Walk Wednesday With the Old Guy
Well Hey Friends!
I Hope You Are Having
A Great Hump Day!
A thank you to @tattoodjay for starting Walk Wednesday! I enjoy this challenge even if I tend to bend the rules a bit.
We had our first bit of smoke on the water this morning. It starts when the air is cooler than the water temp.
When Ben and I arrived at the park for a short walk, it was very peaceful and quiet! There were these 2 heron or cranes walking around as well as a large group of geese.
Shortly after a Father and a few young children pulled up and the kiddos of course hit the ground yelling and screaming as they chased off the geese.
Here you can see dad yelling too lol.
So much for the peaceful moment...Thankfully the left just as fast as they came!!!
Disturbed Reflections
The water is quite clear!
Even the geese seemed to find their peaceful state of mind once again...

Thanks for stopping by!
All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
What a delightful spot love the fog over the water gives such a magical feel
Glad the noisy family didn’t disturb the peace go to long
Ps my rules are guidelines and bending them is always ok I do it myself often
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk tip!
It is always my pleasure. I always enjoy it. If I miss, its because my old brain hardly works and I forget stuff all the time lol.
That happens to me all the time the other week it was about 6PM before I remembered I hadn’t done my Wednesday Walk post lOL
Wow... beautiful photography
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We're having a strangely warm September. Fall is still nowhere in sight. Those last two sunset photos are beautiful. I remember how ready you were for winter to end. I'll bet you're in no hurry for the temps to drop.
Fabulous walk! Looks so peaceful :)
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seems like the time passed by very well
The images were indeed great :)
The reflection on the water was indeed awesome and beautiful.
Thanks so much!
I like this park and glad that the noisy family left you and Ben to your tranquil evening while you were enjoying the beauty of the setting sun. Can you believe that fall is right around the corner?
Where did our summer go? Bring it back!!
Nice walk and glad you had the time to share your day with us.
Thanks I actually made a nice video of the sunset too (after they left)...
Summer is always just here one day and gone the next :(
Sounds vaguely like the Michigan I remember. ;)
Beautiful view..
Amazing photography...
Nice article friend..
I enjoyed the walk ! So... what were they yelling about?
Just to scare the geese into flying I guess..
That made me laugh !
Just some beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing @old-guy-photos !