"Dear Government Snoop..."

in #voluntaryism7 years ago

Over the years various stories have come out “exposing” the fact that “government” agents are spying on Americans in all sorts of ways, without warrants or “probable cause.” To those of us who are aware of the true nature of political power, that “news” was about as surprising as finding out that water is wet. These days I pretty much assume that most or all of my communications are spied on by thugs of the state.

As evil as that is, in my case it does very little to change my behavior or what I say. This is because I don’t actually do anything particularly “illegal” anyway (well, not beyond what almost everyone does), and because I already publicly say what I think about the political parasites, so they don’t exactly need to spy on me to know what I think. For example:

In fact, in one way it sort of amuses me, knowing that state thugs feel the need to sneak and snoop, since I’m intentionally rather loud about expressing my opinions. And, as I’ve said before, the day they should worry about me getting nasty is the day I don’t dare to publicly say what I think.

But when it comes to keeping tabs on voluntaryists and anarchists (the real kind, not the made-for-TV “government” plants who have riots and break windows), the state’s paranoia and nosiness is downright amusing. How many dollars and man-hours does the parasite class put into spying on those dangerous “terrorists” and enemies of the state who—(brace yourself, because this is scary)—oppose the initiation of violence?!?!

Think how weird it must be if you were one of the mindless twits who work for the NSA or other agency of snoopers, and your job was to intercept and monitor and report back on communications between people saying that everyone (including the snoops spying on them) should be free from coercion, and that all of human society should be based upon consent and voluntary, non-violent interaction. Oh, the horror! Quick, report it to headquarters!

Yes, part of the discussion among people who believe in self-ownership and non-aggression also addresses the idea of using defensive force against aggressors, including aggressors with badges. And no doubt most snoops are brain-washed enough to really and truly believe that it is a horrible sin for someone to forcibly defend against any aggressor who has a badge, and whose aggression has been sanctioned by politician scribbles (“law”). But even in that case, at least some of these snoops, every once in a while, must start to notice that the people they work for are far more dangerous and immoral than the scary “criminals” who just want to be left alone.

Well, I think it’s high time that those of us who believe in freedom try harder to make the state’s snoops notice that more often, and more obviously. To that end, I put together the follow, and suggest that everyone who believes in freedom should cut and paste this into texts, messages, e-mails, any form of communication you can think of, with the intention of having the “government” snoops seeing it as often as possible. I don’t mean try to send it directly to them; I just mean send it to ANYONE AND EVERYONE, and let the snoops illegally intercept and read it. (And feel free to encourage others to do likewise.)

The message starts with a list of scary words and phrases, designed to set off their snoop-o-matic systems. Feel free to add to that list anything that you think they might be looking for and which might catch their attention.


bomb death target attack detonate casualties chemical gas damage kill jihad fire terror weapon explosion

Greetings, government snoop. Now that I have your attention (which was my purpose in including the terms above), I have a message that you should definitely spy on, monitor, review, analyze and pass on up your chain of command.

If your goal is to serve the interests of your political masters, then you are right to spy on me, because I am an enemy of the state. However, this is not because I want power for myself, or because I have any desire to harm, victimize, or dominate anyone. Quite the opposite. I am an enemy of the state because the state is always the enemy of peace, freedom and justice. Always.

It must have occurred to you by now how creepy it is that you get paid to monitor, and maybe even control and suppress, people who OPPOSE tyrannical authoritarian power—who OPPOSE the initiation of violence in principle. After all, who would have reason to be scared of people who want all human interaction to be VOLUNTARY, peaceful, and by mutual consent? (Yes, that is what actual anarchists believe.) Who would view as an enemy someone who believes that force should never be used to COMMIT aggression, but should only be used to defend AGAINST aggression?

If you thought your job was to find and spy on the bad guys, then stop reading this message and look in a mirror. You are one of the bad guys. Now, that might just be the result of your good but misguided intentions, and no doubt the people above you are a hell of a lot worse than you. But you are still, right now, acting as their pawn, their accomplice.

How much “patriotic” bullshit did they need to feed you, how much nationalistic rhetoric and how much fear-mongering was needed to dupe you into being their unthinking hound dog, or maybe attack dog? Did they convince you that authoritarian power is actually good for society, and that massive government power and surveillance is necessary in order to maintain “law and order”? Maybe they even convinced you that this Orwellian crap is being done for the sake of freedom. Were you stupid enough to believe that?

They probably also warned you to watch out for anti-government “propaganda,” which might even sound convincing. But I’m sure they made it clear to you that the last thing you, as the state’s mindless little bitch, should ever do, is think for yourself. No, just follow orders, do as you’re told, and get a pat on the head from the evil bastards you work for.

Ironically, at least some of the people you are now spying on want YOU to be free, just as much as we want freedom for ourselves. We recognize that YOU own yourself, that no one should initiate violence against YOU, that no one should rule YOU. Have your handlers made you into so loyal a slave that you will still spend day after day trying to surveil and undermine people who want YOU to be FREE? How pathetic and impotent must you be that you will continue to act as a pawn for people who view you as their disposable property, while helping them try to demonize, intimidate, harass and silence people who view you as a self-owning, valuable human being who should be FREE? (If you are baffled and confused at this point, take a few minutes to research and read up on the term “voluntaryism.”)

If your trainers and handlers left you with any balls at all, the least you should do is show this message to your fellow snoops, and even better, to your bosses. You see, those of us who condone peace and freedom don’t need to sneak around, don’t need to spy on others, don’t need to practice deception, censorship, manipulation and terrorism. We leave such cowardly, immoral methods to agents of the state. Like you.

We just say what we think. We openly and honestly advocate genuine justice, genuine peace and genuine freedom. And we understand that government and political authority are always the enemy of those things. Again, that is why we are enemies of the state. So you can either keep being a useful idiot for some of the most corrupt, power-happy psychos on the planet, or you can quit your job as snoop for political sociopaths and join the human race. Your choice.


Great message - it may be a bit over the top for including on my customer reply emails but I like your point!

I've put all my dangerous stuff on my website with my name on it to save the snoops some time..

These guys spy on Canadians too for no reason.

Y'all deserve it. Without spying, how will we know when you are going to be secretly planting loonies at center ice?

What goes around comes around, you sneaky hockey wing nuts. LOL

Great work as always @larkenrose! Followed your work on youtube and enjoyed the way you put your message out with your various videos. You do a great job of expressing your thoughts clearly and calmly and are a great example for the anarchist cause. I hope this post does well in finding others who are not yet as familiar and supportive of your cause as myself.

Have a great day my friend and thanks for all the great references and resources you have created over the years.

In a different direction, what about coaching less technical on how to make personal emails more secure with encryption? Or at least causing the state to burn the extra CPU cycles to decrypt everyday inconsequential communication.

And as a mix, looking to create a header|footer or random injector of "trigger words" prior to encryption?

I suspect if more people used even "adequate" encryption it would significantly increase the Cost of Paranoia in the "sociopathic state."

Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :]

I'm always ending social media posts with little comments to the NSA. something short & sweet like get out of those government buildings basements & get some sun you losers! reesteeming this!

I hope your projects are coming along well @larkenrose. Please comment and respond to us here so we can upvote your words and get you more cash to support your endevours. Question: What if someone wanted to volunteer time to help you? What would you need in terms of skills and commitment?https://www.patreon.com/user?u=347021

Since I made the terrorist watch list the amount of vehicles and man hours they spend following me is absurd.

I have black lines running through my otherwise flawless 1080p TV image at times.

It is not just digital spying. Some of us get hands on treatment.

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As another coding geek, I suspect that it is easy enough to filter this out as false positives.
I'd suggest we try it with two modifications...

  1. A key-word radomizer that has say 100 words, but only uses between 5 and 10.
  2. Individually modify the body of the letter so as to make it custom and not the exact same prose every time.

Other changes could be to randomly inject the "trigger word" throughout the body of the letter.

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