The Tree That Refused to Fall


What does this tree and my junior prom date have in common? The both refused to go down! Sorry, couldn't help myself...

Many of you know that if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all. Trying to get this tree on the ground to harvest has helped support that claim.


It started out as a dead pine that had fell on it's own and had become lodged in between other trees. There was a large portion of the tree that was dangerously suspended in the air without support. For the safety of muh puppy, I had to get this thing down.


I started on the end that was close to the ground and started cutting small chunks off of it. I was hoping that by cutting away at one end, the other end would teeter like a seesaw and become dislodged from the supporting trees.


As you can see, the tree did teeter but it didn't totter lol. The tree was almost horizontal now, how convenient...not.


There wasn't enough room for me to get a tractor in place to use the bucket to unwedge the tree, that would have been too easy anyway. I put muh brain to the test and came up with trying to throw a rope over one end and attempt to pull it down just enough where I could cut on it some more.


Apparently muh rope throwing skills need sharpening because even though I managed to snag this small piece of a branch TWICE, I was having a helluva time getting it over the end.


Once I finally lassoed the rogue tree, I was able to pull it dow slightly but not enough. Time to go against every safety protocol known to man. I decided to get on a ladder with my chainsaw to complete this task. I know, I know...I get it. Not the smartest thing to do but hey, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.


I will admit, this was sketchy as hell. I started off taking small chunks off of her little by little until I felt like I could pull the other end down by hand.


The photo above and below is just where I was playing with illusions, making it look like I was touching the tree but it was actually way out of my reach.


FINALLY! After mucking with this thing for way too long, she starts to fall...but not all the way...sumbitch!


Can you believe this? Only me son, only me. At one point, I honestly considered shooting it down with some big bore weapons.


Finally, the entire tree is down and I am completely wore out. I'm not going to lie, this tree kicked my ass and put up one helluva fight.




What a fluke that the pine would end up wedged like that in a perfect might suspect the handiwork of a Sasquatch. ;)

That's what you call "Bandit luck", my dear.

Lucky it didn't fall on you! I am glad to see that it is down and at least now you can deal with it on the ground! A much safer place to be!

You and me both, sister!

This could have been done a lot easier, safer, and way more fun....... Tannerite!! A binary explosive would have done a good job. Big explosions all in the name of safety, count me in all day!

LOL, that would have been a better and definitely more fun way of taking her down and I have about 20 pounds of that stuff that needs to be used!

In that moment, I imagine that you were grateful to have a brain. This scene looks like those mental skills games where you have to solve the case and you only get the tools to act. The more the struggle is imposed, the more we refuse to surrender!

looks like you are having a bad day, but thanks god it finally came down.

Yes, "finally"!

What a process! Laughed out loud at work at your opening joke. Nice dedication! Unlike you with your junior prom date, you've got wood! Ok, that was a bit of a stretch :)

Haha! I'm glad someone appreciated that piece of humor, thanks!

Way to show that tree who is boss!

Thanks to @ecoinstant, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Thanks @ecoinstant!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

It started out as a dead pine that had fell on it's own and had become lodged in between other trees.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Wow, if that was the only error you could find, then I'm golden!

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