towards SBMPTN 2018
Hallo friend steemit wherever you are, i have been a day off, so today i will tell my last trip to Biereun Aceh, yesterday exactly Sunday we did try out SBMPTN for 12th graders and thank goodness we succeed to try out the event, is attended by 300 students with each student comes from IPA and IPS, there are various uniques that occur in the try out this time, below I will also share some portraits of try out yesterday.
from the picture above we can see some students choose to sit under and use their seats as a table, in my opinion it is very unique and fun
this is the committee implementation of the event to try out SBMPTN 2018, very handsome and cool I think, hehehehe
and alhamdulillah our event runs smoothly ,, read good luck and hopefully my writing for the future to be better and can inspire the lovers of steemit wherever you are