RE: ~ 84 ~ Walk With Me in the Hoarfrost This Morning (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Oh this all looks so lovely. But you know what, it looks even lovelier seeing it here on my screen whilst outside here we are getting rain GLORIOUS rain! (I'm a wretch to boast about that, I know)
After your last post about ice returning I have got up each morning with trepadation, peeping my little gaze out my bedroom curtain to view one of our "rhody barometers" expecting to see them curled up tight, afraid of the cold frigid air. But, alas, no they are open and covered in soft rain.
I am sure we are not out of the woods, though, as they say (THEY are always SAYING something, aren't they?) that we do have some snow coming. But, until I see it falling or notice the inward curve of the rhody leaves, I am going to live in blissful ignorance that Spring is early and snow is gone for good this Winter and the sun will shine and unicorns will bring me tea in bed...well maybe the last bit is a stretch.
The tracery of ice and white in your landscape is breathtaking though, so beautiful. And your chickens seem to not be phased at all. Mine, this morning, were sad little darlings, as they wanted to go into their run and when I went later, the little buggers were still out and they looked as if someone had dumped a bucket of water on their head. I think they are just so happy to have the nice warm rain and NOT cold frozen ground, they are thumbing their noses (see beak ) at it and basking in the damp warmth.
Well, here I go again, another long letter in your comments. When will I learn to type less...never that's the answer to that question. You and I both know that . :)
Thank you for sharing your warm weather with us Donna :) We were +8 today, with a beautiful light rain falling at times, and then mist/fog rolling from the hills. It's going to be short lived though unfortunately. I'm glad you, your feathered family and the rhodys are all unfurled and warm :) Chickens have such bad hair days in the rain hey? Poor little things...
I know, they look so bedraggled, especially our one polish hen, Mag Wildwood (from Breakfast at Tiffany's). Isn't it fun naming chickens!
Now I see we are to have snow over the next two days. I guess it still IS Winter after all.
I know right haha, the ones with the poofy afros suffer the worst in the rain, wretched little things...
Winter is
stillcoming eh? Damn.