If This Isn't Love

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Keep walking Francis. You will surely find something that is pretty to look at?
If you think that. You would be right.
I know that the photo opportunities won't come looking for me. Ha
So we keep moving on.

To get up to the rock (oops) garden. I had to walk past this house first.
I can remember when it was being built. It took a long time.
Two to three years I think.


Now back to our Rock Garden.
Oh no. The Venice Garden Club doesn't know what a rock is. lol

I know what a rock is though. Let me show you one. Ha

We may as well look at another one while we are here. I like to look at (rocks.) Ha

If I am at a rock garden. Surely there would be a flower or two growing.
I had good luck. I found a flower growing. I like that.



Strike three Mr. Francis. You are out.
Enough of the flower. lol
Find something else to look at.
OK. You win.


Would you like to see a lake view?
It is very nice I think.


The lake view continues. It would be nice to live around this lake.
Any alligators in this lake? There could be.
I didn't see any. Maybe they were hiding. Ha



Before we say goodbye to this lovely area.
Let's have another look or three.
One will be a bicycle tie post photo.



Enough duplicate or triplicate showing for now. I just like to have a little different hue on some of the photos.
I have a tough time deciding which is the best view. I let you decide when I show two or three variations.

For now.
Can I find a good love song?
I am a hopeless romantic. You may already know that.
To my heart and mind. This song is one of the all time greats to listen to.
See if you agree???

Added to YouTube by: TheJhen1982--Published on Nov 25, 2012

How do we want to live our lives?
That is such a difficult question for some.
And it is for me too.

I wish life was simple.
But, I have found out as the years go by.
Life can get even more complicated it seems to me.

But with Steemit.
That part we can be somewhat certain about what to expect.
Effort in. Rewards return to us.
I like that.
Thank you



Oh what fun...you’ve taken us to a Florida coral garden, I see. ;)

Oh, my heart jumped in excitement.
The "Queen of Steemit" has graced my pages.
As one of her loyal subjects.
It gladdens my heart to see your highness has spent the time to post a reply on my Steemit blog.
I could ever be so blessed and honored.
Thank you your highness.
I am evermore indebted.


You are very sweet, Burning Man.
You know it is my pleasure to see just what you get up to every day. ;)

Hi Dear Sir,
Good morning, wish you very beautiful and colourful day.
Sir your love of walking is very special and unique and it's inspiring everyone to have some beautiful hobbies like this and contribute to the beauty of nature and world.
Sir your heart is filled with love of nature and your soul is so pious it's always see the brighter face of everything and it's very illustrative and positive.
Good day dear sir.

With love and respect.

Ha ha
OK. I get the message. I will tone it down a little. lol
I never had any training or special education that would prepare me for Steemit.
So, I have always had the thought that I needed to be "visibile."
Maybe you would rather have me to be more mainstream and not so much over the top?
Ha ha. I love it.
Did I put you into shock mode?
If I did. I am sorry. Forgive me.
Give me your guidelines for OK and good posting.
With love and respect.


Love to see these beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you

Oh no.
I am being pushed to do good work. Yikes.
But, you did say that you were walking with me as I was looking around for something nice.
I know that you are an expert on what is good and acceptable.
So, I am in good hands.
Thank you for watching over me and helping me in my quest for excellence.
I appreciate that you would do that for me.


loving for place. it is really look. thanks for this post and wonderful photography
have a nice day.

Beautiful green grounds , white flowers and water lake . Dreamy place .

Green green green , everywhere green grounds .
Nice photography

realy very nice

greetings my friend

Thank you


Nice pond.

very beautiful place my friend!!!

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