The one who perseveres bears fruit to 101.

in #wafrica6 years ago

Blessings friends of steemit hoping that all your goals are fulfilled and that the peace of God more in your heart today I made for all of you a brief study on the parabola of the sower I hope you like it.

To begin with, in the message of the parable of the Sower, the Lord teaches us how the seed of the word when planted in the heart of man has different effects on many people. The most relevant in this parable, is how it is emphasized more in the four types of terrains. Each land symbolizes the heart of the man in whom the word was sown.

We also see, that Jesus preached, many people who heard the word. Therefore, it is similar to today, when the message of salvation is also preached in the whole world for more than 2000 years. However, in each person there is a different reaction and The Lord Jesus gives an interpretation, explaining the 4 different types of soils (hearts) where the word was sown and refers to those who hear it.


Explanation of the Parable of the Sower

The hearers next to the road

"And as he sowed, part of the seed fell along the road; and the birds came and ate it "(Mt 13: 4).
Explanation given by Jesus: "When a man hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who was sown by the way "(Mt 13:19).

First of all this explains to us that, like throwing a seed on the pavement, this type of person has a hardened heart, so much so that the word finds no place in them. Also, like many times we see how the birds come down to eat the seeds that are on the surface of the pavement or the squares, in that way the evil one snatches the word that was sown in them.

For this reason, one of the many references we find in the word, each time the Pharisees listened to the Lord, their religion and their traditions impeded and clashed with the doctrine of Christ. In the same way it happens today when many do not accept the word of the Lord and place their religion above God. Therefore, the hearts of these people were hardened and the Bible mentions when Stephen said: "You stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit"(Acts 7:51).

The listeners of the stony ground

"Part fell on stony ground, where there was not much land; and it sprang up early, because it had no depth of land; but the sun came out, it burned; and because it had no root, it withered away"(Mt 13: 5-6).

Explanation given by Jesus: "And he that was sown in stony places, this is he who hears the word, and at once receives it with joy; but it has no root in itself, but is of short duration, for when affliction or persecution comes because of the word, then it stumbles"(Mt 13: 20-21).

This type of person who describes the scriptures is shallow-hearted, just like a rock with a thin layer of earth on top. Therefore, it can not take root, since only momentary emotional joy has occurred, but not true repentance. For first, when the redemptive work of Christ is done in our lives, what is produced in us is contrition, repentance and humility, not an ephemeral and fleeting joy.

Moreover, the word of God can not take root in this type of people, for the lack of a life of prayer, reading of the word and devotion to God. In consequence of this, when trials, temptations and persecution come because of the word, then they fall.

So these kinds of people are temporary believers, that as soon as situations come they leave the church and are not willing to fight for the faith that was given to them (Jn 6:66).

The listeners in thorny ground

"And some fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up, and choked it"(Mt 13: 7).

Explanation given by Jesus: "He who was sown among thorns, this is he who hears the word, but the zeal of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it becomes fruitless" (Mt 13:22)

In this example, the heart is half-hearted, and has not been surrendered totally to God. Therefore, we must be careful, because the cares will come, but with respect to this, the word of God encourages us saying:"Do not be anxious for anything, but let your requests be known before God in all prayer and petition, with thanksgiving"(Phil 4: 6). For this reason, we must pray and cry out to God. We must also detect the thorns and cut them, because they stagnate the life of the believer, causing that, by keeping an eye on the cares and external things, do not bear fruit to God.

In conclusion, in "the hearers beside the road" and "the listeners in rocky places", we see that the causes are internal, "the hardness of man and the superficiality of the flesh". While the" listeners in thorny ground," the traps are external, "the greed of other things" and "the pleasures of life."

Listeners on good ground

"But some fell into good ground, and yielded fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold. He who has ears to hear, let him hear"(Mt 13: 8).

Explanation given by Jesus: "But he who was sown on good ground, this is he who hears and understands the word, and bears fruit; and he produces a hundredfold, sixty, and thirtyfold "(Mt 13:23).

This type of people the Bible describes in Luke 8:15, as those of "good and righteous heart." And not only that, it also says that they are those that"retain the word and bear fruit with perseverance". Therefore, the requirements for the word to bear fruit in this type of believers were, a simple heart and an open mind to understand the word of God, clinging strongly to it.

So it is important that there is a lot of prayer, to understand, to have patience and to treasure the word in our hearts with the desire to keep it.

Summary of the Parable of the Sower

The Sower:Who sows the word.
The Seed: The Word of God.
The Terrain: The heart of man.
Those of Along the Way: Hard-hearted.
In Pedregales: Shallow heart.
Between Thorns: The half hearted.
In Buena Tierra: The wholehearted.

Reflection of the Parable of the Sower.

Each message of the Lord Jesus had a teaching to meditate and put into practice, the reflection of the Parable of the Sower is the following:

Along the Way: It teaches us that each human being is responsible for listening and receiving the Word.

in rocky: It teaches us how important it is to congregate, to take root and learn more about the word of God. But he also exhorts us to pray and to have a life of devotion to God.

among thorns: It leaves us as a teaching to be attentive to those anxieties and desires that can become thorns in our lives. For this reason, we must detect them and cut them off, asking God for help in prayer, so that we can separate those cares and desires that want to stall our spiritual life (Heb 2:18).

On good ground: It teaches us to persevere in prayer and to continue on the path that Christ laid out for our lives.

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