
in #vyb3 years ago

Taxes are bad. There should be no taxes. The UN did bad things in Africa. So bad. UN killed people. UN steal. UN does very bad things. Sky loves the UN. Sky loves taxes.

I created a Fandom page for Memes World Production. That was the home page, the parent page. I created child pages or sub pages for the characters therein. I created these pages on Fandom.com. But now, today, they appear to be gone. Why? How? Who or what did it? What happened? Don't know. Many things I don't know.



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Screenshot at 2022-06-29 11:53:48 Tanya Fear.png

Check out Tanya Fear on Hotep Jesus and on Twitter

Oatmeal Daily - 2022-06-29 - Wednesday | Published in June of 2022





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


12:07 AM - Discord
Taxes are bad. There should be no taxes. The UN did bad things in Africa. So bad. UN killed people. UN steal. UN does very bad things. Sky loves the UN. Sky loves taxes. If you don't HATE the UN, then you do LOVE the UN. Minimize global and federalized power, bring it back down to the state and local levels, the 9th and 10th amendments of the U.S. constitution. I believe in voting. Too much of the taxes do not go to where it is said to be going to. Taxes hurt the economy. If you need money, you work hard to make the money. Military sell weapons and things to different countries. In other words, they don't need taxes. If you're not able to make money, then you start a fundraiser. The government can start a Go Fund Me page. However, people like Obama have millions of dollars. Politicians don't get their money from the taxes. Government is too big. Government is big swamp. The government is not that. The government is a lot bigger than what you think you see in DC. What you think you see in DC is just the tip of the iceberg. The IRS was not originally part of the gov. The thing that happened in 1913 is a big thing. The 1913 thing happened after the 1871 thing. Kids like you don't know history. You have no idea why it is important, 1913, 1871, you don't know.



2014-05-25 Me 01 FAV AVATAR.jpg


11:58 AM - Discord
Sniff is mad at Roy. I'm copyrighting breathing. You cannot breath. We will all die. I copyrighted the human form. If you have two legs, you violated my copyright. Does copyright work on the Internet? Sometimes, bad people hit good people. The meaning to life is within the aspects of love. When defining the meaning to life, you have to then define love. Love is defined mostly by the attributes of grace and justice. Justice is giving people what they deserve, grace is the opposite of that. The Golden Rule comes out of the realm of Grace.

The meaning to Life is Love and the meaning to Love is Life. I still got to watch Good Will Hunting.





2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


12:08 PM - Twitter
The Lara Croft accent of Tanya Fear. I found you through Hotep Jesus. He is like my counterfeit Jesus. It almost sounds like you're new to Hotep which I found amusing.

12:12 PM
This is a critical lesson that must be learned. It's just so hard. But very true.

12:13 PM
Roy, there is so much you can learn on Twitter. People love to say websites are not for education. They're mistaken. Roy is happy about that. I live inside the brain of Roy. Joey & Roy is the new Star Wars Kylo and Rey says Roy. Who is Mecha-Emperor? Roy is right, Joey Arnold did say, "FUCK TRUMP." It was in an article.

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EZ added:
Fandom does not fully remove accounts, but we can disable or rename them. Disabling them will ensure the account is locked and can't be used. This process is NOT reversible after 30 days have passed, and you will have to create a new account if you wish to rejoin Fandom. To delete a Wiki Page, navigate into the Wiki, and click the contextual arrow for any page. Not every Page will have a Delete command: The first Page added to a Wiki is designated as the home page, and it cannot be deleted. Its contextual menu features only two commands: Edit and History.

02:10 PM
Discord regarding Fandom:

I created a Fandom page for Memes World Production. That was the home page, the parent page. I created child pages or sub pages for the characters therein. I created these pages on Fandom.com. But now, today, they appear to be gone. Why? How? Who or what did it? What happened? Don't know. Many things I don't know.

@Roy Merrick#5961, help me. I need a phone. I need a computer. I need a camera. I need camcorders. I need hard drives. I need adapters. Roy, I will run out of space. Roy, you want me to work and not talk to you? Roy, if I worked, I would never ever be on Memes World. Roy, I would be too busy to be here if I was working. Remember 2008 when I was working all the time. Remember what I would do in October of 2008. Remember how much work I was doing in 2007. Roy has an opportunity to help Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Roy offered to help Oatmeal with videos. Roy talked about helping but then backtracked. Roy is like a scam in a lot of ways. I am still confused at what Roy is trying to accomplish. I am direct and I tell me what I am trying to accomplish.

Roy however lives in the shadows. Roy pretends to help but refuses to really help. Joey cannot make videos with only one terabyte. A thousand gigabytes is not a lot. You can blink your eyes and the data will be gone. Why would I listen to music from a Roy who refuses to give me what I need? Roy makes a video that says my content is poop. Roy wants the world to know that Joey is Poop. Roy is living in a weird world. Roy is lost. Roy loves to hate Joey. Roy chooses to stalk Joey. Joey loves Joey. Roy hates Joey. Roy loves to mock Joey. Who is Future Joey? Roy likes to say Roy is Future Joey. Roy, I will be leaving Discord soon to work on stuff that you don't want to help with.

Let the record show that Roy does not want to help. Roy can't help but to yell at me. Roy, how am I supposed to make a video with no space? Roy, how am I supposed to make a video? Roy, I am running out of space. Roy, do you know how to count? Roy, why do you pretend to have so much money? Roy, you sent me a book. Roy, that book cost money. Roy, that money could have been used to buy a hard drive. But Roy does not value videos. Roy literally made a video mocking videos. Meck is spam. You guys do nothing. I'm literally doing a million things. Meck has no life. Makes no videos. You have an opportunity to make an impact. And you choose not to. And Roy sits there in the corner.

Roy, the record will show that Roy talked about helping Joey with videos. Roy pretended as if he could do it. After a long conversation, Roy turned around to confess he could only make a very small dent in helping with the videos. This all happened on this Discord about a week or two ago. Oddly enough like a broken record, Roy is back to saying he will send the videos of Joey off to the professionals. Roy must not know you can save money if you do it yourself. Roy seems to be implying that I'm not a professional. The definition of professional is not a person who is paid. That is a crazy way of looking at the world. If I pay you money to do something but you do it in a very bad way, I would not call you a professional. If you give me money to do a job and I run off with the money, I am not a professional. That would be a scam most likely. Yet, I got money. A professional is a person who is good at a job. People lose track of what words mean because they focus on how words are used instead. Roy may not realize how much money it would cost to send videos off. Roy is almost asking me to explain the process.

Roy is either extremely dumb or extremely evil it seems because we had this conversation a week or more ago. Roy says the same things to me again and again. I don't know why Roy does this. Roy is probably saying he would send my videos off because he knows I will say no. Therefore, Roy can pretend as if he offered to help. Roy is retarded. I don't know if Roy knows how much money it costs. I used to talk to people about how much money it would cost on and off these past TWENTY YEARS OR LONGER. I have talked to so many people over the years about this kind of stuff. I already mentioned all of this on this Discord before. Roy is lying. Each hour that is copied can cost many dollars. How many hours are we talking about? Over 600 hours. Each hour could cost $30. It is a question of how many hours. Over 300 tapes. Each tape can be several hours. Sending that many tapes in the mail can cost hundreds of dollars. What happens if you lose tapes in the mail? What do you do when you lose stuff in the mail? Have you ever lost stuff in the mail? How can you be reimbursed for a lost memory? Roy, you just want money for a lost photo? These memories are priceless. Roy is willing to throw away his life for money. Roy says $100 is more important than a childhood photo. A video is 30 photos per second. Roy, why are you asking? Roy, why are you stocking me? Roy, why do you care? Roy, why do you have my life memorized? What is the source of the Arnold Attic name? Roy, I asked my dad for my home videos which might be in the shed right now. Roy, who else do you know in my life? Roy, you know nothing about me. Roy, I told my dad. Roy, you are an idiot. I told my dad. I had conversations with my dad in 2017 and 2018, I uploaded the videos to YouTube. Roy, you probably don't know that because YouTube suspended those channels. There is so much Roy does not know. After getting to the bottom of this, I may talk to Roy less. What my dad cares about would be a giant rabbit trail to journey down.

Some video professionals suck. I'm a professional, period. To copy a VHS tape, one must have at least a four-head VCR. I've not fully investigated all the types of VCR devices that may be out there but I do know four-head VCRs is said to be a higher grade. Roy played space man as a boy. I played Elevator. VCRs do NOT have 720p. Do you understand why I say VCRs do NOT have 720p? Because VCRs are analog and not digital. Now, yeah, perhaps the digital copy could be set at 720p. To be technical, 720p might be too high in some cases. My philosophy would be to simply have the master copy at one quality level higher than the original version. I am looking at trying a scanner for photo negatives. I actually spent around $300 on Amazon last night. I have around $700 I'm planning to spend today. But still not a lot of money. But I want to spend it before inflation increases again. Some of my money goes into Bitcoin and I don' want to spend my Bitcoin for many decades if possible. I have so many things I need to buy. Roy, I have a garden. Yeah, so the price of Bitcoin was at like $50K or higher. It went down to like 30K or something. So, in a way, Bitcoin lost half its value or something like that. I thought a Super Fan like Roy would be interested in helping Joey. I guess not. I added some more items to my Amazon Wishlist. Roy says Joey is NOT independent. Joey was not independent in Vietnam?

If Joey was still in Vietnam, then Roy would say, "FUCKING JOEY HATES HIS FAMILY." Roy thinks Americans are NOT lazy? Roy stop lying, you don't have enough money to copy my videos. Roy, are you gay? I can't work on things if I am talking to Roy. I choose to interact with Roy because it's good practice. I was studying to become a pastor in 2006. It seems Roy is referencing 2006. I wanted to be an astronaut. Ask me if I gave up on being an astronaut. Ask me if I gave up on hope of being in the NBA by the age of 20.

I can prove Roy is not Future Joey with just one question. Roy could probably answer the baby questions eventually. But a big question would be harder.

04:56 PM
Why was Sky asking me to add her photo to it if she deleted it? I wanted to ask @Roy Merrick#5961 where to send my video tapes to so Roy can pay for it. I have a big question that only Real Joey could answer. I want to ask Roy. @eddyblaze#7258, I knew a man named Rick Golden in West Virginia around 2006. I think one of the nicknames @Roy Merrick#5961 has is Rick. Some of the conversations that I would have with Rick Golden was similar to the dialog I'm having with Golden Rick Merrck. By the way, Merrick means sea-Rick. Back in 2006, Rick Golden was probably around 40 to 55 years old.

Baby Question Number One:
@Roy Merrick#5961, who did I like in 2006? I give Roy ten hours to carefully comb through my blogs to find the answer to that. Roy is pretending to want to help me copy my videos. I know this because if I were to ask Roy where I can send my videos to, Roy won't give me a direct answer to that. But yeah, Roy is a Meme Master. The RoyMer Attic will be a show to watch. If he is there. Assuming Roy is not Rick Golden of West Virginia. Assuming Roy is not Justin Huse of New York. A classmate in college in in New York, 2004. Another kid made a video of me in 2006 in West Virginia. Rick Golden worked maintenance at my second college. His kids were attending that same college. I was staying at Rick Golden's house for a few weeks. Rick reminds me of Roy, yes. I worked for Rick Golden, I did maintenance there. A few times I would show up to work late and he would yell at me saying my true colors were finally showing. Sometimes, I would ask his wife and others for the ingredients of everything we were eating. He said it is not nice to ask so many questions. He went on to fire me. He also kicked me out of his house. But he blamed it on his wife who ironically went back to college to get masters or something. Rick Golden used computers sometimes. Yeah, he would probably be 70 now. He had darker skin, I'm thinking Italian. Not brown but a type of tan. Maybe part Spanish. But maybe not Spanish. Maybe more Italian. Had glasses. No beard. Most of the people I knew went on to get married and have kids. Most people I knew have lives I imagine. Well, based on what I've seen on Facebook, they're all way too busy to stalk me.

Rick Golden would not be as busy as some people perhaps. But Roy has never revealed any hints of actually knowing me outside of what I already put out there online.

I understand it's possible Roy could carefully hide any inside baseball he might have on me. However, it is my belief that some of the inside baseball would perhaps leak out from time to time. I interact with Roy a lot as my attempt at trying to see if any of that might leak. But in my observation, Roy is lost by what I publish online and not on my actual life. Over 90% of what Roy says about Joey is just stuff Roy found on Joey from Hive Blog but taken out of context. I don't know enough about how Fandom works to comment. Can anybody delete a page? If that is the case, then I need to learn how to protect pages there. I did go to my own Fandom and clicked to protect that page which was not removed yet. I'm still learning how to use Fandom. If I can figure it out, perhaps I could try to block random people from removing pages assuming the settings to do is available. But I still don't know enough to know what kind of options are available on Fandom. I think I ran into some options on Fandom that could perhaps lock or restrict pages. That might be able to help or protect pages. But then again, an option like that might also restrict and stop people from editing and contributing and adding to the Fandom pages.

05:45 PM - Discord
The Time Traveler's Wife Man suck his own dick in that new 2022 television show series that I reviewed.

I believe that @Roy Merrick#5961 is pretending to be Future Joey because I used to talk and write about FUTURE JOEY. I might have said I might not even believe my future self. I might in fact call my future self a liar and stuff. I forget what I would say and write. I cannot remember everything. But Roy might be playing off that.

It is a cleaver way of using one's own words against oneself. If I say Roy is lying, then Roy can say, "But I'm Future Joey." If I say I don't believe it, Roy can say, "You said you would say that. Checkmate." Roy is trying to be cleaver by using my own words against myself. Roy thinks he has me checkmated. He saw his mom died when he was like five years old in a car accident. He time traveled out so that he would not die. But then went right back to that moment. As a teen, he traveled a few minutes into the past or present to suck his own dick. When he went to marry, he traveled eight years into the future while his older self traveled back in time to marry his wife. Then he went back in time to be married and yet was not married. His older self married her. So, is that adultery? That show was better than that Star Wars Kenobi show on Disney Plus. If my life was totally private, then it might be easier for me to guess who Roy might be based on the kind of information he might have on me. To a pretty large degree, it seems that @Roy Merrick#5961 is obsessed with the cat and mouse chase, the romantic back and forth, the erotic banter, between Roy and Joey. This thing might be sexual for Roy. Roy is a big erecting mushroom. I tried asking Roy earlier if he was gay for me. It might be that Roy loves the tension between us. Roy sent me a book to get attention is seems. Roy sent me soap to get attention. The actions Roy took seem to be centered around him.

Roy accuses me of talking at him and not to him, that I'm talking about him, and yet it seems Roy doesn't really talk to me. That is a big question, how Roy might get the attention of Joey. However, I was already talking to Roy in 2019. It's like Roy already had my attention. Today, I was eating chips. Roy was obsessed with trying to figure out where I got the chips just he could turn around to tell me to get a job. Most of the conversations between Roy and Joey from 2019 to 2022 involved Roy telling Joey to work and to live life. That's it. Like a desperate broken record. Rick Golden told me to show up to work on time and to not ask too many questions. My defense at the time was that I was busy and that we would not normally start working until ten minutes later. If I had to show up to work at 02:00 PM sharp for example, I would show up at roughly 02:10 PM because I would remember that on previous days we didn't start working on time. So, instead of talking to anybody about that, I just simply would show up a few minutes later as to save me time. Because I was running around like a chicken with no head on. I would work in the kitchen three meals each day between classes. I was sometimes also working maintenance. On top of that, we had to do ministry too. On top of that, study. On top of that back then, I was often trying to build a super mega Joey Arnold website on and off in the early 2000s. I showed up for work late a few times, sometimes it was due to miscalculating how long it takes to get to work. But it was also mostly that I was literally trying to optimize every single second of my day.

06:26 PM

Rick Golden had a good family. I would eat with them around the dinner table. Rick had like at least two college age boys in 2006 in West Virginia and I don't remember any daughters. Rick liked to use the word "Analyze." They had conversations about analyzing life and reality. I sometimes interacted. But perhaps they didn't always liked my questions or some of the things I would say around the dinner table at that time which may have been part of the reason Rick kicked me out of his house or maybe it was just his wife not liking me or whatever it might have been. I think Roy is desperately doing everything he can to keep my attention. Roy may not realize that I can easily forget about him. For some reason, Roy is not trying to interact with Sniff or others. If Roy is a Joey Arnold Super Fan, I wonder how Roy compares and ranks with other Super Fans. I wonder if this is simply what fans do.

Do people send fan mail to Britney saying, "Stop singing and get a job." Michael Jackson, I'm your biggest fan, I love you but please go get a job God Damn It! Roy Merrick to Oatmeal Joey Arnold, "I love you but please go get a job God Damn It. And Eat My Soap."

Roy either knows of Joey directly or indirectly. There are at least three categories. Roy might be in one of those three. Either Roy met me in person, saw me in person, something pretty direct, personal, local, in real life, Roy knew people that knew me, a friend of a friend kind of thing, or perhaps Roy does not personally know me directly or from a friend of a friend.

07:13 PM

Roy does not fit the normal category of FAN because usually YOUR FAN would want to see you more but it seems Roy wants to see Joey less and less. That is what I am seeing. Maybe not exactly like that but in some ways it sort of looks like that. There may be a few other elements added to that. But it mostly appears as if @Roy Merrick#5961 is some kind of ANTI-FAN. Like think ANTI-HERO but replace that concept with a new term I call ANTI-FAN.

James Behnke has subscribers only for his live-comments on YouTube. I clicked subscribed. I can't comment.

07:33 PM
@Ian and His Quaker Oat Box Drum#0566, are you talking to me or Roy? @Roy Merrick#5961 is an anonymous human who has been following me since 2019, sent me a book mailed to me from Connecticut in 2021 and he mailed me soap from New York in 2022. @Ian and His Quaker Oat Box Drum#0566, now if Roy is fighting me, some of that is normal. I'm saying if he is. I'm not going to say he is. But from my perspective, I think he is. I have found some of it to be a little off, the things Roy would do. Yeah, this server or channel mentions Roy and other people too sometimes. We would call this a channel. Like a room. This is the Joey Arnold channel within the Memes World server on Discord. I promote Memes World. I joined Memes World in 2022. I have my own server. This is not my server. But this is my room or channel. Memes World is made of individuals with various views and everything. You saw me on the Bear's channel on YouTube, Discord, or where? You saw me on Tim Pool on Discord. Which bear channel, which website?

Deadwing Dork did his one video on me on Monday, the 14th day of February of 2022. That was my first time I remember ever seeing or hearing anything about this claw man from Canada who is also a musician.

After that, somebody sent me a comment on my YouTube with a link to his video. That is how I found out. I started making videos about it. At least around March or April of 2022 at the latest, Memes World started making videos about me. @Ian and His Quaker Oat Box Drum#0566, I don't think I saw your comment on Tim Pool's Discord server. I sometimes try to look. But it's very hard to see everything. I ended up in like so many servers on Discord. They say you can only join up to 100 servers. If you want to join more, you have to pay money. I ran into that limit like in 2020 or 2021 on Discord. So, I've joined so many servers and I have a hard time keeping track of every single message and comment and everything on hundreds of websites and everything else over the years.

@Ian and His Quaker Oat Box Drum#0566, did you know Dead Wing Dork has a server on Discord? I've not been in Dork's Discord because it costs $2 which I don't want to pay. I thought maybe you thought you saw me in there. My philosophy is that a Discord server is not always going to be good but I'm not really on Discord because it is good or not good. The story goes that Dork and his friends were looking at the epic rap battles of history videos on YouTube which led to them seeing my videos. That may be the full story or maybe not. I made videos. I made music videos. YouTube removed over 7,000 of my videos. Dead Wing was not able to look at my videos. What Dead Wing Dork saw of me is only a small scratching of the surface. I started making videos in 1996 and have made thousands of videos, many hours of content. Memes World started making documentaries on it. Roy Merrick ran into me on a random website in 2019 and has been following me ever since like a stalker.

09:08 PM
I agree with this. Awkwardness is sometimes necessary if it can help you see the unseeable. Hotep said he sometimes includes inappropriate commentary which I also agree with.

09:16 PM
I think about my dreams. I keep a dream log. I like talking about dreams. Tanya Fear wrote something I've never heard before, "The past sends healing to the future through dreams." The first thing that came to my mind was the science fiction awe of time travel.

09:22 PM
You mean a woman wants to chase the man for a change? I think that may be true sometimes or perhaps a lot more than men would ever imagine it to be. There was a movie called What Women Want but Hotep was not in that movie. But had he been, it would have been more on target.

09:36 PM
The Beetle Borg was like the American version of the 1970s Japanese Power Rangers. Old computers struggle mostly because of the OS being bloated. @Ian and His Quaker Oat Box Drum#0566, if your operating system is Microsoft Windows, then that might be slowing your computer down. Windows and Apple can sometimes have some advantages. I generally run Ubuntu Mate 16.04. A new computer or try to minimize the user interface (UI). The trick is in finding an OS that is not too small or too big. Within Ubuntu are many flavors. I was with the regular Ubuntu. But I've went on to Ubuntu Mate. I've tried other Ubuntu distros like Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. Some operating systems can be over 20 GBs in size. But some of the smaller OSes can be less than 1 GB and some under 500 MB.

@Ian and His Quaker Oat Box Drum#0566, I would say there may be some programs you can run on Windows, Apple, Android, etc. However, that doesn't mean it's always impossible or too hard to run those programs on Linux, Unix, Ubuntu, etc. Challenging sometimes cuz you may have to install Wine, virtual boxes, etc, in order to run some programs on Linux etc. People who say Linux is too hard may be saying it based on the reputation Linux has had in the 1990s or earlier back when the UI was harder to use. Linux has been getting easier to use these past twenty years. I do dual boot sometimes. A good computer should have 32 GB of RAM. My current laptop has 16 GB. I do so much multitasking. I use around four different web browsers, file folders, notepad files, etc. I used to survive on 4 GB of RAM for so many years in the 2010s. Some games should be ok with 4 GB of RAM. It partly comes down to the CPU and GPU. Does your CPU have two physical cores? My old laptop was Yoga. My new laptop is ASUS.

Engorgement joined Memes World around 2015 or 2016. It was on Tiny Chat. During that era, some of the people on TC were leaving. They grew up or what not. It was a transitional period. Dingle invited him over. Eng knew Saaba since at least that era in time.

10:58 PM - Discord
What bothers me about @Roy Merrick#5961 is that Roy seems to know that I've worked in my life. I've had so many jobs. I've lived so many places. I'm not no kid who has never worked. Roy can tell me to go work. He can tell me to get a job. All of that doesn't matter. But what does matter is Roy should know better than to tell a fish to swim. Imagine telling a dog to bark. Like, I work. Of course I work. But it's almost like Roy thinks I fell off my bike. Roy thinks he is helping me back onto my bike. It's so insane.

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Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

What Are You Doing Ruff Ruff 2015.jpg

10:54 AM
Hotep Jesus - Actress Tanya Fear Interview

Best part about Tanya Fear is her Lara Croft accent.

05:18 PM
Scott Adams - Episode 1787 Scott Adams: Today I Will Rip The Cover Off Reality And Show You What's Really Going On

06:50 PM
Pultizer Prize is just a book club. You submit books and a few readers called judges read those books and pick their favorite ones.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:46 AM
Geeks + Gamers - Gina Carano Goes On Joe Rogan | Disney CEO Gets Extension | Star Wars Media Meltdown

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