Beauty and the beast
Once a merchant had to go on a journey.He asked his three daughters what he could bring back for them.The first two asked for expensive presents.The youngest beauty,asked for a single rose.on his way home,the merchant got lost.when he came to a castle,he stopped to ask for help.the castle seemed to be empty,but there was food and a bed.the merchant ate and the morning,the merchant remembered he had not yet bought a rose for beauty.The merchant went into the garden and picked a beautiful rose.At once there came a dreadful roar out jumped a rerrifying beast!"How dare you take my rose"he roared.the merchant tried to explan,but it was of no use."you must send your youngest daughter to live with me said the beast sadly,the merchant agreed. Beauty was fightened to go and live in the castle,but the beast treated her kingly.she had good food,fine clothes,and books to read.she soon began to be found of the beast.
One day,beauty learned that her father was ill she begged the beast to let her go to him.the beast was overload to go home.soon after she arrived home,her father recovered.the beast had given beauty a magic mirror.
One day,she looked ill and was herrifed.she rushed to the castle to his side .beauty found the beast lying on the she knelt beside him,she realized that she loved him and her tears fell onto his face at once, the beast awoke and turned into a handsome prince!he had been under the spell of a wicked watch.only true love could break the the prince and beauty could like happily ever after.