Human emancipation through abolition of taxes on income.

in #vm4 years ago

I had not intended to engage on this matter but with the global pandemic, an emergency arises to lift Mankind's burden. When one realizes that in the perspective of each and every competing proposed and existing government, outfits that may last for spans nearing a decade, taxes will continue to be seen as the primary source of operational funding.


Let me begin by busting our collective bubble. Taxes are an injustice. Conquered nations pay tributes to emperors and conquered provinces pay taxes to cities.

The false narrative that Nations and Cities organised by human beings can not ensure their own security, infrastructure or welfare programs without forcefully digging into the pockets of peasants by threat of force or loss of freedom. To begin with, income taxes were introduced as a temporary measure to fund the American civil war then later the secod world war. However after the latter, the government chose to keep its citizens as slaves. This was in addition to confiscating their gold earlier in the century.

Government should run business like everybody else and make profit. The ministry of education should be running commercial universities for foreign students, The ministry of health should be running the best hospitals and earning foreign income from medical tourists, the trade ministry should be a middleman between countries etc.

The idea that a government can denationalize, privatize all its commercial parastatals in the name of effeciency, then survive as a tax mobster is a fallacy.

The modern principle of income taxes is simple. Nations borrow loans, either from other nations or from the federal reserve in the case of the United States. Future taxes to be collected serve as a guarantee for these loans and their accruing interest. Basically, the current paradigm mortgages the lives of all citizens including the unborn. This is the primary reason governments hold a census or criminalize suicide. It sees every human as a potential donkey and a source of its taxes.

The fact that the threat of force is used by the government to ensure compliance means this is simply in the English language 'Extortion'. Not just theft as some proclaim.

The Christian religious principle of 'give Ceaser what is Ceaser's has been reduced to mean Ceaser must exist. Was this the intention behind the words of Christ? Were the Jews of Jerusalem forever to live under forced Roman occupation?

The words of the Qur'an are perhaps more clear:

And their taking of Usury though they were forbidden from taking it and their devouring of men's substance wrongfully. (سورة النساء, An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #161)

I would therefore like to present an alternative paradigm to the current Tax Systems.

Basic Principles:
A human being should never be levied for fulfilling his basic human needs nor from the immediate rewards of his employment , employment of his intellect, skill or labour.

A human being can not be compelled to protect his owner property, offspring, life, health or well-being in a particular manner by legislation.

Therefore government should have no part in such matters except as a regulator,

These give rise to:

Agenda 1: All Income taxes should be abolished. Income taxes were first introduced in the American civil war as a temporary

Agenda 2: Compulsory Insurance (Vehicle, Health, Social Welfare etc) should be abolished and engagement in such insurance should be voluntary.

Neither should government force or endorse any form of insurance nor taxes on income
None of these should be changed through legislation, referendum or any otherwise means.

Some taxes or form of taxation are justified, for example, a wealth tax on unproductive wealth, for example idle land or idle bank accounts above $10,000 in value. These discourage circulation of wealth, stimulate the economy and should replace the current guess-work called'fixing interest rates' to manage the velocity of money.

To fund mutual defense against enemies and to manage logistics for officials placed in charge of carrying out agreed upon social functions, taxes on imports and exports can be waged. Import taxes should all go to the military while export taxes should all be spent on law wnforcement. Politicians and other beaureaucrats should be satisfied to run government luxury taxes such as Value Added Tax (VAT).

These luxury taxes , and all taxes should not be waged on medicine,food, shelter, transport or energy.

This ensures that only those who have extra spending power should be burdened by tax, and even then, on items they can avoid or live without.

There are no referendums to abolish taxes nor is there an appetite by legislators whose luxury and security is driven by taxation to lift this burden off their population. To modern legislators, every fiscal problem has a tax solution.

The remedy:

Establishment of a political party solely aimed at implementing the agenda
Educating the public on the global principality scam of income tax
Ensuring this political has a majority that abolishes taxes in the next election.
Weaning the future government off the pockets of its people and to hard work.

If you agree with these ideas, please join the Telegram group @gotaxless , join my effort and share your perspectives

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