Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again, shame on me.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #wafrica6 years ago

Why don't we listen to the adage, which states, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again, shame on me? As far back as I can remember, we have witnessed politicians making empty promises, and ending up disregarding these, once they are elected.

Yet, it appears, many of us, either, want to believe, fail to pay attention, are apathetic, or naive, and continue to vote, based on these promises, rather than the quality, and/ or viability of the action plan.

Perhaps, now, more than ever before, we are witnessing a level of false statements, and lack of viable solutions, and, as long as Nigerian and indeed African voters, keep voting these types of people, into office, there will probably be, a continuation of these empty promises, etc.

With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, identify, review and discuss, some of these scenarios, and wondering why, we tolerate this behaviour, from those we entrust, with public office.

. Fact checking: Perhaps, because of Social Media, Print media, TV stations etc, it has become far easier to quickly spread falsehoods, and or lies. until more people fact check, before believing, this will continue, because it has proven effective, in misleading voters, to believe, what those spreading these items, want to.
This mode of spreading falsehood was extensively done through facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp and other blogging sites during the 2015 elections. Whether this was due to foreign interference, domestics attempts or some joint venture, obviously, it is dangerous to achieving the best possible form of governance.

. Political speeches: Listen carefully to what a politician states and / or claims, when they give a speech. Do not merely follow blindly because it fits some personal agenda or self interest but look at which individual seems best prepared and has some solid solutions based on considering ramifications, antecedents, reality and the common good.

. Ready for the Job: Too many times, we vote based on personality, popularity or some other intangible reasons like sentiments rather than who is prepared and ready for all the responsibilities and necessities of effectively leading and making a difference for the better.

. Positive difference, rather than “change”, for change sake: One of the most overused expression is stating , we need change!.
Changing things, unless they are based on viable solutions, seeking positive differences, rarely serves citizens best interests!

*A case study is what is currently on now in Nigeria; the supposedly African giant!

As I conclude, we need better public officials, rather than merely blaming and complaining, Nigerian and other African voters must pay more attention and get more involved!.
Voting should focus on which candidate will benefit the populace.

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