How Do We Defend What We Value While Keeping Things Fun?

in #vlog8 years ago (edited)


Are we making Steemit too serious? Are we innovating and taking risks, even if we might be misunderstood? Are we having fun?

How do we balance the value of shaming harmful actors on the network without going on witch hunts? How do celebrate the non-coercive nature of this ecosystem while strongly defending our values as to what gets rewarded and what gets excluded?

This and more in this a quick update (just under 8 minutes) on the last three weeks, my new mic (yeah!), our road trip, speaking at conferences, and keeping Steemit fun while defending it. Thanks for watching and thank you to my followers (over 600! Wow!) for encouraging me so much.

Have a great day!


My road Trip:

Conference Talks at RESTfest and BarCamp Nashville:

@thecryptodrive's @steemsports:

Sockpuppets(?) exposed(?) by @bacchist and @ats-david:
Edit: @kushed responds: @kushed/will-the-real-sock-puppet-please-stand-up
Edit: @honeyscribe responds: @honeyscribe/of-sock-puppets-and-witch-hunts

The FoxyCart 404 Page


Thanks @bacchist.

Key takeaways for me:

Still, I wish he would have contacted me another way, such as inviting me to via comment, so I could connect with him and attempt to answer questions. He never attempted to contact me to confirm his suppositions which is an important piece of journalistic practice.

If you recall, that's what I've been advocating over and over again in direct message chant with you and others. Maybe it's my religious (now rejected) upbringing, but I do think there's some wisdom here:

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.

Matthew 18:15

If this isn't heartfelt, I don't know what is:

Please, Steemians, take note that sometimes people hide their faces not because they are liars, but because it is the only way they can step safely into the greater world. Again, I will point to the fact that all work here has been original.

This is not the voice of an evil doer:

I offer you an apology if I have hurt you. I truly am sorry.

Let's put down our pitforks and extinguish our torches. Let's all learn a little non-violent communication and seak out the tragic expressions of unmet needs all around us. Let's listen more and judge less. As we point a finger at others, we have many more pointing back at us. We recognize our own failures in others far too quickly.

Let's build instead of destroying.

Thank you for pointing me here @lukestokes. I have joined as @honeyscribe. I am going to hang out there a bit and try to understand it, maybe open a discussion thread if that is the right thing to do.

I appreciate where you are coming from. I actually have a lot of respect for the way of approaching the situation that you are promoting. And I have to agree that our unmet needs are often tragically expressed.

That being said, I can't take the explanations at face value. Not after the deception which has taken place. These are not honest actors. They are not conducting themselves in good faith.

The thing with rabbit holes is that they're pretty deep.

These are not honest actors. They are not conducting themselves in good faith.

I think that's a judgement which is based on paranoia, not reality. But keep on with what you think is right and time will decide who is benefitting the network and who is harming it.

Based on the evidence you have seen...

Namaste Luke! You are an amazing person, I was bracing myself to get on the defensive when I saw your post, but then I watched the video and was really humbled, preconceived ideas can get the best of us like it did me right now before I actually watched your video.

I don't think you needed to apologise, you helped me tweak and find some errors in my post through our conversation, I enjoy chatting with you always.

Normally I don't care what people think, but there are certain people, like yourself who's opinions really matter to me, because I hold your values in high regard and you are a family man like me.

I pledge not to disappoint you or the community, every initiative I do is for the future of Steemit, I am invested in this community.

Upvoted! The newborn @steemsports account just gave you a little ping vote of 1 cent as well! :)

Thanks Ricardo. :)

I think many here appreciate your intentions and your positive reputation. The concerns appear when others with less honorable intentions try for a quick buck to the detriment of the network. That's a tricky thing to "solve," if it can be at all.

Cool shirt! I want a unicorn pooping rainbows and lucky charms. Looking forward to when they're available. :)

I admit I have been wondering what your take on this topic would be. The question of yours about "If everyone in the community did this, would it be harmful or helpful for the community?" echoed in my head as I watched the carnival. I really wanted to know whether sock puppets would be good or bad for the community, but was afraid to ask something so simple. It bothered me that I was afraid to ask. So I did ask, but chose an awkward situation and was incoherent.

Reporters are the members of society who are not afraid to be coherent. The professionalism they bring to directness is invaluable (@ats-david, you're my hero). I will never be a reporter; I depend on them to ease my concerns as a non-dev minnow. I need things to be talked about and for those who understand to weigh in with perspectives I am incapable of arriving at on my own, brilliant though I am. So thank you for answering my question without my having to ask.

BTW, I'm getting quite active in projectnewbie and will be sharing your reputation advice post regularly with new kids as a primer in steem-etiquette. It rules. Thanks again.

Thanks @pulpably. :)

I'm still working through this also, which is why I'm asking more questions than I am giving answers. If everyone did it, it could be harmful... but taken to an extreme, that could be said about almost any post or weekly report or whatever. I think community norms are based on emergent properties, and they change over time. What's valued today, may be discouraged tomorrow and vice versa. They key, I think, is staying flexible and kind. Hopefully we can all learn some NVC as well.

A lot of people look to you as an example and so it's just plain awesome that you're willing to be publicly tentative and advise kindness and flexibility. Even once we have someone in the role @steemship asked for, it will help if everyone refrains entirely from war cries and witch burning. Let's not be facebook ;P

Thank you, sincerely. That's quite a complement, and I really do appreciate it. Indeed, let's not be Facebook. Let us evolve.

Thanks. I didn't really think it so, but I appreciate the compliment. :)

That's well balanced. How to name and shame bad actors? It's the billion dollar question, sure enough. My own feeling is more inter-human dialogue. It seems now that there is too much trust in a system of communication which in reality has only three "verbs": upvote, downvote, and ad hominum. And personally I think down-voting is a really clumsy and blunt tool, and the platform could do with a more controlled way of dealing with fraud.

the platform could do with a more controlled way of dealing with fraud.

Controlled in what sense? To me, the most powerful and effective long term solution to negative actions is open discussion. Rational people will see it and recognize which activities will not lead to their own benefit. Irrational people bent on continuing to harm others will be excluded and marginalized by the flag and a terrible reputation.

Yes, "controlled" is not a good choice of word. I meant in the sense of being measured and more refined, rather than just +/- voting and trusting in a just average. As you say, open discussions: my "inter-human dialogue" is again clumsy.

BTW, a revelant discussion is going on in the comments thread to a recent @masteryoda post, in case you had not noticed it.

Upvoted. Please vote in the lottery of herbert müller. You can then also win Steem Power.

I will not vote for this. To me, it's vote buying and a net negative to the platform. I'm thankful to see many people agree with me and your post has very few valuable posts on it now, with less than $0.10 in value. If it were more valuable, I think some whales would flag it. Vote buying hurts us all.

This is OK. But i think it is no different to many other games on Steemit. Look at the hidden gems. The different is only, that the winners know ist before. And all the other challanges are not big different. I want only to bring a little bit fun on Steemit with this.

I agree, if steemit is not fun, entertaining and informative with just the intent to help people, try another outlet.