Breaking My Heart

in #walkwithme6 years ago (edited)

Starting here and now. I confess and admit to looking for color and flowers in my walks. Ha
And why would I do that?
Look at my success in finding lovely flowers and objects.
I like color. I can see the colors as I move along.

It isn't that I have to have and find flowers for every photo that I add here.
But, the odds are high that at some point in my walk.
I will find something really pretty and make the walk worth it for me and maybe for you too.

Now we know that not everything will be magnificent in color and shape.
Such as the one below.
But, I like it anyway.

I do look up to see where I am from time to time.
When we get interested and engrossed in what we are doing and seeing.
We could walk off the edge of the "flat earth." Ha ha

I don't even know what that is. I have heard of it a few times.
It is flat here where I am. But, I don't see any edges to fall over. Ha

More of the same from the beginning?
It could be. I was moving along and didn't stop to compare.

What. No flowers?
Not here. Looking for green lots. No houses there. Yet....................

Oh no. Do you see it? That is not a good sign.
A survey stake.
For a new house?

Before I start crying, (just kidding about the crying.)
Let's find some flowers to console ourselves. Ha

I have restless fingers at times. Bright and then darker.
Seeking, searching, and looking for the right combination.
But, until we find it.
This below. "No, not blockchain technology." Ha
Just lighting contrast.

One more look. Double vision?

If we walk very far.
We will see these little critters nearby and watching.
They can be very curious and cautious.

Well. We have to live someplace. This looks to be a place that many people would like to live in.
It isn't completely finished yet.
When the builders are done. It could be one of those that I take photos of as I walk past.
We'll see.

Some ride and some walk. I am the walker here.
With what looks to be a coming rain. The riders are going to stay dry. lol

I keep on walking as I need to for at least two or three reasons.
For Steemit and my followers.
And for my exercise away from the computer.
I will be walking for many more weeks I think.

Oh, yes. The song.
Wait right here. I'll be back.
Thank you

Here we go. Something a little more lively this time.
Slow songs is my favorite. But, Saturday evening?

Added to YouTube by: tashan4193--Published on May 8, 2009

Thank you for following along with me in my walks and my Steemit posts.
I know we will see better day ahead for our cryptos.
Blockchain technology is taking over the world.
We will be ready.



All your flower are very cute. Do not want to you is Heart. You are a good friend!

Wow lovely flowers . it is really look . such a great article .
this is great photography and nice work.
Thanks @francisk
have a great day.

Awewome photography , keep walking and sharing pics with us . Thanks

@francisk, Absolutely with your clicks when you uploaded here, touching heart deeply. What a meaningful song for listening. It's your gift to steemians. Interesting to see spacing area. Thanks for given inspiration.

Just awesome pics taken . Keep sharing .

Dear sir good evening although I am so late to comment on your post, actually little busy on some home work hehehe.
Sir the collection of your pics is always very vivid and magnificently quite awesome and quite pretty.
The plants you clicks are also delightful with not only colour but their design as symmetricity in shape of every leaf is saying that our mother nature is better artist than us.
We enjoy with your walking sir and it's has so many benefits not only for you but to us too.
We witness those magnificent views because of your waking so keep it up dear sir.
Good day, Good health.

Thank you


I find myself doing the same thing. I am also taking my macro lens with me more often...just in case I need it. :)


Action shot of a squirrel.

Beautiful starting with adorable flower image and nice finishing with fabulous music @francisk. Intermediate images so powerful.obviously you showing always excellent shots flower photography in your blog.i am really attractive your post always.. this house,road and green nature, tree, small plants very attractive.thanks to sharing for your great dear friend @francisk very well done. take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.may god bless you.

Thank you
We may be a little unhappy now about our cryptos.
But I think we will be happy later this year.


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