🎥So you want to be a Vlogger? Lesson 7 - 13 by @sirlunchthehost🎥
Check Out Lessons 1 - 6 Here
Table Of Contents:
Lesson 7: Learn how to be uncomfortable.
Lesson 8: Coming up with Ideas that Stick.
Lesson 9: How to stay Consistent.
Lesson 10: Knowing when to take a break.
Lesson 11: Co Vlogging & Joining a Community.
Lesson 12: Changing the Game.
Lesson 13: How to make Vlogging a Job.
Lesson 7 - Learn how to be uncomfortable.
Learning how to be uncomfortable is very difficult. It usually requires the vlogger to cast aside pre set notions and standards about a lot of things, but if you can some how manage to open up your standards you will have access to a much larger mental resource. An Ocean of ideas, It's not about what you can't do, but more or less about what you don't want to do. If you can get over this hurdle you will be that much better at producing content. Secondly, pushing the boundaries is your job, forcing people to think while keeping them engaged is an obligation. Never forget this.
Lesson 8 - Coming up with ideas that stick
RULE 1, Always write down the ideas that come to your head. Try to find a common theme that you can put throughout the majority of your content. Most of the time the best ideas are the ones that seem like they won't work @ the start. Keep at it and iron out the kinks, in due time the idea will flourish on its own. Great ideas are born in an instant, but take days, weeks even to unfold. Having a great idea is awesome, but you want to avoid BEING AHEAD OF YOUR TIME so make sure you place ideas properly. Don't push a concept viewers are not ready to absorb.
Lesson 9 - How to stay consistent
This is the VLOG KILLER and usually will consume any inexperienced vlogger in time. Be sure to map out exactly what you want to do, by doing this you will be able to get a good sense of how long of a run you can produce. Being consistent isn't about the ability to push out great content, its about the will to keep putting content out no matter what. At times this may seem like the easiest thing, more so when you are on a winning streak, but be careful & realize that everyone has a moment of down time. Don't panic, have back up videos/fillers to take up the time it takes you to refresh yourself.
Lesson 10 - Knowing when to take a break
The best time to take a break is after you create a great piece of content. Pat yourself on the back and take a couple days to absorb all the hard work that went into creating it. Most vloggers feel the need to constantly produce Hit videos after their first successful run. Don't. This will force you into creators block [ the inability to create content.]Remember to pace yourself, this is a long race that spans the whole year. Knowing when to sprint and when to jog is very important.
Lesson 11 - Co-Vlogging & Joining Communities
Never be afraid to work with another vlogger, cross vlogs are a great way to promote bother parties to different followers and fan bases. The chance for synergy should always be explored, but make sure you pick vloggers whom you think you can work well with via viewing their content. Make sure their content makes you:
Inspired to create something better.
These are some easy signs of knowing if you can work well with someone. After that take the time to learn just how they work and craft their own style. If you have the chance, you should always join a Community of like minded people.
And you are in LUCK! THE VLOGGERS GUILD IS A COMMUNITY OF VLOGGERS Join our discord. Always be active.
Lesson 12 - Changing the game
Changing the game only comes about during 1 of 3 situations.
1.Some one copies your style
2.You are out of ideas & falling behind
3.Everyone is counting you out
In any case, its always nice to have a game changer, here are 3 simple steps that will lead you to developing game changing IDEAS
Step i:Do something no one expects you to do.
Stepii: Develop & Display a new talent or ability.
Stepiii: Involve the Community.
Once you find a way to accomplish all 3 of these things, combine them together into a single thought which will come out as a Game Changing Idea. Once you have obtained this idea make sure to execute it in a new diverse way.
Lesson 13 - How to make Vlogging a Job
SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. Before you can even think about turning vlogging into a job, you need a safety net. Save about 3 - 6 months worth of living before starting the venture. This will ensure you can devote at least a good portion of your time to the craft. Vlogging and becoming good at it won't happen over night and you should be prepared for the long haul. By doing this you also allow yourself the room to not worry about payouts and focus solely on content creation.
He makes it sound simple but it's really not. 😔
I'm a get a vlog out eventually though, just wait
Haha, its as simple as you make it and sometimes one makes it the hardest to complete any task!
Priceless lessons brother.
You genuinely made me think on another level.
It;s inspiring to hear these thoughts from a pro like yourself because you are obviously thinking of this as a long term game.
Awesome post.
Big love ❤️
Good lessons! Number 12 is still hard for me to figure out. All the others I can understand -- but the next step is actually doing that! Yep!