
Glad you enjoyed the read! There are many ways you can avoid taxation by merely by opting out of certain systems in a variety of ways. Using alternative currencies, barter & trade, avoiding participation in taxed activities and so forth. Basically opt out and don't participate.

well, most taxation is automated from your wage. you can't opt out of "pension. health care. various taxes" if you have a business can't opt out of income tax and so on so forth. i'd be interested to hear how you guys plan to do this because really, it just seems that you are avoiding the taxes and setting the IRS on your ass :) in the name of freedom.

"it just seems that you are avoiding the taxes and setting the IRS on your ass :) in the name of freedom." ~ Yes that's exactly what we are doing and we try our very best to ignore those thugs who threaten us with guns and cages and are no different than extortionists that act like bloods n' crips.

I never paid one dime of taxes ever . How I did it ? My secret 😜

heh. i love paying taxes :) correction: i'd pay them lovingly if i were from austria like you. n Romania, most are wasted to corruption though.

I opted out of the Austrian social system the moment the IRS started chasing me from my very first successful job I got with my PR Agency . I got a huge advertising campaigne producing a jingle with one of the musicians I worked with. My 1st !!!! Deal . I got up and left everything behind , never turned back . I work and pay for my own needs . I don't need the government to steal my rewards . It's not always been easy to go underground but I got away with it . Had to be very creative

well, you drove to work on streets payed with those "stolen" taxes, you were not hurt and raped by bad people on the street because the police guarantees peace, you are not nuked by Russians because the military is paid by your taxes and those musicians are appreciated because the culture got to a level where most ppl can buy music, which only happened because the society was not constantly at war with itself. It's easy to think just about your own needs, but the bigger picture is bigger than me and you.

Not saying all taxes are good, but some i see as necessary and even moral.

Oh and by the way . Soon I will be in pension and will try to get back what they "stole" from me . That's called " social security system ?! I never used it , put even my daughter in a privat school and paid for . Same for health insurance etc....

That's all very great, and it sounds like you lived a cool life [ and still at it! ] i'm just saying that it's easy to look at a small part of the system and think you can make it on your own. roads, military, doctors training, you can't do tht by yourself. sure, voluntary contribution work but for now the government has this role. I gladly pay my taxes but as i said, romania...

I understand what you mean and agree for contribution to our community but I chose how , what and how much . I have been with rotary here in Bali where their government didn't do one thing for their people . It's probably very corrupt and similar like in Romania. I have to admit that some of the tax money serves great purpose but most of the time it does not .

Something that seems promising to me is the crowdsharing concept that is seen with Uber, Flytenow, AirBNB, or EatWith. There exists a current problem with these in that they are not decentralized enough and can therefore be tracked and stopped by people with guns. But it's a great step in the right direction.

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