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RE: Why I haven't made a video for a couple of days
Oh NO!!!!! Can I give You a Big HUG and KISS (on your cheek, no not that cheek) (also stop smoking) (cigarettes) I'm so sorry you had a bad few days.... I feel Horrible... Next To save, Pick the time, 2 hours, 4 hours, There's a drop down menu. I've felt trapped myself. Its Scorpio season. BTW, your camera is amazing. Your face, eyes,look like your real. Like 4k and shit! I still feel Horrible... But now that your feeling better, get out into that sunshine! I am really sorry you had bad days....
Sure! Send them through the intrawebs :D I'm kinda glad it happened tbh. Snapped me back to relity. Was in a wierd place before.
What do you mean? I stopped smoking a couple months ago. Very rarely light up a cig nowadays. Maybe one in the morning with my coffee.
Yeah, I figured after the second time it crashed.
Felt great going out today but it is getting colder as eah day passes so soon I'll be trapped in the apartment once again QQ
Thanks! Still not 4k though as I only got one memory card which would quickly run out of space when recording in 4k so I just record in 1080p.
My bad! I thought you said you spilled the ashtray.
Posted using Partiko Android
My bad! I thought you said you spilled the ashtray.
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh yeaah, I did say that and I did say it was filled with cigarette buds because I didn't want to say it was full of roaches hahahh
Seeeeee 😋
Posted using Partiko Android