in #wafrica6 years ago


Have you ever thought about the fact that even after Adam fell he could still hear God just as well as he did before the fall?

Same with Cain, after he murdered Abel, he still could hear God just as clearly and normal as he could before he sinned.

Infact the way Cain answered God when God asked him "Where is your brother?" you could tell he had become over familiar with God's voice.

"Am I my brother's keeper?"

Where I come from, that is disrespect.
You don't speak to your father that way much less your maker.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Cain could even take God's voice for granted because of familiarity.

Imagine the privilege he enjoyed!

We have been told that God never will speak to us if we ever sinned.

Funny, isn't it?

As if God keeps malice like we do.

Well, we can see from Adam and Cain that it's not true, proving that we can all hear God's voice.

You see, the issue people have is not in hearing His voice, the issue is in listening and acquainting ourselves with it.

You do hear His voice.

You just need to get familiar with His voice.
Fellowship with His Word daily.
Get committed in a company of Believers where God's Word is clearly taught, understood and honoured.
Have a quiet time daily.
Then listen to your heart.

We are always in a hurry.
Ever following the rave of the moment.
We do what 'everybody' is doing.
We surround ourselves with so much noise, hustle and buzzle.
Dawn to twilight, we are busy.
And when we are home, we are either gisting, watching tv or operating our devices.
Yet we tell ourselves 'No time'.
We like the feeling of being busy.

Even when we pray we mostly aren't listening to our heart for God's voice.
To most of us prayer is like one-way traffic
We're only there to talk TO God and get through with the routine.
Some approach God with a long list of requests, praying just to tick off their prayer points.
We want to pour our hearts to Him,
We fail to realize He too wants to pour His heart to us.
We fail to realize how God desires to have a good heart to heart conversation with us.

We hardly slow down to look within or get quiet to listen to our heart.
And when we do get quiet, we let in so much internal noise- emotional or intellectual noise.
Or we sleep off.

This goes on and on...

All day...


Then we make a mistake.

We fall prey to scheming evil men.

We make a wrong decision.

And we wonder why God let it happen.
When all the while God was trying to get our attention.
All the while we ignore our heart.
This should not be so.

1Thess. 4:11
And that ye STUDY TO BE QUIET, and to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, as we commanded you.

Psalm 4:4
...commune with your own heart upon your bed and be still. Selah.

Learn to listen to your heart my friend.
As you get familiar with your own heart, you will have no problem recognising His voice within.

Slow down and listen.

Learn to get alone and get quiet.

And when your heart corrects you, don't try to smother it. If you listen longer, it will teach you what to do.

After a while, you will find you no longer make much mistakes in your life.

You will be able to discern things.
You will be able to make good decisions.
You will be wiser, smarter.
You will know what to do, when to it and how to do it.
You will begin to see life as it is.
You will begin to receive insights.

And when you speak, your words will bless, lift and comfort many.
People will value it. They will come from far and near to hear you speak and seek your counsel.

Your life will be far better when...

You start listening to God speaking..

Through the still small voice..

In your heart.
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