manfaat kolang kaling
Kolang-kaling including the type of food that is sought after the month of fasting arrived. Usually this collap-kaling used as ingredients to make a compote, fruit ice or similar drinks. Not a few people who like the taste of the seeds of enau or palm tree ini.Selain delicious to eat seeds with this chewy texture turned out to have a variety of nutrients that are good for maintaining the health of our bodies. Of course if consumed properly, and not excessive seeds of this palm tree can bring a million benefits for health.
that in every kernel it contains nutrients that are good for the health of the body such as: Vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, and other minerals (phosphorus, iron, potassium and even calcium).
Reflecting from the nutritional content contained in the kelp-kaling this, no wonder it is, if the white seed is believed to cure various diseases. that collang-kaling can bring health benefits include:
Prevent problems in bones and joints
The content of phosphorus and calcium is high enough in this tiny seed is efficacious to maintain bone health. And even if you consume dandruff regularly can strengthen the bone and prevent the occurrence of bone loss or better known as osteoporosis.
In addition to good for bone health, this tiny seed is also good for maintaining healthy joints. The reason is in the kelp-kaling ingredients contain galaktomanan substances, which is good to prevent the occurrence of interference in the joints.
Good for diabetics
For those of you who have a history of diabetes, consume kolang kaling can be a safe source of energy for you. Because in this chewy seeds contained glycemic index is low enough so that no harm for people with obesity and diabetes though.