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This (short) article was originally posted on TheLibertyAdvocate.com.  

The ideas of voluntaryism are sometimes criticized as utopian fantasy  because “it just won’t work”. These people come up with difficult  questions and hard problems that a voluntary society would face, and  because the person they are asking doesn’t have the answers (or no one  does), they assume that the status quo of statism is the only workable  system simply because it actually exists. The problem with this  kind of thinking is that it will agree that voluntaryism may be the  only moral society, meaning that it agrees that it is the only system  that should exist, it just denies that voluntaryism can exist or that it  will function well, therefore it should not exist and not be  the libertarian end-goal. It is pretty obvious that this line of  thought is contradictory because it believes that a voluntary society  should both exist and not exist at the same time, and it is a non-sequitor that because you cannot comprehend a voluntary society existing in reality that it should not exist. 

So regardless if you can’t imagine a voluntary way of solving a  technical problem, it doesn’t magically justify aggression. Minarchists  in particular are guilty of committing this fallacy. The only consistent  position to take is the anarchist, or voluntaryist, position. It is not  possible to know in advance how people will live and thrive without  initiating force against each other, but it is possible to  speculate on the likely free market methods for provision of things like  defense, justice, roads, and protection. This has been the subject of  many excellent books, some of which I will do here (all of these are  free on Mises.org):

The Market for Liberty

 The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production 

The Private Production of Defense 

The Privatization of Roads and Highways