Conformity and Reproduction

Non Conformist - Future Notes.png

[Originally published in the Front Range Voluntaryist, article by Non Facies Furtum]

In Voluntaryist circles, as in groups of people interested in freedom in general or in even what are considered “conservative” or “traditional” ideas, the notion that the vast majority of the population are more or less ignorant “sheeple” is widespread. This isn’t really too unfair, as we have arrived through reason and evidence at the conclusion that taxation is theft, government is evil, and a whole host of other generally controversial ideas. We see that most people are either oblivious to these facts and judgments, while others bashfully shame themselves for thinking similarly and go on living a “mainstream” life.

Why is this? In many ways, it is because of the same reason that people have most of the traits that they have; because these traits were more likely to result in many successful reproductions. Throughout most of history, going against the dominant stream of thought in a society or tribe got a person killed or exiled, or at least either mutilated or shamed to the point that finding a mate willing to reproduce with was not feasible. In this way, tyrants of every age have used their power to try and breed out rebellious instincts and ideas; and also used the threat of destroying one’s ability to reproduce to effectively threaten potential dissenters into silence.

World War I was one of history’s all-time most destructive armed conflicts in terms of lives lost and property destroyed, and the political implications were horrendous as well. Surely, many ordinary men, if they had known the truth about the horrors of war, would have preferred to have stayed home and worked their professions, and raised their families. Would a British man in 1914 really have any reason to go and kill a German man in the fields of Northern France? Certainly, if it were up to the people who fought the war, they would not have chosen to do so. But when a government deems it necessary to use direct violence against another government, it will do all it can to gain more control over people. Propaganda was mass produced by all governments fighting in these wars, designed both to glorify the service of men in its armies, and to dehumanize the enemies. Simultaneously, in Britain for example, young women would give out white feathers to men who were not serving in the military. These were designed to single out the men as cowards, and to decrease drastically their sexual market value. The vile strategy of governments here was to poison attempts by men to reproduce whenever they did not go along with the government’s wishes. Sanity in an insane system was not tolerated.

In the open-air prison state of North Korea, conditions are wretched and life is dreadful nearly universally, especially when compared with the advanced and wealthy neighboring nation of South Korea. It is no wonder that many North Korean citizens try to escape the hell that they were born into, and many meet with success. Since the Korean War, between 100,000 and 300,000 have escaped from North Korea, and there an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 North Korean escapees today listed as refugees elsewhere. The strategies used by the North Korean government to prevent escape are many, and horrible. One of them, however, targets the reproductive and biological nature of human beings. The ‘Three-Generations’ rule is a policy that if one North Korean citizen is accused of a crime serious enough (usually a thought-crime), then three generations of immediate family will be sent with them, including the next two generations to be born in the camps. When North Koreans defect to the South, family members can be killed for this crime, as a way of disincentivizing escape through the threat of genetic elimination.

Today, we can see this same sort of pattern, albeit in a less dangerous form in many countries. Donald Trump is a figure which threatens the status quo for government dependent welfare recipients, progressive manipulators, the mainstream media, and for pencil pushing bureaucrats. They want to retain their generous handouts, prestigious yet useless jobs which harm the public, and to try and maintain their positions, they feel that they must destroy all support for Trump, supporters of liberty, and those value tradition, family, and Western Civilization.

Though you have no doubt experienced many of their strategies, they also use a strategy relevant to this article. Leading up to the 2016 election, there was a tremendous amount of noise urging people (especially women) to break up with their significant other if they expressed any support for Donald Trump’s candidacy, or even entertained any of the ideas he mentioned. The constant media coverage and tirade against Trump, conservatives, and people who support liberty has caused a “Trump derangement syndrome,” and those afflicted by it seem unable to tolerate anyone with different views on any subject. This is the result of many interest groups who desire a larger state, and their attempts to destroy the sexual market value of those whose ideas are in opposition to their own.

Hilariously, though, it seems this is failing. When women look for men who are progressives and Leftists, they get creepy soy-boys who think virtue signaling leads to sex, and the stereotypical obese basement dwelling internet-Marxist neckbeards. When they look to those who value independence, practical freedom, and traditional or conservative values, they see men who are driven, courageous, capable, and whose ideas have been proven by centuries of evidence to create happy, healthy, and wealthy families and societies. Conservatism and valuing freedom is the new counter-culture. It’s sexy.

It’s important to know the strategies that psychopaths, manipulative groups, and governments use to try and control people, and this sort of denial of reproduction is a common strategy among groups who have a vested interest in destroying your ideas. It has been used throughout history, is being used now, and will likely continue to be used. I encourage you to do your best to keep up the free discussion of ideas, and send cowardly tactics like this to hell. Speak freely, and improve the world.


My introduction touched on the white feather movement.
Interesting to note that years later journalists struggled to find any women who owned up to participating.

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