A world in which everyone wears glasses | 人人戴镜的世界
In 2024, 6G and MAVR have been highly developed. MAVR refers to the combination of MR / AR / VR. In this era, everyone wears a pair of glasses, or contact lenses. Through the glasses, a variety of real and virtual information is displayed.
Each object has an "information window" on its head. Regardless of whether they are living or dead, they display information they want to show to others. At the same time, a group of hackers hope to see more private content.
Everyone can see the world in the eyes of others. Whether it is real or virtual, of course, the premise is within the scope of permission.
There are no more billboards on the curb. On each vacancy, there are only "marking points", and everyone sees through the glasses, which is customized information for him, including advertisements.
The search engine's entry directly became glasses. In this era, brain-computer interfaces have not yet reached the level of thinking in their heads and can be displayed directly through glasses, but voice interaction is already the norm, and it can be as elegant as muttering, not like broadcasting.
The game became unusually fun. There is a world war every day, and people are seeing people doing various tactical moves on the streets, but no physical injuries are caused.
There are such a group of people who do not wear glasses. They uphold the traditional way of life, but live like primitive people.
originally posted in Chinese on 2019-10-18 at https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU1ODg0MDk4NQ==&mid=2247483917&idx=1&sn=dbf6790347f9f8d42578df5d160edcb7&chksm=fc212ffbcb56a6ed2b37c85b2e71112217027c4e3678e2c74fda1bc346a8ba488268cb3c61e8&token=1114773613&lang=zh_CN#rd