Four stages of God's word in man's life
Today(s) Scriptures (s) Matthew 13:18-19 NIV
“Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path." I will treat stage 1 of the four stages of God's word in a man's life:
- A man that doesn't understand God's word. Matt13:19. The question we must ask at this point is how can a man who is not "a christian" understand the word of God for the first time of hearing it? The simple answer is that the preacher has not done his work well.
When conveying the word of God to people some factors must be in place:
a. The preacher must pray hard by committing the hearts of the hearers to the Holy Spirit to bring about conviction.
b. The preacher must presents logic and facts to the hearers.
c. The preacher must be acquainted with the scriptures and has the ability to contextualised the scriptures between the world of biblical writers and our world.
As you step out this morning may the Lord go before you. God bless you and good morning.
See you next time..