What is your GAIN? - PART 1

in #wago4 years ago (edited)

In times of adversity, do you wallow in self-pity and hopelessness? Does your drive, passion and skills dimish or is it your perspective of life in general? It's "time to fear" so we all fear, it's "time to prosper" so we all prosper as dictated by the media, government regulations and external conditions we are actually exposed to (Simon says "jump").


As long as you exist in this planet, something has to be done to the element of you be it an employee or the organization at large. My opinions will line up with employer-employee or slave-master relationships, which we have existed since time immemorial. We rehearse the same lines we do when we prepare for to meet our potential masters. The panel quickly pulled out of their day to day tasks pull up that "dusty paper/set" of well-planned competency questions and irrelevant cultural-fit questions to torment their would be co-workers or employees; pretty much something like, "let me see if you are actually qualified to earn this am giving you.. in this time of ... Simon says COVID!".

As an employee working for your organization, what do you GAIN from them? Did David just pick 5 smooth stones to slay Goliath or he was motivated to do so for GAIN? Here is a list of items they presented him ..

1 Samuel 17 25 ... The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.”
... 27 They repeated to him what they had been saying and told him, “This is what will be done for the man who kills him.” ~ NKJV

Ahh... Wealth, A Great family life and Tax-benefits!


Slave-Master Relationships

During the days of slavery, slave masters used to offer their slaves shelter and a place to sleep in return as their wages for the day. These people were abducted against their wish to go work in far away plantations. Just to survive, they had no will of their own but their will was subjected to their masters will. It went on from generation to generations and this is a curse! In the 21st century, such relationships still exist. Am not talking of people captured and trafficked across nations and continents, am talking of what could appear to be a seemingly normal relationship between an "employee" and "employer".

In a rather unscrupulous manner, these employers have an eye to pick every day survivors (Professional workers who don't know their worth) and load them with all sort of tasks with unrealistic deadlines to act as whips. They say "name your wage!"... The lower you go the higher chances you have of getting through; you are an affordable slave. In a carrot and stick method, just as Laban did, they feed off your needs, change your wages 10 times when you ask for an increase to match the work they give and ensure you always look up to them for providence. Oh... a salary just enough to pay your rent, transport, food and options to take advance salary/loans (incase you carelessly overspend). You are ever indebted to them and as the scripture says

Proverbs 22:7 “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” ~KJV.

In times of calamity such organizations/employers quickly disintegrate as fast as their disgruntled employees snitch against each other and the organization at large in the game of survival. That translates to a lower productivity levels as the slaves quickly plot to run away from their slave masters to seek freedom elsewhere. This cycle continues and sooner or later the trajectory changes; a public uproar, labor laws are passed to abolish slavery and these masters are out of business as competitors move closer to take advantage of their well documented weakness!

Colossians 4:1 Masters, give your bondservants what is just and fair, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.

Not all employees are slaves*(Check out Part II), but majority are. They are conditioned to accept slavery as a way of life through uniform perks and salary scales. We even see many large and well-monied organizations still operating the slave-master model even though they are known to "pay well". The only difference is their well conditioned slaves stay in better homes, neighborhoods, drive better cars, go in exclusive vacations, schools etc. yet when they leave the organization, they are no different from their underpaid counterparts in other organizations. Stress and Poor health eating off a large potion of their wealth and large debts are still the talk of the day creating equity to balance off their problems. The tactic used is the same, feed off their needs and change their wages 10 times. It is either the salary, compromise family.. either family little salary.. pay taxes promptly, comply with this or that etc, whichever way you can put it with tight control structures. Just put a gate-keeper in form of rigorous HR procedures or a terrible boss with a good track record of his job to ensure this is implemented.


After vacationing at home and working remotely (trying to juggle work and play), thanks to COVID, the last surviving employee has gotten to connect with their loved ones, friends and caught up with one or two things they didn't have time for. Self-reflection and awareness was part of the process and the need to change some aspects of his/her life in their new found freedom. The 2nd comeback of the slaved-employee is at risk as the oligarch corporations have devised a clever trick to enslave them further together with their parent organizations. Same principle, wider net. Feed on their needs and offer a solution which the current formula is COVID=Vaccine. To gain advantage over their little pesky competitors, the oligarchs will work closely with governments to tighten the noose with tight vaccine regulations imposed on slave-employees to return to work. Tighter controls and management stats are updated to the oligarch's head-offices from enslaved governments and organizations to closely monitor their movements in the name of COVID.

PART II Coming soon - The Employee, The Employer and the Oligarch

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