in #wafrica6 years ago


So yesterday I wrote about me having consistent headache everyday for the past three week and about me wanting to seek professional opinion as soon as possible. Well after putting out that post I started to browse the net and to research what could be wrong hoping it wouldn't be something big and then it hit me.

As a child I have always had this over sensitiveness to strong smell especially from soaps. I remember when my dad would buy bathing soaps for us as children, I would always react to some of the soaps because of the smell. The smell was either too strong or too harsh for me. Once my nostrils or sense of smell comes anywhere around the soap, I would begin to have catarrh and the catarrh will invariably lead to headache because of the constant blowing of the nose. Luckily for me the soap would finish in two to three days and my dad would call us soap eaters. Lmaoo

As I grew to become a teen adult and went to boarding school, I started to decide the soaps I would use and for some reason I just didn't come in contact with those soaps and I totally forgot about my allergies to strong smell.

About three weeks ago, my boss decided to bring electrical diffuser machine to make the office space smell better and to attract customers into purchasing the diffusers that we sell. I remember telling my colleague that the smell coming from the diffusing machine was too strong for me and he said 'Your brain is not strong'. I didn't take it as anything and the next day, the catarrh started and then the severe headache came. I even fell ill and I remember writing about it here about three weeks ago. I was so sick for almost a week and then I got better but the series of headaches didn't stop. It was not until yesterday I remembered the allergies I have always had to strong smell.

My question now is I work here and I come to work five days a week and the machine has to be on everyday for at least five hours out of the nine hours I work here. What can I do to stop this headache? Will my system naturally adjust? but it has been three weeks already and nothing. Please guys what do you think I can do to stop this situation. I look forward to your comments


jeeez, this is a tough one one o. You can not tell your boss to remove it, I guess you have to take breaks and stay far away from the diffuser.

Thank you so much dear

Sorry, hope you're better now?

knowing the cause is a relief. Thanks

Sorry about the unpleasant work environment !!!
My advice is take adequate rest when you are chanced too and feed on lots of vegetables,They are really helpful trust me ...
You could learn and read briefly about a few on my timeline

Thanks dear. I sure would

It really touch me

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