RE: Why I Quit Vlogging|| VEDA Day 26
Hi girl, ntmu! First time here and just watched some of your video and I have some comments and suggestions.
I commend you for being so brave to not only vlog but to vlog while poor and vlog while struggling with mental and physical health issues. WOW! You are strong and incredibly brave, authentic and inspirational! You have wayyyyyy more quality attributes than most people. I hope you feel proud of yourself at the end of day, you deserve that.
You seem over it and maybe that's just miscommunication but either way that's ok if you are. People can be annoying, I apologize if I'm one of them lol.
What if you could offer in the description of your video or overlay of your video some type of tip jar or milestone indicator that shows how much you have saved up toward a certain piece of equipment for your channel/vlog? I think this would redirect negative comments to the obvious and invite your viewers to travel with you on your journey. This can be exciting and motivational for everyone involved. It may even help those complainers to take action and help do something about it if they really want to see changes.
Anyway, I wish you the best! I came out of my steemit hibernation just for this lol.
that tip jar sounds like a good idea. At least in 2016/17 (the tense I am speaking about in the video), I have Patreon where you can sub for a certain perk but( I was too small I guess.)
I do have a Patreon where you can get early access to my content. The Patreon is a good way to help with equipment or will allow me to replace my gear if something breaks.
Anyways thanks for your nice comment.