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RE: Vocab-ability–187 (poly = much, many) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability6 years ago


  1. Polygamist.
    I watched the show “Three Wives One Husband” on Netflix, a documentary show about the Rockland Ranch in Utah Desert which is a community developed by Bob Foster, a fundamentalist Mormon, is home to polygamists whose faith in religion believes that having more wives is the way to reach heaven.

  2. Polymath.
    To become a polymath takes great knowledge and perseverance in learning different philosophies and various fields of learning that are of individual’s interest.

  3. Polytheism.
    One of the many polytheism religions that exist in the world is Hinduism, which is said to originate from India with sacred writings dating as far back as 1400 to 1500 B.C, according to


Good work!

I'm not sure if having more wives is how to reach heaven. It might bring a man closer to heaven ... but it also might bring him closer to hell! I'll stick with monogamy.

lol...I don't think so either. I was surprised watching it, but it is what they believe...imagine that.

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