in #wafrica6 years ago

The youth of Africa are running away from the oppression and repression at home; from the hunger, unemployment and leadership tussles and endless politicking, corruption and violence in many African countries. Yet the youth bear a substantial part of the blame for their tragic state.

Most youths of Africa seek greener pastures abroad, rather than confront the sources of their impoverishment and relentless carnage at home.

Stay home and fight!

The developed world is tired of our unceasing migration to their shores en mass. Don't blame them for treating us the way they do. We have to blame our collective foolishness.
If the Western world had run away from their challenges rather than confront them and change their uncomfortable conditions, you would not want to migrate to those organized countries today. People fought and laboured to build those places you run to. They built it - with their sweat, tears, sorrows and blood!

See what we Black people are doing to our own kind, from Burundi to South Sudan, DRC to now corruption-ravaged South Africa; from Nigeria to Somalia, Kenya to Zimbabwe, Cameroon to CAR, to Chad, Niger - crises everywhere.

We should be ashamed that we have to always run rather than fight to change our condition...
Return. Stay home, fight and bring about the sane society you desire - and deserve...
Running and perishing in the desert of dry dust and the Mediterranean Sea is no option.

Why must Africa remain a footnote in history?
Why must we remain the whipping race of the world, and continue to earn the derogatory but not entirely undeserved slur as "sh**holes".

We can't continue with beggarly existence and humiliation everywhere in the world.
Rather than focus on how to make life better for all, we are killing, invading, cheating, defrauding, embezzling, appropriating, denying others their birthrights and blessings, and hating our fellow Black people. We Lynch, butcher, destroy, raze villages, destroy farmlands, kidnap and brutalize people who have done us no wrong.
The youth sell themselves cheap to politicians as thugs, as willing tools to rig elections; as arsonists to destroy political opponents of their politician paymasters.

The youth sell their votes at elections and turn around to complain about their desperate conditions. Shame on you!
The youth would not register to vote, and many of those who register stay home and watch home video and football matches on election day. And when the elected or selected leaders ignore their interests, they gather at newspaper stands or beer parlors and argue endlessly about their woeful fate, and quarrel over who among their politicians has made themselves richer from the collective treasury, over which politician is smarter or deadlier than the other.

The youth join gangs of violent groups and kill one another in senseless gang wars. Shame on you!
The youth ransack their own villages, drive away their elders and community people, rendering their own villages desolate.

Yet these youth want to migrate to better, saner climes! If the youth of those countries you dream of migrating to conducted their lives as you do, would you have such beautiful, organized and orderly, disciplined places to run to?

We are the architects of our own disaster!
419 is not the answer. Stop the Yahoo fraud, and stealing by false pretense of any kind. Stop destroying infrastructure in your communities. Start lending your time and efforts to community service. Serve your community, don't destroy it.
The world will respect us when we realize the futility of our foolish ways, when we learn to think right, to do the right thing, to grow above pettiness, to learn the value of TRUST and HONOUR...
Nobody, no country wants us in their land anymore in the numbers we keep trooping into their space.

Build your own paradise.
Change your attitude.
Stop the consumer lifestyle and start producing. Do something meaningful, give value and get your deserved rewards.
We have everything, yet we live in penury.
Everyday our leaders keep asking the Western world for aid, yet we are the richest continent.
Come let us build together...

Think well. Think critical. Think rational.
Think lofty thoughts.
Do heroic deeds.
Build your land. Stop destroying it.
Stop running away

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