them in the same room, but the flag was missed from my view, maybe because I just traveled a long way. So did not focus with the surroundings.

I was invited to taste Aceh cuisine, after looking at the meunasah condition of Aceh that is not so wide. Do not imagine like meunasah in Aceh, meunasah is like a normal apartment room, consisting of one main room approximately 5x4 meters, 4x3 meter classroom, 2x2 meter office space, 3x2 meter kitchen and two bathrooms.

Then proceed with the discussion event. I was asked to tell about the progress of Aceh such as; political, economic, and socio-cultural conditions in Aceh. They also asked me to explain the performance of Baitul Mal Aceh, in wich I work for.
After I told them at length about the condition of Aceh, they took turns telling stories, related to the activities of the people of Aceh in Sweden, their struggle to live in a European country. I am also very interested in their story. The most intriguing thing was that when I was in the classroom, I saw 45-inch LCD screen background, pictures of red-clad demonstrations and they were carrying flags of former GAM. When I ask who is the photo of who and what activities? They replied that it was a demonstration of the Acehnese community in Sweden committed annually to demand Aceh's independence.

The Swedish government gives freedom to its people who come from different countries to express their aspirations through demonstrations, as long as they do so in a peaceful and orderly manner. Every May 1 every year, or "May day" demonstrations from various countries, including Acehnese action.

My brief encounter with them, made me know a lot about the people of Aceh there. Although Aceh itself has received a peace agreement with the Republic of Indonesia, but they still have the idealists to demand independence.
To Be Continue…


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Jak sabe..lagi pantau ya juli?hehe..

He..he..ya pak @fauziaceh tajak kalon Nanggroe gop sigoe2, hayeu chit.

Thank you for taking us with you, it looks like you had a really good time!

You are welcome..
Thanks for u coment...he..he..
Where do you come from @lyndsaybowes?

I live on the east coast of Canada :)

Yayayaya hayeu swedia..

Luah thatt bumo Allah, alhamdulillah meurumpok cit ngon syedara2 bansa Aceh.... Silaturrahim.

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