The truth behind sweet chocolate bars!

in #vn7 years ago


Not only very delicious, chocolate is also good for health. However, to produce it, there are a lot of children who are being treated like slaves.

Africa is the heaven of cocoa where has hundreds of thousands children have to work in cocoa farms with extremely harsh life conditions for meeting the demand of chocolate in the world. The children who are around 10-14 years old must give up their study to pluck cocoa. Normally, they have work continuously 12 hours/day under the blazing sun of Africa for receiving approximately USD 3. Even some haven’t been paid salary because of the greed of their boss. Moreover, touching directly with pesticides and injuries by sharp knifes make a lot of children slow death.
The poor of African and the higher demand of chocolate support for their parents have to take the children out of the school to work at cocoa farms.


ủa sao c k apply lại vào list vote của chú Đăng?

Uh chị vừa ms check list, apply bằng cách cmt dưới post của chị lenancie pk e?

ib thẳng cho c lenancie hoặc alice luôn c, chắc do c bận quá k cmt 4 post mỗi ngày nên bị out đấy!

Oke e. Tks e nhé :)

Amazing! Thank @haiyen2901 for sharing. I love chocolate so much. Hehe

Sad story mà sao @phillipvo vui thế :(((

À, do mình chưa đọc kỹ, vì mình thấy có socola nên mình tưởng ...

bây giờ mình mới biết, mình tưởng socola làm từ đường :))

Lm từ ca cao bạn ạ :)

chị có vấn đề gì mà ko dc vote thế kia?

Chắc do chị bận k cmt 4 post mỗi ngày e ạ

Ca cao trộn gì để thành cafe vậy b

cacao thành chocolate đâu phsir cafe. cafe có hạt cafe riêng

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