Let's have church - April 15, 2018

An online Christian Community
Proclaiming the Good News of JESUS Christ
Promoting UNITY and TRUTH in the body of Christ

Welcome to this virtual church service.
We don't have a pastor, but I would like to introduce you one.
- Pastor Chuck Baldwin
- Liberty Fellowship
1840 US Hwy 93 S
Kalispell, MT 59901
- Liberty Fellowship
Liberty Fellowship Statement of Belief And Practice
Here is last week's sermon
The Attack Against Our Guns And The Christian Duty To Repel The Attack
Download the audio mp3
Watch his live stream
- LIBERTY FELLOWSHIP Live Streams its service
at approximately 2:30 pm (Mountain Time) each Sunday
More videos
Bible Studies
Donate to Liberty Fellowship
Click here
Is your pastor on the Internet, dTube, Internet radio, ...???...
- Have you done a post about your local church?
- please share in the comments below.
Featured Christian song JESUS FREAK by DC Talk
If you know of any other Christian musicians
(Steemit users preferred but not necessary...)
we could feature in an upcoming post,
please drop a link to them in a comment below...

Altar call
If you would like find out about becoming a Christian
and receiving the FREE gift of eternal life...
The KEY to Life!
If you're already a Christian, let us know in the comments so we may follow you.
If you have any prayer requests or praise reports, let us know in the comments...
Welcome to The Virtual Perfect Church
or The VPC for short
- @WizarDave first webmastered it in 1995.
- See the first saved copy of The VPC on archive.org
- dated March 30, 1997
- See the first saved copy of The VPC on archive.org
Use the #prpr tag for Prayer Requests & Praise Reports

God Bless
Image Sources: Either @WizarDave created them nearly 20 years ago (around 1995),
or they were given to him to use on his website.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Wow i love this.
The church online is really.
This is awesome.
Keep it up
I will support by voting always.
Thanks @mwanjo.
God Bless
Great post and a great concept, wishing you success with the virtual perfect church. Have upvoted and following. God bless.
Thanks. Following you also...